Sentences with phrase «relatively high beta»

This means the fund may include companies that are highly correlated with the market (that is, stocks with relatively high beta).

Not exact matches

«If oil prices do weaken into next year, and... [the] supply - demand analysis we «ve done tells us that, these stocks should do relatively better than most of the smaller, higher - beta energy stocks,» he said.
There will be some recurrent expenditure for monitoring and maintaining the high beta - carotene trait in Golden Rice, but these costs will be relatively low compared with the ongoing costs of traditional supplementation and fortification programs.
What the team didn't know at the time was that making titanium -3-gold at relatively high temperature produces an almost pure crystalline form of the beta version of the alloy — the crystal structure that's four times harder than titanium.
Stocks with high betas bounce around more than average, while stocks with low betas are relatively steady.
While the equity real assets composite has relatively high inflation beta, its correlation to inflation is relatively low.
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