Sentences with phrase «release of latent heat»

The «low density» of which you speak is a result of the release of latent heat that occurs when water vapor condenses to form clouds.
The DMI Arctic temperature spike could be the release of latent heat during a «burst» of freezing.
«The large - scale winds would look better because the release of latent heat drives a lot of those winds, and climate sensitivity would be better constrained because not only is the base state highly dependent on convective parameterization but the model predictions for future climate change are also very sensitive to that as well.»
Then their third equation would have parameters that describe the strength of the condensation from the physics of Clausius - Clapeyron equation and the release of latent heat.
the release of latent heat makes the drop in temperature smaller but can not reverse the sign of the change 5.
Having reviewed this thread one comes to the conclusion that there may be little or no additional convective uplift from the release of latent heat during the process of condensation for the following reasons:
Tropospheric amplification of surface temperature anomalies is due to the release of latent heat by moist, rising air in regions experiencing convection.»
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