Sentences with phrase «relationship of a sexual nature»

Simply put this code is a set of rules in which both parties have mutually agreed to a non-committed relationship of a sexual nature.

Not exact matches

Sexual relationships between a husband and a wife can participate in the meaning of communion that reaches the edges of holiness and has something of the nature of a sacrament about it.
Similarly, while there may be some value in the refusal to take a moral stance on homosexuality — in order to focus squarely on the nature of marriage rather than on same - sex relationships — I am less than persuaded by the authors» moral judgment that people's sexual relationships are a private issue.
They are fully aware that no one can have sexual intercourse outside of a committed monogomous relationship, that being marriage, and not endure sufferings of a physical, emotional or spiritual nature.
«Individuals define themselves in a significant way through their intimate sexual relationships with others,» and «much of the richness of a relationship will come from the freedom an individual has to choose the form and nature of these intensely personal bonds.»
For whatever reason, I acknowledged and embraced the sexual, flirty side of me that I love but foolishly believed had to be in check when I was married — channeling Vice President Pence here — and when I was in some relationships, the ones in which my flirtatious nature was seen as a threat and not a playful interaction with an equally flirtatious partner but trusted and openly talked about.
Its not a sexual relationship its a trusting friendship that happens to be intimate due to the nature of the act of birth and where babies come from.
In addition to our culture's fascination with breasts as sexual objects, breastfeeding is also «modified by a wide variety of [cultural] beliefs, not only about infant health and nutrition, but also about the nature of human infancy and the proper relationships between mother and child, and between mother and father1.»
Desmond Morris theorized that since breaking the hymen is painful, the membrane is nature's way of making sure young women don't enter into a sexual relationship lightly, thus squandering their genetic material upon a union with some cad who isn't likely to stick around to help raise the child.
Communing with nature, love of animals, having fulfilling work, appreciating art and beauty, intimate relationships of all kinds - these are all, not poor substitutes, but conduits for release of sexual energy.
b. To be free of any approach or relationship that is or appears to be personal, romantic or sexual in nature.
Also due to its deep relationship with sexuality and in turn the sexual organs the cyclical nature of the moon shares a relationship with the menstrual cycle of women.
Marriage is generally understood as the union and commitment between two people in an interpersonal relationship that is recognized by an official institution, such as the state and church, and is of a sexual nature.
While some of these relationships are strictly talking and romantic, most are very sexual in nature too.
For if, sexual relationship is abusive in nature then sex between persons of same race would be abusive to the same degree as that between persons of different race.
Black men desire of having an intimate relationship with white women due to their hyped sexual nature.
Most hetero couples don't have a conversation about the nature of their sexual relationship unless they happen to fall outside of the norm such as being polygamous.
In common law systems, personal property In sociology, homosociality means same - sex relationships that are not of a romantic or sexual nature, such as friendship, mentorship, or others.
First is the highly sexual nature of the maturity both films chronicle, with prepubescent Lila (Gina Piersanti) in It Felt Like Love trying to basically force her way into her sexuality, while Frankie (Harris Dickinson) in Beach Rats struggles with his sexual identity, cruising for older men online while trying to maintain a heterosexual relationship with Simone (Madeline Weinstein).
Polanski preys on this idea through this stunning rumination on relationships, taboo, power of both a psychological and sexual nature, and the universal drive of pleasure, no matter from where it may come.
Gore, long known for his strong pro-wildlife stance, denied charges of an inter-species sexual liaison, insisting that his relationship with the woodland creature was «purely environmentalist in nature
The 1970s: The Blossoming of a Queer Enlightenment explores the vibrant and liberating decade between the Stonewall Riots from 1969 until 1980, just before we heard the first rumblings of the AIDS crisis emerging, changing the nature of sexual relationships to the present day.
Focusing on humankind's obsessive relationship to computers and other virtual platforms, the works in this exhibition are microcosmic scenes that convey the varied nature of these relationships, such as obsession, escapism, isolation and sexual fetish.
Improve training for police, Crown, and judiciary to better respond to sexual assault, having regard to the unique nature of sexual assault and the myths and stereotypes about sexual assault, in order to repair survivors» relationship with the criminal justice system and encourage reporting.
The Ontario Court of Appeal has stated that «when a manager or other senior employee engages in serious sexual harassment and denies that the misconduct occurred or otherwise refuses to recognize the unacceptable nature of his or her conduct, termination of the employment relationship may be the appropriate employer response».
Based on the statement of the mother, there appeared to very limited opportunity to have committed any of the alleged sexual assaults and more importantly when comparing the circumstances as described by the mother and the complainant, as to the nature of the relationships, the allegations seemed highly implausible.
In terms of affection and sexual relationship, the losses will be more abstract in nature.
In fact, the explicit absence of any time - bar in which to sue has been expanded in Ontario beyond «sexual assault» (i.e., where there has been actual physical contact of a sexual nature) to «any other misconduct of a sexual nature» if it involved a minor or occurred in a relationship of inequality or dependency.
``... for those of us currently involved in or contemplating the start of an affair — one that is more than simply sexual or emotional in nature — conscious attention to the situation that exercises a certain degree of both social and emotional intelligence might lead us, not only back to our primary relationship, but to a deeper understanding of both ourselves and our social needs.»
Within two hours of engaging in sexual activity, participants completed an online questionnaire assessing the nature of their sexual activity, pillow talk (5 items assessing post-sex communication, e.g., «I expressed some positive feelings for my partner»), and feelings about the relationship.
1: Couples need to be mindful of sexual desire's fragile nature and when possible, take steps to protect this part of your relationship from the influences that can extinguish desire (practicing self - care and stress management are central; setting appropriate boundaries around the relationship);
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