Sentences with phrase «relatively safe medication»

Very little colestipol or cholestyramine is absorbed into the body and both are thought to be relatively safe medication.
However, for most dogs and cats, ivermectin is considered to be a relatively safe medication when used appropriately.

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Almost all medications transfer into breast milk, but most are safe to take while breastfeeding because the amount of the substance that makes it into breast milk is relatively small, less than one percent of the dose.
Even with the use of over the counter medications, which are relatively safe, may at some concentration level pose danger to the breastfed child.
While a medication may be identified beneficial for you and is relatively safe for children, there may be some concentration levels or dosages that can not be tolerated by the breastfed child.
Though allergy and asthma medications are relatively safe compared to some other drugs, when taken consistently in high doses, they can cause bone density loss, glaucoma, and other problems.
Benadryl is a relatively safe and effective medication for dogs when used according to the instructions of a veterinarian.
When administered to your pet as prescribed by a veterinarian these medications are relatively safe, however certain circumstances such as overdose, oversensitivity to the drug, or reactions to other drugs, it can become fatal.
Used to combat motion sickness, Dramamine is relatively safe and can be used if you are in a pinch, but there are canine - specific medications that work faster and last longer.
If antidepressant medication is needed, there are medications which are relatively safe and effective even for mothers who are breastfeeding.
Thus, the first choice for treatment is stimulants due to their relatively safe side effect profile however when misuse / diversion is a risk the choice of medications that are less abusable such as Daytrana (methylphenidate in patch form) or Vyvanse (lis - dexamfetamine - medication is oral however bound to lysine requiring stomach acid digestion in order to be activated).
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