Sentences with phrase «reliable birth control»

Still, using reliable birth control is the best way to prevent pregnancy until you want to have another baby.
Birth Control There are many methods of reliable birth control.
And then they throw caution to the wind one day after too much wine, forgetting that exclusive breastfeeding is not always reliable birth control.
Her vision for the future was one in which reliable birth control was widely available without controversy.
Remember, hormonal emergency contraception methods, like Plan B, Next Choice, or ella, are not meant to be used as a routine contraceptive method, so be sure to look into other, more reliable birth control options.
Canada's program recommends informed written consent, two negative pregnancy tests before beginning treatment and the use of two reliable birth control methods during treatment.
Access to more reliable birth control, along with conscious choices of when to start a family have helped to raise the age of first time mothers.
Back in the days before reliable birth control, having a sexless marriage was one way of limiting family size.
Exclusive breastfeeding usually delays the return of fertility through lactational amenorrhea, although it does not provide reliable birth control.
The Court noted that, in this case, there was no dispute that the parties had engaged in consensual sexual relations without reliable birth control, and likewise no dispute that the father was the child's birth father.
In the court's view, the father clearly assumed the risk of consensual sex without condoms or other reliable birth control.
«I don't want women to have the impression that they shouldn't use reliable birth control because of dubious psychosocial effects.»
But if youre not old enough for the change and youre using reliable birth control and know you arent pregnant, the possibilities are endless.
There are many methods of reliable birth control (hormonal and otherwise) for the new mother (including breastfeeding moms).
Does breastfeeding work as a reliable birth control?
But are these apps really a reliable birth control option?
The best way to prevent pregnancy is reliable birth control.
Perhaps they simply lost access to reliable birth control, in general.
Providing free, reliable birth control to women could prevent between 41 percent and 71 percent of abortions in the United States, new research finds.
I support Planned Parenthood because I believe that people who have adequate sex education and access to reliable birth control have greater potential to lead happy lives.
«As the country's most trusted provider of reproductive health care, Planned Parenthood knows how important it is that women have timely access to reliable birth control.
Emergency Contraception (EC): If you're having vaginal intercourse, the best way to prevent pregnancy is to use reliable birth control.
The researchers make the case that the 2013 policy change made it more difficult for these women to get access to reliable birth control.
But after making it more difficult for women to get safe, reliable birth control, women switched to less reliable contraceptive methods, or skipped them altogether.
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