Sentences with phrase «relevant value»

In such ecosystems, the insurer will work with a range of third parties willing to offer relevant value to end customers based on their data profile.
In other words, examine all of the content on your resume and make sure that every piece of information you've chosen to include demonstrates your current and most relevant values.
Users often leave web pages within 10 to 20 seconds, but pages with clear and relevant value propositions can hold people's attention for much longer.
We also listen to our people: how they can best use their expertise and ideas to maximise relationships and create deeper, more relevant value.
By researching companies, selectively targeting your presentation, offering relevant value, and making your resume an easy read, you can realistically reduce those 90 days by half.
Manufacturer B offers the more nutritious food, but manufacturer A distracts from the lower relevant value by providing all 3.
Nevertheless, these destructive forces may on occasion be acting in response to divine directives.18 They express the wrath of God, insofar as God judges existing orders and structures as worthy of destruction.19 Existing structures may be obstructing the realization of new relevant values, and to that extent be evil, deserving to be destroyed.
We study the relative performance of two policy relevant value - added models — a one - step fixed effect model and a two - step aggregated residuals model — using a simulated dataset well grounded in the value - added literature.
Moreover, for your work with Expats (and for any career coach collaborating with those aspiring to international work), your advice to articulate culturally relevant value messages is key.
Treat these relationships as you would any other relationship in your life, and understand that the most relevant value you can provide to other humans may not be your encyclopaedic knowledge of the rules of civil procedure.
Anyone who has learned about the fundamentals of content marketing knows the concept isn't all that complicated — consistently provide something of relevant value to your target audience in the hope it will ultimately return the favor in kind.
The historical timing of this mistaken notion that the selected data («abstractions») of physical science exhausted the concrete could hardly have been worse, coming as it did just when the industrial revolution and new political revolutions should have been based on the most precise attention to relevant value.
For individuals who exit the work force prior to a given age of separation, their estimated pension benefit and cumulative earnings are simply the relevant values discounted to that point in time.
The members of that august institution — the judiciary — actually believe that educators know best about teaching, and that years of accumulated experience and knowledge have actual and also court - relevant value.
(In other words, we won't be tagging the King in this post, because just using his name isn't of any relevant value to Elvis fans).
S4, gives a good estimation of the maximum possible deviation of k from m over 1980 — 2013 for which the amplitude A˜m of the considered m wave is still higher than A˜m, e. Substitution of the relevant values of A˜m, e, A˜m, SDOrt, C1, m, L, and Ro into [S4] results in the values of Cm ≈ 0.2 − 0.25, with the change in the value of Cm being caused by substitution in Eq.
For transient ERF efficacies, the relevant values from Hansen 2005 are shown for comparison.
But by keeping in contact, and constantly being on the lookout for opportunities to offer help, advice, relevant value, and articles of interest, in the long run — whether these contacts become clients themselves, or refer other clients to you — your initial 15 - minute investment should result in a steady stream of traffic to your law firm's door.
Do what you can to make each one relevant for the prospective employer, but don't be afraid to limit one to just a single line of job title, company name, location, and date in your reverse chronology for positions that just don't seem to offer any relevant value.
A great tip on how to write your career marketing document in the most effective resume format is to tailor it for each role you are targeting in a manner that showcases the most relevant value, keywords, soft skills, and achievements that you have to offer.
The summary is best when it begins with descriptive adjectives that embody the relevant value a candidate brings.
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