Sentences with phrase «relatively new lifestyle»

They have made the transition to a relatively new lifestyle that much easier when I can still cook food that we actually look forward to eating!

Not exact matches

But if even Adam and Eve, driven in rage and guilt from the Earthly Paradise to which they may never return, may be said to be forced into a new «lifestyle» — if, that is to say, some especially desirable items are permanently out of stock, but there are still others, only relatively less appealing, beckoning from the shelves — if this is what the Fall amounts to, then how is it possible to comprehend the full implications of suffering or loss of any kind, whether in Mozambique or in Romania or in the luxurious American suburb?
I am still relatively new to the Gluten Free / Dairy Free lifestyle and, really, I owe any successes that I have in the kitchen to you!
They have been at this RT4 lifestyle for approximately one year making Raw Till 4 a relatively «new diet».
We haven't adapted to our relatively new and «unnatural» lifestyle filled with chronic stress, processed foods, chemical exposure, long sedentary hours and artificial light.
I am relatively new to Keto lifestyle and I came acoross you ob youtube, and then visited your blog.
BikerNext is a relatively new biker dating website that hopes to cater to hardcore bikers riding every single day and living the lifestyle of a pure blooded biker as well as weekend warriors who love to hop on their Harley during weekends.
Relatively new at this lifestyle.
The company has carried news, live ESPN sports talk, updates from The Weather Channel, and lifestyles channels for some time, but Slacker Radio's relatively new partnerships with Nerdist, Rooster Teeth, and others are a welcome, geeky presence on the service.
I think it's notable that the phenomenon that Grist is lampooning here — people defending their otherwise consumptive lifestyles by pointing to the green things that they do (and perhaps winkingly at the kind of folks who show up in support of Earth Day, plant a tree, and drive home and leave it at that)-- is a relatively new phenomenon.
Because my children are now grown, and super commuting is relatively new to my relationship, I was able to get a sense of where I am on the continuum of this lifestyle choice and found it to be validating and encouraging.
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