Sentences with phrase «relationships characterized»

Individuals who are in relationships characterized by high levels of social trust are more apt to openly exchange information and to act with caring benevolence toward one another than those in relationships lacking trust.
It also appears that associations are bidirectional in nature, as Bell and Belsky (2008) found that mother — child relationships characterized by less closeness and greater conflict in late childhood were associated with more sleep problems in young adolescence, and childhood sleep problems were likewise associated with decreases in sensitive mothering and closeness over time.
Mother - child relationships characterized by dyadic synchrony, a mutually responsive and interconnected interaction style, have been consistently linked to children's psychosocial adjustment in early childhood, but it is unclear whether such interaction patterns remain conducive to positive outcomes in early adolescence.
In the context of three - generation, adolescent African American parent families, maternal maturity, maternal self - esteem, and mother - grandmother relationships characterized by autonomy, mutuality, and positive affect served as important resiliency factors protecting adolescents from poor and inadequate parenting outcomes during the infancy period.
These changes are important because both stressors and depression can sensitize the inflammatory response in such a way that they produce heightened responsiveness to stressful events as well as antigen challenge.25, 27,28,60 Furthermore, more frequent or persistent stress - related changes in plasma levels of these key cytokines have broad implications for health; elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines have been linked to a variety of age - related disease, including cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, certain cancers, and frailty and functional decline.29 Moreover, inflammatory activation can enhance development of depressive symptoms.30, 31 Thus, relationships characterized by hostility, repeated conflicts, and heightened IL - 6 levels could have negative consequences for both physical and mental health.
A key factor in the sustenance of relationships characterized by CCV is the victim's financial dependence on the perpetrator.
Teacher — student relationships characterized by conflict and mistrust have deleterious effects on children's learning (e.g., Hamre and Pianta 2001).
The authors suggested that relationships characterized by intense fighting dissolve sooner than do those characterized as without positive affect, whereas in the latter type of relationships, people may become emotionally detached but postpone dissolution until the need to remain together (e.g., to raise children) becomes less crucial.
Overall, the affirmative and accepting aspects of relationships characterized by these first three fighting styles significantly outweigh the harmful aspects.
Secure attachment, for example, allows individuals to use their ability to form quality relationships characterized by trust and confidence in their own skills to meet their goals (Collins and Read 1990; Simmons et al. 2009).
Counterdependence is an insecure approach to relationships characterized by deactivating or denying any attachment needs and, therefore, avoiding distress cues (Mikulincer 1998).
Although most mothers reporting abuse have no relationship with the father shortly after birth, a substantial number remain in violent relationships characterized by regular support and involvement, cohabitation, and in some cases, marriage.
Whereas as parenting relationships characterized by lack of support and harsh parent - child interaction would be expected to have a pro-inflammatory effect.
Rather the researchers believe that study data suggest that there are a number of relationships characterized by different cognitive capacities and ways of thinking in the arts that have impact on learning in the arts and other subjects.
In others, marriage is a provision for companionship (Genesis 2) or the structure for relationships characterized by order and love (Ephesians 5:21 f.; Titus 2:4; 1 Peter 3:1 f.).
It also holds that wives should join their husbands in egalitarian relationships characterized by mutual love and submission.
First, our recent dive into parenthood has made me exceedingly glad we ditched the strict gender roles promoted by conservative evangelical culture in favor of a relationship characterized by mutuality and flexibility.
This new family ideal takes an entire book to elaborate (with important questions still left unanswered), but can be briefly summarized as follows: it is the voluntary lifetime union of a woman and a man who parent their own children in a relationship characterized by love, justice and equal regard.
A relationship characterized by reconnoitering the frontiers of the secular where, both in the name of the church and outside of it, the gospel can be declared in new ways and with a new display of its power to build and transform to plant and to uproot, to burn and heal.
In contrast, the liberal understands the relationship between God and the world as a relationship characterized by God's involvement in the world (88).
Our framework links innovative approaches for (1) generating high - resolution, probabilistic projection of future climate and sea - level changes and (2) empirically identifying robust statistical relationships characterizing how humans have responded to past climate variability and past climate change, in order to (3) project how humans may respond to uncertain future changes.
What they don't tell you is that this romantic scene is the culmination of a relationship characterized (I think) by verbal and mental abuse, suspicion of entrapment, and occasional trills of «Up Where We Belong.»
Siblings with an age difference of less than two years may have a relationship characterized by more conflict than children at different developmental stages.
Effective treatment requires an affectively attuned relationship characterized by concordant intersubjectivity.
These findings from this large, multisite study suggest that the absence of a positive relationship rather than a relationship characterized by high EE have may superior predictive validity in staff - patient dyads.
Thus, any current partner was identified and the relationship characterized as spouse, cohabiting partner, or noncohabiting partner.

Not exact matches

A highly useful tool for the management of employees, staff handbooks serve to define and characterize in detail the relationship between the employer and the employee.
It draws them in because it conveys the kind of unconditional positive regard that characterizes relationships at their best.
The rooms give a sense of belonging to a smaller division, but also characterize the relationship of that smaller division to the larger company.
It needs a complete overhaul, because, as do many family relationships, it creates a blueprint for systemwide dysfunction, characterized by poor social skills, unprofessional behavior, bullying colleagues and inferiors until they become successful enough to bully others — or, if they decide to leave, cutting them off completely, disowning them like a son or daughter who's married the wrong person.
«Although she desires to remain confidential and requests that her privacy be respected, in no way did Mr. Lizza's misconduct constitute a «respectful relationship» as he has now tried to characterize it,» Douglas Wingdor said in a statement.
This skill «enables the complex social relationships that characterize human societies,» the authors write.
«Doing so involves downplaying the sales - driven nature of the relationship and characterizing it instead as one of trust and reliance in which the interests of the customer always come first.»
Integrity, attentiveness, and longevity have characterized the company's client relationships since 1972.
But we can, along with the authors of this document, thank God that «we have come a long distance from the disunity, suspicions and even hostilities that characterized our relationships for generations.»
It increases most of all because the animosity which, unfortunately but truly, characterized so much of their relationship throughout history is now seen to be overcome by the two communities themselves.
The covenant was not simply a piece of paper affirming partnership no matter what, but instead a means to secure the «robust accountability» and «gracious restraint» that characterize deep relationships rooted in mutual recognition of catholic faith and order, grounded in creedal doctrine, and answerable to the authoritative word of Scripture.
In this sense, what we mean by concordant parity is not so much cooperation or expressed support, but a relationship in the composition of the event characterized by reciprocal intensification.
The letters depict the sometimes underestimated maturity that characterized their relationship despite their age difference, and portray the circumstances leading to their engagement.
The player is called into play by a potential co-player and / or play object, and while at play, treats other players and / or «playthings» as personal, creating with them a community that can be characterized by «I - Thou» rather than «1 - It» relationships.
This chilling thought adds a new importance to the images we use to characterize our relationship to others and to the nonhuman world.
The husband - wife relationship illustrates the complimentary and unity - in - diversity that characterizes God's own nature as One Being who exists eternally in three Persons.
The convergence model represents human communication as a dynamic, cyclical process over time, characterized by (1) mutual causation rather than one - way mechanistic causation, and emphasizing (2) the interdependent relationship of the participants, rather than a bias toward either the gisource» or the «receiver» of «messages.»
When relationships between parents are characterized by love, warmth, cooperation, security, and mutual support, children and adolescents are more likely to show positive adjustment.
There is an intimate «withness» that characterizes the relationship.
The juvenile stage, which is characterized by a need for more extensive relationships among one's peer group, then takes over and dominates personality development throughout one's early years in school up to and including the initial awareness of one's sexual identity.
One can use the expressions «Philosophy After Whitehead» or «Post-Whiteheadian philosophizing» to characterize the relationship of the work of some philosophers to the categoreal insights presented in Process and Reality, but in my own case I feel that these expressions connote a looser relationship than that which characterizes my own orientation.
This is a book that appreciates the messiness that characterizes the actual, many layered, multifaceted dimensions of the relationship of religion to politics.
Affection and infatuation are to characterize the envisioned relationship.
The religious group is characterized by the nature and order of the basic relationships of its members: in the first place, that of each member to the numen; in the second place that of the members to each other.
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