Sentences with phrase «relatively high failure»

Producing large amounts of these screens, using machines costing tens of millions of dollars that can deposit microscopic layers of materials in a vacuum, is expensive because of the relatively high failure rate, said McDaniel.
Business income can be great but it is typically not as semi-passive as I would like and there is a relatively high failure rate.

Not exact matches

Though the failure rate for startups is often exaggerated, it's still relatively high: 20 percent of businesses fail within the first year, and about half of U.S. businesses fail within five years, according to data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Women with conditions that make pregnancy an unacceptable risk should be advised that the lactational amenorrhea method might not be appropriate for them because of its relatively higher typical - use failure rates.
Failure rates on the exam were relatively high, compared with results on other Regents exams.
The researchers found that having a relatively high level of HIV in the blood at the start of therapy was associated with a longer time to viral suppression, which, in turn, was associated with both the occurrence of treatment failure and a shorter time to treatment failure.
Investigators found that having a relatively high level of HIV in the blood at the start of treatment was associated with a longer time to viral suppression, which, in turn, was associated with both treatment failure and a shorter time to treatment failure.
A similarly high rate of return is unlikely for most current and proposed pre-K programs because many of the children being served have relatively low levels of risk for school failure, placement in special education, later criminal behavior, or failure to become economically self - sufficient in adulthood.
Speed of answer and low cost have to be balanced against the relatively high diagnostic failure rate.
Symptoms: Drooling, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, weakness, hypotension, Hemolytic anemia (abnormal breakdown of red blood cells), jaundice, liver damage, liver failure, collapse and death (only in relatively high doses).
The failure of some of the babies to fulfill the prediction of the early test was attributed by Kagan (1994, pp. 204 - 206) to the way their mothers treated them in the intervening 17 months: High - reactive infants whose mothers used a relatively tough child - rearing style were less likely to become timid toddlers than those whose mothers used a wimpy style.
The ASQ includes five scales: (1) ASQ - F1, «Confidence in relationships»; higher scores in this subscale indicate a secure attachment (e.g., «I find it relatively easy to get close to other people»); (2) ASQ - F2, «Need for approval» denotes both worried and fearful aspects of attachment, characterized by an individual's need for others» approval and acceptance (e.g., «It's important for me to avoid doing things that others won't like»); (3) ASQ - F3: the subjects» anxious behavior in searching for others, motivated by the necessity to fulfill dependency needs, is depicted by the subscale «Preoccupation with relationships»; it represents a central topic in the conceptualization of anxious / ambivalent attachment (e.g., «It's very important for me to have a close relationship»); (4) ASQ - F4, «Discomfort with closeness» reflects an avoidant attachment (e.g., «I prefer to keep to myself»), and (5) ASQ - F5 «Relationships as secondary» is typical of a dismissive style, in which subjects tend to emphasize achievements and independence, in order to protect themselves against hurt and vulnerability (e.g., «To ask for help is to admit that you're a failure»).
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