Sentences with phrase «releasing small amounts of the hormones»

Hormonal IUDs work by releasing small amounts of the hormones that thicken cervical mucus, which prevents sperm from reaching an egg and may also prevent ovulation, or the release of an egg from the ovaries, according to Planned Parenthood.

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Your own human growth hormone release promotes the synthesis of IGF - 1 in your liver (and to smaller amounts, synthesis of IGF - 1 by your muscles), your liver and muscles then synthesize IGF - 1 and then, in the case of your liver, subsequently package the IGF - 1 with binding proteins for transport into the blood.
Even a few sticks of gum or similarly small amount of other xylitol containing products can stimulates a dog's pancreas to release the hormone insulin.
Mirena is a plastic IUC that releases a small amount of the synthetic hormone progestin to prevent sperm from reaching the cervix.
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