Sentences with phrase «relatively old book»

I looked at the copyright date, and realized that 2001 is a relatively old book.
This is a relatively old book.
They notified major publishing companies in writing last Friday that it will stop asking Nippon Shuppan Hanbai at the end of June to secure relatively older books if they are out of stock at the time of order.

Not exact matches

Unlike the Catholic Church's old Index of Forbidden Books, which specified a relatively small number of offenders, the Index of Approved Books forbids all books that are not explicitly apprBooks, which specified a relatively small number of offenders, the Index of Approved Books forbids all books that are not explicitly apprBooks forbids all books that are not explicitly apprbooks that are not explicitly approved.
There is something of a boom going on these days in Melville studies, with Kelley's book and at least half a dozen other major academic monographs appearing from university presses, and with two new full - length biographies published last year: Laurie Robertson - Lorant's relatively unimportant but informative Melville: A Biography (Potter, 752 pages,, $ 40) and the first volume of the endlessly detailed Herman Melville (Johns Hopkins University Press, 941 pages,, $ 39.95) by Hershel Parker, the grand old man of Melville studies.
considering an Ivy league historian (Richard Bulliet) has relatively definitive book on the topic that is over 40 years old («The Camel & the Wheel», 1975) and which arrives at the exact opposite conclusion based on KNOWN evidences, it certainly would appear this a media - generated ratings grab without scholarly basis.
Small - town bank - robbery montages are as old as the Hollywood Hills, but here the robberies are predicated on a relatively novel premise (hitting the off - the - books bank accounts of Al Capone), and the heists are pulled off by a father - and - son team — with a 12 - year - old driving the getaway car.
The two - decade - old online retailer was still getting a relatively new and little - understood division going — one devoted not only to selling books on the vast digital platform it had created, but also to publishing them.
-- Professional book authors are relatively old compared to Australia's population.
The report echoes conclusions from Nielsen's 2015 UK books and consumers survey, which found that older women were relatively heavy ebook purchasers.
«Older women are relatively likely to borrow (print) books from public libraries,» Bohme added, «accounting for 32 % of borrowers in 2015.»
The first is the relatively unknown feature that flights booked through are awarded miles based upon distance flown under the old system rather than dollars spent.
It is telling that while there are thousands of articles, studies, books and movies about the relatively miniscule quantities of well - managed spent fuel that comes out of nuclear plants, there is to date only one estimate of how much solar waste the world is on track to produce, and it was calculated for the first time by an 18 - year - old nuclear engineering student from UC Berkeley and (proudly) published yesterday by Environmental Progress.
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