Sentences with phrase «relevant stories»

Enter your information to get weekly announcements of the most relevant stories about smart injection molding.
Tell a short, relevant story about the good work you do or why you care about the issue.
Adding well - written, informed comments to relevant stories in the local online media is a great way to advocate for your cause.
This helps them narrow down relevant stories that they can cover in their publications.
He inspires through relevant stories and thought - provoking, evidence - based research, breaking through the motivational paradigm that causes individuals to stretch and produce results.
Moreover, you can use it to craft relevant stories and examples that you can use during the interview.
This also helps us deliver the most relevant stories to different types of readers.
This news letter gives you a comprehensive review of the most relevant stories of the week in the realm of Digital Publishing, Tablet PC's, e-Readers, eBooks and tons more!
Using «new technologies to tell culturally relevant stories,» three co-productions pull in more than $ 500,000 in Canadian and Australian funding.
It's a socially relevant story — especially in light of Caitlyn Jenner's transition — in which Vikander deals with the realization that her husband is not the same person she married.
Gaining buzz for awards season, this is a very relevant story for today's climate.
Post employee testimonials on your homepage and in your job ads, maintain a company blog, share relevant stories with the media for further coverage.
«Personally speaking, I read the book when it was published in the 1980s, and it's frightening and thought - provoking to recognize how relevant the story still is today.
«Behind every person, behind every company, behind everything, is a story of how it got there — and the most relevant stories connect on a personal level.»
The news of Romney's foreign accounts from even earlier in the week was a really relevant story with legs (to its credit, ABC kept its eye on the ball.)
It's possible that veteran newspapermen and women will appreciate Spotlight more than an average viewer might, but, even for an everyday viewer, it still offers a fascinating and frighteningly relevant story of big city journalism.
Taking the fairly straightforward and eerily relevant story of a mixed - race couple met with hostility from one partner's small - town (and very white) community, Get Out combines Look Who's Coming to Dinner with The Stepford Wives, and sets things in the digital age.
In the first full biography of Robert «Iceberg Slim» Beck (1918 — 92), Gifford tells the dramatic, sharply relevant story of the African American pulp writer who inspired gangsta rap, hip - hop, and street lit.
YA / General Interest: A highly engaging exploration of a difficult topic, this is a great way to introduce older teens to a timelessly relevant story they may not be familiar with.
An increasingly relevant story told with startling lucidity, humor, and an uncanny ear for the intimacies and shorthand of family ritual, America Is Not the Heart is a sprawling, soulful debut about three generations of women in one family struggling to balance the promise of the American dream and the unshakeable grip of history.
After a few relevant stories of how he came to be the couple's therapy expert, he escorted us step by step through the framework that he believes to be the elixir for a good healthy couple - ship.
LIC gathers news developments, industry publications, analyst opinions and blogs across seven different topics and delivers the top relevant stories to your inbox to read at your convenience, covering the spheres of Alternative Providers, Big Four Disruptors, Document Extraction, eDiscovery, Legal Research, Litigation Funding, and Shared Services Centres.
Then, use these core requirements as fodder to brainstorm relevant stories from your work history to demonstrate your abilities.
California, USA About Blog Smart businesses use Grin's influencer marketing software to tell locally relevant stories about their products.
In addition, Parenting gathers relevant stories, podcasts, video, activities and highlights of TV and radio programs from around the ABC — keeping you across all the latest developments.
So a lawfirm's information manager could easily gather the most relevant stories from the day's news, and make a microsite page, or send a complete email newsletter.
To generate culturally relevant stories that center children who have been marginalized, misrepresented, and / or rendered invisible in children's literature.
I think everyone's pinching themselves, and it couldn't happen to a greater group of people who are in this for the purest of reasons — to tell honest, socially relevant stories.
Social networking giant Facebook Inc. has announced an update to its News Feed to reduce clickbait headlines and ensure users get the most relevant stories.
More feel - good than provocative, the PRIDE team have decided to balance this towards the true and relevant story of people helping each other, no matter what your background is.
For example, tell an engaging, relevant story; state a startling statistic; or ask a thought - provoking question.
With an ongoing commitment to covering tough, relevant stories with fair and responsible reporting, W5 is in its 52nd season of investigative journalism.
This is just another encouragement for me to keep pressing on with her important and relevant story.
Media speculation is a main factor on these markets and you'll notice the odds will change rapidly if a relevant story emerges, particularly in a national newspaper.
The new baby series is notable because it doesn't have words so you can make up a relevant story and it shows the baby nursing (a frequent if not constant occurrence) and daddy making dinner.
You can research on the Internet or your library for all information on the topic, perhaps write a relevant story or report, and create art or craft work based on it.
Or booze or coffee or whatever else strikes your fancy and theirs, but get to know them well enough that they'll remember you right away when a relevant story pops up.
Politico, HuffPo, et al have succeeded because they kept breaking or publishing new and relevant stories, and TDC will stand or fall on the same ground.
The other — much better — option is to respond with a well - considered and relevant story.
They keep a close eye on all waste management and recycling news and aim to keep you up to date with any relevant stories.
It's got the talent, the relevant story (more so than the already forgotten about SPOTLIGHT) and energy to do a clean awards sweep.
The game's twisted, yet socially - relevant story is also one of the series» best.
It's an enduringly fascinating and still - relevant story, so what a shame that writer - director Peter Landesman has made such a clunky film, made to look like a cinematic footnote by the definitive picture on the subject, Alan J. Pakula's 1976 masterpiece All The President's Men.
I can't possibly fathom why that would be a relevant story in 2018.
Jeff Nichols and Joel Edgerton Talk «Loving» and the «Responsibility» of Telling an Important and Relevant Story
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