Sentences with phrase «reliable than observation»

I think the point was raised earlier that «physics» was more reliable than observation.
Although flawed, it is brilliant, and challenges the notions that we can «know» anything reliably with our senses and seeks to find something more reliable than observation.

Not exact matches

To my knowledge, neither radon nor any other kind of observation [other than foreshocks] has been shown to be a reliable precursor of earthquakes.
The death toll is 93 % identical to that in the WikiLeaks data, revealing those raw field observations to be far more reliable than researchers had suspected.
Such volatility notwithstanding, a track record of achievement gains is a more reliable predictor of the gains of future students than classroom observations or student surveys.
The use of direct observation as a major component of an overall data collection system for evaluative purposes may be less reliable than thought.
The AFT and the state education department have only agreed that classroom observations — which, even under the best of circumstances, are far less reliable in measuring student performance than either value - added analysis of student test score performance or even surveys of students — should be the «majority» element in the new evaluation system.
Another piece suggests that teachers should be observed by more than one person to ensure that observations are reliable.
[13] In addition, teacher evaluation systems that include student survey data, which are somewhat correlated with teachers» student growth measures, [14] are stronger, more reliable, and more valid than those that rely solely on administrator reports and observations.
Another important finding of the study was that student surveys produced more reliable results from year to year than did objective measures of student achievement gains or classroom observations.53 In other words, student survey results were more stable.
First observation: The test is modestly less reliable than flipping a coin if it is reported fairly, year after year.
But if you mean by «global warming» all the crap about renewable energy and sealevel rise and «acidification» and the end of civilsation as we know it and 50 million climate refugees and the end of glaciers by 2035 and hockey sticks and «unprecedented» and drowning polies and the whole tranche of wacko ideas that have got attached to the simple climatical observation that its a bit warmer than it was in 1912, then I'm very very sceptical and there are is very little reliable evidence for any of it.
Sea surface temperature has been consistently higher during the past three decades than at any other time since reliable observations began in 1880.
Hmm, well referenced contemporary observations are more reliable than interpreting a lump of old wood... tonyb
100 years to today would be records from actual observation, using modern methods, and instruments like thermometers, and are considered a lot more accurate and reliable than proxy records.
This bizarre notion that models are somehow more reliable than empirical observation is NOT just a climate science thing.
This hypothesis has yet to be validated by empirical data based on actual physical observations or reproducible experimentation and has not yet successfully withstood any attempts at falsification, so (unlike your example of «evolution») remains an uncorroborated hypothesis, rather than «reliable scientific knowledge» (or, even less, «settled science», despite what Gavin has stated in the past).
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