Sentences with phrase «relevant countries»

Furthermore it takes a look at the Crowdfunding regulation in other relevant countries abroad.
* This comparison is based on the International Energy Agency scenario which considers commitments by relevant countries to reduce emissions and improve energy efficiency.
Finally, the researchers used the 1990 - 99 and 2008 national estimates to assess if four potentially relevant country - level factors, namely access to efficient syphilis screening and treatment, health expenditure, GDP per capita, and circumcision prevalence, were correlated with syphilis prevalence over that time period.
This project aims to heighten awareness among relevant countries of the ecological role of large carnivores, their socio - economic impacts and the potential benefits of their presence.
A book can not simply be translated in Spanish and appreciated by speakers in every different relevant country; in fact, some translation service providers are even breaking English down in US, UK, India, and Australia - specific editions.
Digital companies would fall into the net if they make $ 7 million or more each year in the relevant country.
NutriVie LP 100 OPO Base is a free flowing vegetable oil powder, suitable for use in infant formula and growing up milks when used in combination with other approved ingredients to meet the relevant country food regulations.
NutriVie LP 100 Base is a free flowing vegetable oil powder, suitable for use in infant formula when used in combination with other approved ingredients to meet the relevant country food regulations.
Australia exports halal - accredited boxed meat to all relevant countries to which it exports live animals.
Australia already exports halal - accredited chilled and frozen meat to all relevant countries to which Australian animals are exported live for slaughter.
He got a resolution where the wording was so fuzzy that all relevant countries could sign up to it but failed to get a second explicitly supporting military intervention.
(You might be able to avoid this by briefing the relevant countries in advance, and hoping that they don't leak it to the terrorists or go public with it to point out that the US has been taken over by a madman)
The Courts of Ghana will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claims arising from or related to, a visit to our Website although we retain the right to bring proceedings against breach of these conditions in your country of residence or any other relevant country.
Make sure that you have reviewers from each of the relevant countries to check the solution.
Paying big money for a translation that you can not easily distribute or promote in the relevant countries is probably not a good idea.
For tax questions, please add a relevant country or regional tag as well.
For any flights leaving the UK, or any coming into the UK with a UK or EU airline, you'll need to go to the CAA or regulator in the relevant country.
Information on non-resident clients and on accounts held by non-residents will be reported to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), to be shared with the relevant countries.
If the topic relates to another country, then close this window, browse to the relevant country page on this site using the «surf spots» link on the top of the page and post it there.
These basic facts of life suggest that the likelihood of all relevant countries reaching consensus on a highly prescriptive climate agreement are low, and this reality in turn argues in favor of a more flexible approach that starts with nationally derived policies.
While this recommendation applies to all relevant countries, those that are heavily forested and have weak community forest rights are of critical importance.
The English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from, or related to, a visit to our site although we retain the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these conditions in your country of residence or any other relevant country.
The current situation in the relevant country will always be relevant to the question whether a person's removal from the UK will be contrary to its international obligation.
The current situation in the relevant country would always be relevant to the question whether a person's removal from the UK would be contrary to its international obligations.
The English courts will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim arising from, or related to, a visit to our Site or any aspect relating to use of your data under the Privacy and Cookies Policy although we retain the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these conditions in your country of residence or any other relevant country.
The energy sector needs its external lawyers to be technically excellent, understand the wider commercial context and know how things work in the relevant country.
Do they depend on particular legislation in the relevant countries, to the extent that there are no lessons to be learned here?
As embassies are sovereign territories employees should press any claims in the courts of the relevant country.
Of course, tax authorities in every relevant country are likely to scrutinise tax - saving structures, so it's important to understand how they will react.
Phillips J's reference to uniform international regulations «is intended to do no more than include into any assessment of the standard of care those standards which the relevant country has accepted and adopted».
It can contact firms in the relevant countries with a view to establishing some sort of working relationship or «best friends» arrangement.
Once the client's domicile, habitual residence or nationality have been ascertained and the situs, i.e. location of their assets is known, then further investigations are necessary to determine whether the relevant countries have one law governing succession to moveable assets and another governing succession to immovables, i.e. a house or flat.
The copyright is probably owned by the government of the relevant country either by virtue of the creator being an employee or by transfer.
These authorities are obliged to facilitate communications between the courts of the relevant countries and must facilitate agreements between parents through mediation or other means.
It is now of limited relevance because the EU Regulation or the Hague Convention covers the relevant countries.
Study selection: Publications were included if they were concerned with the health of Indigenous people of the relevant countries.
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