Sentences with phrase «relatives rights end»

Not exact matches

If the end goal is being happy, your relative will have to do what he sees as right for him, and you'll have to do what you see as right for you.
Yet in Casey, three Justices» who had been placed on the Court, incidentally, during a period in which relative anonymity was a leading prerequisite for successful appointment» saw it as their right and duty to call «the contending sides of a national controversy to end their national division by accepting a common mandate rooted in the Constitution.»
Nip problems right away: Even when you're clear about your expectations, you can end up unhappy about something your relative caregiver is doing — or not doing.
They want a republic with mechanisms that are similar to the mechanisms to the ideal hunter gatherer society (primitive communism)... of muilt - layer democracy, co-op ownership of assets and parts of public services, legal rights and a constitution, and economic egalitarianism to end relative poverty.
If you set it next to axle on one end, you can run a reflector right down the axle and see that the dot isn't moving relative to the hopefully straight axle.
However, without some statement about the relative likelihood of any of the high - end numbers, I find it hard to see how the journalists could have got the message right.
Of course there is a continuum with Pol Pot type communistic regimes at one end and socialist states like the Scandinavian ones on the left side of the continuum and the US on the right; and while I don't want to get into the relative virtues of socialism, or not, from the viewpoint of green ideology, individual rights such as property rights and equality before the law are anthema to them as I note here:
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