Sentences with phrase «relationship between the partners»

In a world of increasingly sophisticated in - house legal teams, the personal relationship between the partner and the client becomes more and more important.
And the authority relationship between the partner - lawyers and the IT team can cause communication to be less than fluid.
«A long - distance relationship (LDR)(or long - distance romantic relationship (LDRR)-RRB- is an intimate relationship between partners who are geographically isolated from one another.
Collaborative relationships between partners in the research sector, the Aboriginal community and communities in the Torres Strait
The goals of our work are to build relationships between partner groups and communities; connect these movements; elevate the work and struggles of frontline communities and thereby advance their goals and campaigns; and build the capacity of our movement and organizations, especially the under - resourced grassroots organizations.
The previous agreement between Millicom and Rocket Internet signed in August 2012 has been amended to exclude Africa Internet Holding for which relationships between partners will now be governed by this new agreement.
* There is a managerial relationship between the partner organisations in Germany, Austria and Argentina and the AFH in Amsterdam.
Low - income fathers often face the additional challenge of not having sufficient education, skills, and other resources to bring to their relationships, making them less likely to be able to provide financially and build and maintain healthy relationships.9 Likewise, the stresses and anxieties that come with poverty can negatively influence relationships between partners and between parents and their children.10
That's basically his attitude towards relationships between partners with anxious and avoidant attachment styles.
Although the findings indicated no direct relationship between partners» helping motivation and ICPs» well - being or distress, we found ICPs suffering from high pain intensity to benefit from autonomously motivated partners.
Marriage and family therapists (MFTs) and other psychologists recommend divorce counseling or therapy, a relatively new therapeutic concept designed to re-structure relationships between partners and spouses.
«If any such program is going to work,» he said, «it must be based on a strong relationship between the partners in the program.»
ICEEFT serves as a centre of excellence for the promotion of secure, resilient individuals and successful relationships between partners and within families.
A father who is bonding with his child shows deep commitment to his family, therefore the relationship between partners gains more trust, becomes deeper and jumps to a whole new level -
A father who is bonding with his child shows deep commitment to his family, therefore the relationship between partners gains more trust, becomes deeper and jumps to a whole new level - a parenting level.
In Jewish dating, this is particularly important as mutual principles and way of life form a core part of attraction and the foundation of a relationship between partners.
The relationship between the partners in Dance in the Country is not the formal matrimonial embrace seen in Dance in the City.
While building a relationship between a partner and an associate is important, if the conversation never moves beyond social chitchat, it is not mentoring.
Polyamory is not about sex, just as traditional marriage is not about sex, but about the relationship between the partners.
In the recent case of McCormick v. Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, the Supreme Court of Canada has unanimously ruled that generally speaking, an equity member of a partnership is not an «employee» under the Human Rights Code («Code»), and therefore a Human Rights Tribunal had no jurisdiction over the relationship between a partner and their partnership.
How do you see the relationship between partners and clients developing in the future?
For example, Gal might ask a couple to stage a «sculpture» that reveals the relationship between the partners when it's not working, and another one for their ideal future.
Not only does such a decision affect the relationship between partners, it can also impact children and extended family members.
Improve the relationship between the partner and the man with prostate cancer including their communication techniques, intimacy and sexual relationship.
Affair recovery requires that the relationship between the partner who strayed and the affair - partner must fully conclude - but how «no contact» is implemented is tricky business.
Affair recovery requires that the relationship between the partner who strayed and the affair partner must fully conclude - but how it's done is tricky business.
Polyamory is not about sex, just as traditional marriage is not about sex, but about the relationship between the partners.
This idea is known to close relationships researchers as the «principle of least interest» 1 — that when there is an inequality in the desire to maintain the relationship between the partners, the person least into the relationship has the power to call the shots.
«ICEEFT serves as a centre of excellence for the promotion of secure, resilient and successful relationships between partners and within families.
Most important for couples is the quality of the relationship between partners.
ABOUT ICEEFT: ICEEFT serves as a center of excellence for the promotion of secure, resilient individuals and successful relationships between partners and within families.
Helping Couples Understand Infidelity and Cheating Founded in 1988 by Dr. Sue Johnson, the ICEEFT serves as a centre of excellence for the promotion of secure, resilient and successful relationships between partners and within families - read more... Maplewood...
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