Sentences with phrase «relatively small injury»

It is also important to pick out those in whom a relatively small injury causes a large problem.
The vast majority of dogs live up to our unreasonable expectations, but those who can't often pay for relatively small injuries with their lives.
Well, now, the Teflon suits stand for yet another essential truth (besides untruths by ATRA, that is): without class actions, consumers can't gain access to the courts where a company profited by harming large numbers of people, each of whom have relatively small injuries.

Not exact matches

This is possibly a consequence of a relatively small, and seemingly always injury hit squad.
In most people, both of these small muscle groups are relatively weak and susceptible to injury, and they're a major contributor to back pain.
The learning curve with these tools is relatively small as well as the risk of injury from using them.
Whether from rough play, chasing a small animal through the underbrush or just digging in the garden, eye injuries are relatively common in dogs.
Only a relatively small number of personal injury cases will proceed to the trial phase.
Unlike a large proportion of personal injury cases, a claim with relatively low value does not equate necessarily with low costs as «smaller» cases are often just as complex and sometimes more so than high value cases.
Electrical accident injuries can range from relatively small shocks to extensive burns, cardiac problems, and even death.
Generally cases involving relatively minor injuries where the medical problems go away in a short period of time (2 months or less) and where the medical bills are fairly small ($ 3,000 or less) don't require of the assistance of an attorney in order to obtain a favorable settlement.
In truth, there is a relatively small amount of compelling text - based content that can be made about «Los Angeles personal injury lawyers», but there is a much larger amount of non-text-based compelling content that can be made about personal injury law itself, such as videos, infographics, etc..
Due to the large size and weight of a bus compared to the relatively smaller car, motorcycle, or bus involved in the accident, major injuries can occur, or even wrongful death.
A minor injury that results in no missed work and a single doctor's visit, for example, is likely to result in a relatively small settlement.
While great time and effort are spent on protecting against injury lawsuits (hot coffee and the like), that risk for most businesses is relatively small and, more importantly, can be insured against.
These injuries affect a relatively small number of Americans each year — but they're common enough for a code to exist.
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