Sentences with phrase «relationships moderate the impact»

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These cultural differences may have a differential impact on associations between verbal ability and alcohol use variables such that this relationship may be moderated by ethnic group in the U.S. but not in Finland.
She used R (i.e., a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics) to simulate correlation scatterplots (see Figures below) to illustrate three unique situations: (1) a simulation where there are two indicators (e.g., teacher value - added and observational estimates plotted on the x and y axes) that have a correlation of r = 0.28 (the highest correlation coefficient at issue in the aforementioned post); (2) a simulation exploring the impact of negative bias and a moderate correlation on a group of teachers; and (3) another simulation with two indicators that have a non-linear relationship possibly induced or caused by bias.
2) Campus pressure plays a moderating role in the relationship between professional identity and anxiety; it negatively impacts the relationship between professional identity and anxiety.
2) Campus pressure in the relationship between professional identity and anxiety plays a moderating role; the impact of professional identity and anxiety has reduced effect.
The relationship between community violence exposure and any number of associated negative outcomes is not causal because of multiple interactions, however, it is possible for clinicians to intervene with mediating and moderating interventions that affect the developmental trajectory of the child by decreasing the impact of known negative correlates.
Environmental control had a direct impact on individual performance and group collaboration; whereas, the mediating and moderating effects of environmental control on the relationship between workplace design factors and outcome variables were not significant.
Effects from FF were not moderated by income, but greater positive impact of the program was found for lower educated parents and for families with a father who reported higher levels of insecure attachment in close relationships.
Results also found that maternal relationship security did moderate short - and long - term program impacts on maternal psychosocial functioning.
The study evaluated whether and how maternal attributes, including relationship security, moderate short - and long - term home visiting impacts on maternal psychosocial functioning.
In terms of impact on children's mental well - being, the most robust studies suggest that the relationship is U-shaped, where no use and excessive use can have a small negative impact on mental well - being, while moderate use can have a small positive impact.
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