Sentences with phrase «relevant tweets»

The company is applying artificial intelligence to put the most relevant tweets at the top of people's feeds, and has added features that curate tweets, photos and videos around events.
After collecting millions of tweets from across the globe, they used text - mining techniques to zoom in on relevant tweets in the ZIP codes where most of the hospital's patients live, according to electronic medical records.
March 13, 12:43 p.m. Relevant tweets appended A group of scientists and energy analysts has laid out a path under which New York State could, in theory, eliminate its use of fossil fuels and nuclear power — including for transportation — by 2050.
Even searching for the word «Boston» may fall short, she says, because it could lead to unrelated matter like Boston tourism or fail to capture relevant tweets that did not include the word Boston.
Learn how to find the most relevant tweets for you; go wild with GIFs; create a live broadcast; or take polls.
That same period, the lead up to the election, saw 36,000 Twitter bots tweeting 1.4 million election - relevant tweets tied to the Russian effort, garnering some 288 million impressions.
The best technique here isn't to ask directly for retweets from influencers, but to create an awesome, relevant Tweet and mention them.
We've embedded the relevant tweets above.
Simply tag all relevant tweets and that content will be easily accessible by your whole team (and anybody else who knows the hashtag).
Here are the relevant tweets:
To join in the conversation, follow the tweets under the hashtag #indiechat, and remember to include that hashtag on your relevant tweets as well.
We've embedded the relevant tweets above.
Searching for a hashtag brings up a definition, related terms, relevant tweets and statistics on the hashtag's use.
All the relevant tweets are gathered in one place, and they can be exported and downloaded.
Right before the election, some 36,000 bots on Twitter aimed 1.4 million election - relevant tweets that received 288 million impressions from fellow tweeters.
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