Sentences with phrase «relevant text»

In fact, we engage in detail with alternative readings of relevant texts, and offer arguments both for and against our own interpretations.
By carefully selecting relevant texts, the staff have been able to transport the students to different worlds.
Using descriptive, relevant text for your image will help search engines figure out what your picture is about.
Include relevant texts, media, activities, and discussions into daily lesson plans that build on student interests and identity.
You can also target your customer with more relevant texts based on their preferences.
Many courts are compelling the production of texts in civil litigation, if a mobile device is believed to possess relevant text messages.
Alternatively, if you mention anything you can link to within the bulk of your letter, embed the link over three or four words of relevant text.
To harness this, just create a running text file (Notepad works fine) and just copy and paste relevant text from sites you visit.
So, clearly, it's vital to include relevant text in your resume — but rather than just dump all the keywords from the job description in, for best results you'll need to employ a strategy.
And, although an artist's prolificacy can sometimes evoke the question of quality versus quantity, his use of culturally relevant text alongside often politically - charged visuals coalesces into a larger narrative.
It gathers an outstanding selection of relevant texts on memory and sorrow by ancient and modern philosophers, historians and writers from Plato to Derrida, including Aristotle, Cicero and Thomas Aquinas; Diderot, Hegel and Nietzsche; and Proust, Benjamin and Warburg.
• Choice: Students have options within the curriculum, such as which animal habitat they want to study, which relevant texts they want to read, and how they want to present their learning.
She translated Warshak's Divorce Poison into Croatian (2008) and established blogs with relevant texts about parental alienation translated into Croatian to raise public awareness about that specific issue in Croatia.
Keyword rich contextually relevant text links are like fuel for your website's search engine rankings.
Students will study books on Anthroposophy, Waldorf education and other relevant texts.
By weaving the richness of the yoga tradition with the modern postural - structural - biomechanical model of medicine, she delivers a practical and relevant text exploring how we may better treat the whole person during stages of physical distress and dis - ease.»
Nobo reconciles many relevant texts by proposing that prior to the phases of concrescence governed by subjective aim there is a distinct phase of transition.
It is also aiming to bring together the most relevant texts on this issue of great importance, written in our region over the past century, as well as to promote the work of the most promising writers from among the domestic workers community.
«Exploring culturally relevant texts with kindergartners and their families.»
Smart Text Selection is a new feature that will streamline that process by automatically selecting relevant text.
Use hyperlinks with relevant text, instead of lengthy URLs, and only use when appropriate.
The KAT engine is based on Pearson's unique implementation of Latent Semantic Analysis, an approach that infers semantic similarity of words and passages by analyzing large bodies of relevant text.
Google, above all, loves pages that have lots of helpful, relevant text on them - particularly if that text occasionally contains keywords your customers are searching for.
Students will study books on Anthroposophy, Waldorf Education and other relevant texts.
Still, in order to talk about them at all, we need to impose some sort of order on the welter of relevant texts.
It should be recognized, however, that the standard interpretations rarely do justice to all the (systematically) relevant texts, even within Process and Reality.
One is unusual learning in regard to the relevant texts and practices, that is, the subject matter.
The relevant text would then read as follows:
«God enables men» says the relevant text «to be intelligent free causes in order to complete the work of creation, to perfect its harmony for their own good and that of their neighbours.»
Through much of the relevant text only Yahweh is presented as being truly active and, as one might expect, all of the impetus for genocide indeed comes from Yahweh.
And so special attention will be given to books and articles that help us understand the relevant texts within their original contexts and in the context of God's good and grand story of restoration and redemption.
We now have to determine which of these competing approaches rests on the most warranted set of assumptions and is thus most likely to lead to an accurate interpretation of Whitehead's metaphysics, one adequate to the whole range of relevant texts.
Here's the relevant text from the California statute under which Shavelson and other death doctors will be operating (my emphasis):
And a lot of mis - interpretations are generated by lack of access to the Greek or Hebrew — such as today's «rapture» nonsense, based an a misunderstanding of the Greek and the original setting / culture in which the relevant texts were first written.
The relevant text of the Balfour Declaration:
If you answer it would be nice if you could give references to the relevant texts per Link to EUR - lex or similar.
In the interest of fairness to the Senate candidates, we published the relevant text from their news releases in its entirety.
Add some relevant text to your niche dating site.
In every decision I reviewed, Gorsuch focused like a laser beam on the relevant text.
The site offers a wealth of information in essays, electronic images of artifacts, and a library of relevant texts that vividly recreate Chicago before, during, and after the great fire.
KIPP Wheatley curriculum provides opportunities for close reading, writing, and speaking based on high - quality, diverse, and culturally relevant texts to students within a comprehensive, college - ready curriculum.
As an educator and advocate, my primary goal for my students is to support their self - actualization by providing a safe, comfortable, inspiring classroom environment where they can, through the reading / viewing / listening to of rigorous, culturally - relevant texts, respectfully and intelligently express their questions / ideas and explore, listen, and respond to the questions / ideas of others through strong reading, writing, and interpersonal skills.
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