Sentences with phrase «relative youth»

At only 35 myself, I have the advantage of relative youth in speaking with students.
Given the limited number of trainees, and relative youth of medical scientist training programs — the National Institutes of Health (NIH) formally began funding their first programs in 1964 — this dearth of information is hardly surprising.
However, Homeowners of America Insurance Company's relative youth combined with concerning customer reviews make it difficult to recommend the company to most people.
In preparation for this year's relative youth movement, WKU did a good job of getting a lot of youngsters involved.
However, Homeowners of America Insurance Company's relative youth combined with concerning customer reviews make it difficult to recommend the company to most people.
Given the relative youth of the Trudeau crowd, and their evident enthusiasm for the sexier aspects of running a G20 country, this chatter may simply reflect inexperience.
Crunch Franchise was founded in 2010, but despite its relative youth as a business and relatively high investment price tag, Crunch had already grown to 184 units by the start of 2017.
This is when many retirees take advantage of their relative youth and newfound free time to pursue long - deferred dreams, such as traveling and taking up new hobbies.
Secondly, you're aware of your relative youth and inexperience.
The reason for the population momentum is the relative youth of the growing population.
While Lynch has the raw, but unmolded skills that made him a popular choice among scouts, Siemian is more widely regarded as a finished product despite his relative youth.
I'll take PL experience, relative youth and big potential over a Benzema, Martinez, Falcao, Cavani all day.
Adding to the challenge for Iverson and his team is the relative youth of his talent.
They don't have the prospect power of the Cardinals, not with all of the trades and major promotions of the last few years, but with the relative youth in the lineup, they can afford to cash in some more in order to get Stanton.
Another thrilling aspect of this side is its relative youth, with many players only in their early 20s.
Despite his relative youth, he's already established himself as a regular on a team that often competes for a World Cup spot in one of the world's toughest federations and has already been named a Paraguay Footballer of the Year (2015).
He won't stand for any rubbish and despite his relative youth in the management game, he will demand respect and 100 % effort from his squad.
For all of his immense ability a combination of factors — injury, a new position and his relative youth among them — means he has had a tendency to float through some games, failing to stamp his authority in the way that a player like Fabregas does.
Despite its relative youth, the MPC has been subject to intense scrutiny from within parliament and beyond, with the Treasury Select Committee alone having produced six reports by 2002.
Also, given his relative youth vis - a-vis the presidency, we'd have the chance to keep it for 16 years.
Espaillat's literature promises a Congressman who has «bold, new ideas,» but what differentiates him from Rangel, besides his relative youth, isn't exactly clear.
LeMura, 57, entered the contest as the favorite against the 70 - year - old DeFrancisco, but not because of her relative youth.
People disrespecting you or treating you different because of your relative youth in Albany?
Tabone, 44, a Bayside resident who worked for the city Economic Development Corp. and hammered Braunstein, 29, for his relative youth, said he does not have the experience needed to represent the district.
«Despite her relative youth, Rebecca Lynch knows first - hand the challenges working families face in New York City and will fight tirelessly on their behalf as a member of the City Council,» said Hector Figueroa, president of 32BJ.
Added to his relative youth, this makes Bawumia the politician to watch — not only within the NPP, but also (and more importantly) from the perspective of the NDC.
As a politician, and despite his relative youth in Ghanaian politics, Bawumia has earned, in his own right, a standing and following both in the NPP and nationally that goes far beyond any that the late Aliu Mahama could garner.
Added to his relative youth, this makes Bawumia the politician to watch — not only within the
Again, due to the relative youth of the programs, few objective measures exist to evaluate the success of the different training models.
Possibly in keeping with its relative youth compared to Sol's 4.6 billion years, Star A has a faster rotation of 13.4 days (Knutson et al, 2007; and Noyes et al, 1984) compared with Sol's 25.4 days, with more chromospheric activity including starspots large and widespread enough to affect its luminosity by about + / - 1.5 percent in visible light (Knutson et al, 2007).
Similarly, the degeneration of adipose tissue cells and depots that occurred over the course of the next 5 months in control animals was virtually abrogated, leaving 10 mo - old animals with substantially the same subcutaneous and other fat tissue (in depth and in cell volume) as they had enjoyed in their relative youth, when treatment was first initiated.
Only a handful of cell therapies have been commercially approved to date, reflecting both the complexity of this therapeutic approach and the relative youth of the industry.
Whilst this may seem an eternity from our perspective, it explains the relative youth of Sputnik Planum, which according to the PU model should be no more than a million years old.
In addition, the masses of the black holes producing the X-rays are huge, given their relative youth.
Because of its relative youth, scientists would have expected to see a smooth disk around the star, one that had not yet formed planetary bodies with enough mass to carve out rings and gaps, Aprajita Verma, an astrophysicist at the University of Oxford, tells BBC News.
Because of its relative youth, scientists would have expected to see a smooth disk around the star,
As Middle Eastern cities go, Amman is a relative youth, being mostly a creation of the 20th century.
Although the film definitely plays on her relative youth and beauty and accentuates her qualities, she still sparkles with energy in a thankless role.
Alba also suggested her relative youth on the first film left her feeling intimidated by Miller's world.
Naomi doesn't have everything (maybe not even anything) figured out, but she's savvier and more assertive than her relative youth might imply.
It's a definitive Nintendo franchise, even in its relative youth — the first game launched on GameCube in 2002 — and it's an experience that can truly only be had on Wii U, thanks to the intuitive use of the GamePad.
After all, the servile Indian characters are defined by their relative youth and capability inasmuch as their country of origin.
When he first meets Nathan (Oscar Issac - again), Caleb is taken aback by his relative youth, and unaffected manner: he's hungover, talks like a slacker, and seems to want his guest to treat him as a friend.
Polley's relative youth was what made Away From Her so impressive; adapted from a short story by Alice Munro, it told the heartrending tale of a long - married couple pondering their fidelity to each other as the wife, her memory eaten away by early - onset Alzheimer's disease, resolves to move into a nursing home.
My relative youth has been an advantage for engaging my students, because I am up on their media obsessions, social networking habits, fashion trends, and have a sense of what might be an interesting project.
Despite his relative youth, Bahler is already making big sacrifices to ensure he has enough money saved to cover his golden years.
Despite her relative youth, her portfolio is conservative, with 68 % in cash and bonds and only 32 % in equities.
This value is higher than the median of 2.79 years reported in the current study and may reflect the relative youth of the French Bulldog population.
Despite its relative youth, New Zealand has a wealth of cultural opportunities.

Phrases with «relative youth»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z