Sentences with phrase «reliable water supply»

Our local leaders are facing the pressing question of how to ensure a clean, reliable water supply for current and future generations.
Almost certainly, the expected number of lives saved by the $ 1 million spent on planetary defence would be dwarfed by the same amount spent on, for example, clean, reliable water supplies in African or South American slums.
Many of the examples used in the Earthship model can be reproduced in houses throughout the community to provide natural heating without electricity and a more reliable water supply through rainwater catchment and storage for cooking and for growing crops.
«The news about these water reserves comes at a time when reliable water supplies are highly needed,» says Judi Wakhungu of Kenya's environment, water and natural resources ministry.
Jesuit missionaries founded Todos Santos in 1723, capitalizing on the region's only reliable water supply.
More than 400 programs in 62 countries invested in the natural ability of forests, wetlands, grasslands, and other ecosystems to ensure clean, reliable water supplies for cities and communities, and to combat threats from rapid urban expansion and agricultural pollution.
«This research is motivated by a practical challenge, ensuring reliable water supplies.
Our goal is to produce a low - cost, safe and reliable water supply.
«As the end of the job approaches, we thank local elected officials and community members for their patience, which will be rewarded with a more reliable water supply and sewer system, and reconstructed roadways that will serve the public for years to come.»
They play a crucial role in maintaining a reliable water supply for millions of people in major cities like Bogotá and Medellín.
In most of Australia where exploitable mineral deposits occur, particularly in the arid outback, a reliable water supply is typically sourced from groundwater in the top few hundred metres of sediments under the surface, which itself is often buried under a similar depth of the ancient weathered rock known as regolith.
These classes factor in distance to a fire station and to a reliable water supply.
Both reservoirs tame the Colorado River to create a reliable water supply for millions of people throughout the Southwest while simultaneously offering «unparalleled opportunities for water - based recreation,» according to the National Park Service.
If the local people cut down the forest and render extinct the monkey they lose the reliable water supply for their rice further down the mountain.
And when it comes to building community resilience in the face of drought, a healthy river is the ticket to a clean and reliable water supply.
The Klamath River Basin Restoration Agreement includes a program to rebuild fish populations, more predictable irrigation water allocations for farmers, reliable water supplies for the basin's national wildlife refuges, and assistance for counties impacted by the removal of PacifiCorp's dams.
I would submit to you that to the extent that we have a global warming problem, and you want to say that there's no global warming problem, I think that you must agree with me that we have a problem with a billion human beings having Tuberculosis, with three and a half billion human beings living on less than $ 5 a day, with three to four billion human beings not having access to reliable water supply, safe water supplies, that we are pushing the carrying capacity of this planet pretty hard.
Juliet Christian - Smith, a climate scientist with the Union of Concerned Scientists, talked to Water Deeply about the two things we need to ensure a reliable water supply in the future.
While agriculture receives most of the press when it comes to water usage, California is an energy - producing powerhouse, and that energy production requires access to a reliable water supply.
The price tag for ensuring a reliable water supply could be staggering.
These classes factor in distance to a fire station and to a reliable water supply.
Clean and reliable water supplies are fundamental to urban growth and prosperity.
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