Sentences with phrase «relatively simple place»

While the solar system may seem like a relatively simple place, with moons orbiting planets, and planets orbiting the sun like clockwork, the mathematics that describes this system makes up one of the most famous unsolved problems in the field.

Not exact matches

Controlling temperatures is relatively simple when the batteries are in a fixed location, say, next to a wind farm, but it becomes harder when they are placed in a car or bus.
Relatively simple, structured worksheet on using trial and improvement to find square and cube roots to 1 decimal place using second d.p. (Can ignore latter and just find closest to 1 d.p.) 7/3/14 Slightly improved versions replacing originals and another new «problem».
«The majority of our clients have process issues putting in place relatively simple initiatives, so the thought of actually delivering a VR experience at scale is pretty unthinkable.
Some belates moves are relatively simple, such as placing forearms side by side in front of the body to show parallel lines.
Congress could advance school improvement substantially, though, if members look at accountability systems and encourage states to adopt data dashboards in place of the relatively simple measures of school performance states currently use.
Your fresh start lender would place a lien upon your home until your fresh start loan is paid off, which is a relatively simple procedure.
(Photo: kisluvkis / flickr) Cats have thick coats, but they still need warm, dry places to protect them from harsh weather.Building your own shelter is relatively simple, and there are a variety of plans for inexpensive cat shelters available online:
Feeding tubes may seem extreme, however they are relatively simple and cost effective to place and can be managed easily by owners at home if necessary.
The Mars Global Surveyor data suggest what I think would be a relatively simple experiment: Why not place thermometers in a few locations on Mars, equipped with radio transmitters that would send temperature data to Earth or to a spacecraft?
These relatively simple practices are fairly easy to put into place and can literally change the way you practice...
This is a relatively simple process to put in place but requires discipline to ensure we are working with accurate information.
These can be relatively simple, such as adding vents in certain places to help channel water in the event of a flood, or complex, such as raising the property or even moving it to higher ground.
The wallpaper was relatively simple to put up, but I'll admit to adding some seaming glue here and there to really make sure things got stuck in place where two sheets line up.
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