Sentences with phrase «relatively high claims»

examine cost - containment strategies and benefit levels in other provinces to determine which could be applied in Ontario to control this province's relatively high claims costs and premiums.
Insurers with relatively higher claim - settlement ratios — in the high 90s — are preferable.

Not exact matches

When Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau made comments about the budget being able to balance itself if economic growth were higher, I paid little attention, as Canada's budget deficit is relatively small and I have heard many others make this claim.
The black conservatives claim that the decline of values such as patience, hard work, deferred gratification and self - reliance have resulted in the high crime rates, the increasing number of unwed mothers, and the relatively uncompetitive academic performances of black youth.
Clean label claims are generally relatively high in soft drinks, with more than 48 % of launches carrying one or more claims relating to naturalness, freedom from additives and preservatives or organic certification.
Despite concerns over amounts of sugar in some products, both sub-categories have a fairly healthy image and Innova finds a relatively high number of health claims used.
A majority of the higher education analytics tools currently on the market claim to use predictive analytics, but there are relatively few tools that truly implement predictive analytics.
The driver and passenger sit on what Infiniti claims to be especially supportive «high - bolster» seats (they proved comfortable after relatively long periods on the road) and the controls achieve a certain minimalism with the help of twin touch - screen displays covering satellite navigation, phone and other functions.
The only thing I might be able to claim is I was in early (May 2011) when the stink factor was relatively high.
Critics claim that its relatively high content of the toxin, erucic acid may be a cause for concern.
However, some claim that its relatively high content of a toxin, erucic acid, may be a real cause for concern.
Well... «deny harder» is always an option, but one of the primary claims supporting the denialosphere is the relatively unavoidable fact that we've not had the kind of record high that is unarguably a new record high.
I agree with your intuition that «warming hasn't stopped,» and have argued that it's ridiculous to claim it has, just because the same sorts of (relatively high) temperatures have been coming up repeatedly for a few short years.
The BEST team also found that the observed warming is consistent with an equilibrium climate sensitivity of 3.1 ± 0.3 °C for CO2 doubling, in line with the IPCC climate sensitivity range, and demonstrates once again that contrary to the persistent claims of Richard Lindzen, the Earth has warmed as much as we expect given a relatively high climate sensitivity.
Cons: the health risks are potentially very high, ALL spray foams contain toxic ingredient Isocyanate (even those that have a percentage of soy and claim to be «eco»), embodied energy is extremely high while R value is relatively low and equivalent to so many other cheaper and more eco products, soy or castor oil content is at most 10 %, the potential for off gassing and making inhabitants ill are significant, must hire a professional to install.
Although the children had no cause of action, the parents» claim for wrongful birth did receive significant damages and relatively high costs.
If the new standard causes the Federal Circuit's relatively high reversal rate on claim construction to decrease, parties may go to greater lengths to avoid litigation in forums with relatively inexperienced judges or uneven track records in determining patent cases.
Unlike a large proportion of personal injury cases, a claim with relatively low value does not equate necessarily with low costs as «smaller» cases are often just as complex and sometimes more so than high value cases.
They also pointed out the absurdity of paying a relatively high level of fees where only a modest amount of money is being claimed.
Michael Geist Telus Attacks: The Battle To Keep Verizon Out of Canada Telus has responded to my post on the 2013 OECD Communications Outlook, which ranked Canada among the most expensive countries in the OECD for wireless services in virtually every category, with its own post claiming that Canadians should be celebrating our relatively high prices.
A healthy group with relatively few claims was given the same rate as a group with high claims.
If they perceive an individual to be reckless and vulnerable to road accidents, they would offer higher premiums as the chances for paying out claims in the future is relatively higher.
For example, if someone thinks they're not likely to file a comprehensive claim, but they don't want to forego comprehensive insurance altogether, they could choose a relatively high $ 1,000 deductible to lower the premiums.
Insurance companies like LIC, HDFC Life and ICICI Life Insurance has higher claim settlement ratio, hence are relatively better compared to others.
In the case of tort states, insurance claims can be brought to the court; and for this reason, motorists pay relatively high premiums because their insurers will have to pay for litigation charges.
The premium that an individual or business will pay for office renters insurance can be quite considerable because of the relatively high risk of claims having to be made.
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