Sentences with phrase «relationship during the first year of life»

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He discovered that the foundation of the building of personality is created during the first six years of life by the quality of a child's close relationships with need - satisfying adults.
But physical proximity through the senses is only the first stage of this attachment relationship, and during the first year of life, it is the only way that babies can attach.
It remains ongoing throughout your child's first year of life — it's during this time that the relationship between you and your child develops most intensively.
Puppies need a series of shots during the first year of life, so having an established relationship with a reputable vet will save you time in searching for one when you need it.
We feel it is better to start your relationship with your doggy during his first year of life and really the sooner the better.
«This fascinating documentary dramatically illustrates the enormous importance of the relationship between parent and child during the first three years of a child's life.
This stage usually takes place during the first couple years of a relationship and as you progress toward living together.
Learning these basics of healthy relationships will come in handy during your first year of college, and will also benefit your future relationships in a way that will lead you to experience a happier and more fulfilling life.
By contrast, people who develop an anxious or insecure attachment style — typically due to inconsistent parental attention during the first years of life — are apt to try to keep a defunct relationship going rather than suffer the pain of dissolving it.
Disruption of attachment during the crucial first three years of life can lead to «affectionless psychopathy;» the inability to form meaningful, emotional relationships, coupled with chronic anger, poor impulse control, and lack of remorse (Bowlby 1969).
John Bowlby believed that the relationship between the infant and its mother during the first five years of life was most crucial to socialization.
Assessed relationship between children's minor illnesses during the first 3 years of life and parenting stress in the 4th year.
Relationship between neonatal behavioral organization and infant behavior during the first year of life
The aim of this study was to explore the degree to which couples» relationship dissatisfaction and stressful life events during pregnancy predict the risk of infectious disease in the offspring during their first year of life.
The main purpose of this study was to examine to what degree the level of maternal relationship satisfaction during pregnancy predicts the risk of infectious disease in children during their first year of life.
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