Sentences with phrase «relativity without»

Epiq hosted 70 + law suits — comprised of more than 45 million documents and 40 TBs of data — in a single repository, producing them all in Relativity without leaving the system.
Simple derivation of the special theory of relativity without the speed of light axiom 2 1.
I'm sending you a copy of the exposition of the general theory of relativity without the presumption of your really reading it.
Newton regarded himself as a philosopher, Galileo would never have done what he did without knowing Plato's ideas and Einstein would never have invented relativity without an appreciation of metaphysics.
The major achievement of the system he offers is that it captures the truths of divine immanence and created relativity without compromising the transcendence of spirit and objectivity of truth.

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It is hypocritical at best to disclaim evolution, and then get into your car, turn on your gps (which would be impossible if not for special and general relativity), and pick your favorite song on your ipod (impossible without quantum mechanics).
The answer to that turns out to be «definitely maybe»: If general relativity can be extended without modification into arbitrarily high energy densities, then yes — we can show that time doesn't extend indefinitely far backwards.
Your error demands a closed system or set limited by our universe which is not possible without discarding general relativity.
He quotes Einstein's own autobiography to show that Einstein had already formulated the problem of relativity at the age of sixteen and solved it ten years later without reference to this experiment or any other.
Without the relativity principle, therefore, there can be no intelligible theory of causal objectification and no logically consistent thesis of solidarity.5
Interestingly, however, Hartshorne himself balks at the absoluteness of his own principle of relativity: «God knows fully and feels fully... what our unhappy fears are like for us, and this without being afraid for himself» (CSPM 263, original italics).
Without the two-fold reality which the relativity principle attaches to all completed occasions (and, more generally, to every entity of every type), the Category of the Ultimate, or principle of creativity — the most general principle presupposed by all the other categories of Whitehead's metaphysics (PR 31)-- would be an outright contradiction.
Accordingly, the principle of relativity, as I construe it, not only saves the ontological principle from issuing in an extreme monism, but also explains how there can be «one world without and within.»
It is a striking fact that Hartshorne considers the tie between relativity or contingency, and temporality or mutability, to be so obvious that he freely conjoins them, and treats them as equivalent, without seeming to feel any necessity for justifying the stance.
... suggests that Bergson's problem is answered by the theory of relativity, showing that it is impossible to locate an experience in time without reference to space.
Moreover, Hartshorne observes, the relativity theory may after all be «a deep truth about the world» without being «the whole truth.»
What seems important is the distinction of the Church from the realm and rule of God; the recognition of the primacy and independence of the divine reality which can and does act without, beyond and often despite the Church; and the acceptance of the relativity yet indispensability of the Church in human relations to that reality.
I do not know whether he would have done this or not, since I believe that with his pragmatism he might have accommodated relativity physics without altering his epistemology, though I can not go into the question here.16 What seems to me clear is that the philosophical issues underlying Hartshorne's criticisms of Peirce can not be settled by theories of physics or the mathematics of continuity.
First, Whitehead's construction of the Special Theory of Relativity from a rather distinctive use of the word «event,» and secondly by his more general idea of events which related to each other without having a substratum which passed from one to the other.
Unfortunately, Whitehead weakened his argument by an ill - advised defense of the concept of simultaneity in his first book, referring to «blind people barking both their shins at the same moment» (PNK 53), without realizing that simultaneity at the same place is not denied by relativity.
By 1982 Barbour and Bertotti had come up with a new theory of gravity (pdf) that described the world just as accurately as Einstein's general relativity but without invoking time as a fundamental dimension.
Caution is recommended, since an extension of special relativity is possible, which describes superluminal motions without heavy violations or paradoxes: for instance, without motion backward in time.
But despite these successes, Einstein's theory is not without rivals, so scientists are eager to test general relativity as thoroughly as possible.
Thus, Ellis» model of time retains enough of the block universe to match with relativity's predictions, but without needing to take Einstein's drastic last step of assuming that the fourth dimension is solidified into the infinite future.
Without taking special and general relativity into account, a GPS - determined location veers off - course by as much as 6.2 miles a day.
The several schools of quantum gravity, physicists have realized, are slowly reaching consensus that incremental violations of relativity might be detectable even outside a black hole, and without building a particle accelerator the size of the universe.
She feeds the interested nonspecialist reader like myself lucid (and slightly heterodox) pocket accounts of Galileo's trial, of the relations between science and magic, of quantum physics and general relativity theory and the gulf between them, of superstring theory and the current belief in ten dimensions — simplifying the complexities of 2500 years of history gracefully and without strain.
True, most solar system and astronomical phenomena are still calculated with Newton's hoary theory of gravitation, but we would be nowhere without our GPS gadgets, which work only once corrected for the effects of general relativity.
Our September special issue on Einstein — «100 Years of Genius Without Limits» — served as a primer for the gathering, four glorious days of talk and think on topics like «Culture in the Age of Space - Time Relativity» and «Einstein the Empiricist and the Frontiers of Condensed Matter Physics.»
If you're new to special relativity, but want to know more without wading through heaps of mathematics, then this book is probably as good a place to start as any.
Without general relativity, for instance, GPS devices would be worthless.
But if you were suddenly without thought, you'd still find in Cowboys & Aliens a collection of disconnected explosions and flat production design, with characters who declare things to each other in inhuman exchanges very much like the ones in Relativity Media's last fucking disaster that's worse than you already think it will be, Season of the Witch.
The ability to review, say, batches of documents in programs like Relativity, by being able to sit back in a chair and tap away with a stylus on an e-ink screen WITHOUT having to be hunched over a regular PC screen looking at a glowing monitor all day would be MASSIVE.
Einstein once chided him for wishing to amend relativity theory without studying physics.
In «HOW TO ABANDON A BURNING HOUSE WITHOUT PANICKING» Patterson's process based photographs get into the relativity of memory during human experiences.
But we can determine whether the experiment is * right * or not without any reference to Special Relativity, and that is what makes the experiment different from the model.
[Response: No - one would have done this experiment except for special relativity and no - one would have cared about the error without it appearing to contradict SR..
It's like physicists quoting Newton's law of gravitation without ever noticing that it assumes that changes propagate instantaneously — tricky now that we know about relativity.
We tend to accept relativity and quantum mechanics as great ideas without understanding much about them.
Relativity ® offers complex data analytics for identifying email threads and key concepts as well as applying document review decisions to similar documents without manual review (predictive coding / technology - assisted review).
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