Sentences with phrase «religion because»

The court had found that the Alaskan laws substantially burdened the landlords» freedom of religion because these laws could «force [the landlords] to forsake their livelihoods as apartment owners and lessors.»
However, you seem to think it is OK for the law societies to discriminate based on religion because of their standing as a regulatory body!?
He was dismissed and claimed discrimination on the ground of religion because, as a Christian, he did not condone homosexuality.
Note that I do not mention religion because I have been made aware that wearing the niqab may have nothing to do with the religion of Islam and may not stand up under the religious defense.
I say religion because in my 62 years of experience I have only ever seen this kind of ignorant thinking by well educated people, coming from newly born true believers.
The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals examined only federal Establishment Clause precedent and held that Louisiana's special education program did not offend the Establishment Clause because (1) the statute's purpose of improving educational opportunity for disabled students was secular, and (2) the statute did not have the effect of advancing religion because it provides no incentive for parents to select religious institutions.
The government can't be accused of advancing a religion because its funds equally support public colleges and private colleges of all stripes.
Fourth, the law was neutral with respect to religion because parents could opt to use the vouchers at religious or secular schools.
Your partner giving his or her family a heads - up is especially important if you're an interracial couple or you practice a different religion because these differences can lead to extra stress on first meeting.
They have no official religion because the country's founders ideologically opposed the concept of official religion.
Probably the only relationship I have with my Jewish ancestors comes through Rugelach, which apparently transcends the boundaries of culture and religion because it's just so damn good.
I work at a card store and we already have the cards up Over the past year, I have been learning more about the religion because it is so fascinating!
I was born and raised christian but I had to walk away from that religion because of all the false and misquoted speakings of the bible.
You're done with religion because of what some man said or did?
In the past, of course, numerous scientific thinkers have expressed skepticism about religion because its assertions are not verifiable or falsifiable in the same experimental sense as are scientific assertions.
This is also not to say that along the way good people didn't inject their own brand of humane moral and ethical codes into the religion because they did.
We have the highest percentage of «Christians» in this nation with the largest prison population, the larger number of drug users and that is a nation divided over religion because of god fearing Christians who believe in this wondrous loving god that gives little girls cancer to test the faith of her parents as they watch her dying.
There was once this Muslim woman who told me that she was ok with Polygamy as it was allowed in thier religion because the prophet did so.
You really need to quit your religion because you are a terrible example.
Christianity is NOT a religion because man can Not make peace with God and man can NOT become god.
A slave mentality There will always be a struggle between priestly authority and prophetic challenge in institutionalized religion because institutions are intrinsically conservative and will always choose social stability over justice which works to the advantage of the socioeconomic / political power - elites whose interests are served by sustaining the status quo.
Context: Last night I was shooting the breeze with my roommates when one of them brought up religion and how it was a «good thing to grow up with religion because it gives children something to believe in», when I countered that there are many different things children can believe in growing up without having to resort to something like religion, I basically had to sit there for 10 minutes about how atheism ruins lives because it makes everyone apathetic and despondent.
You do not believe in religion because you honestly think it is true, you believe in it because you fear mortality or are seeking meaning in your life.
Make up your mind based on facts not on their religion because honestly, religion doesn't tell you jack about a persons true face.
You actually prove his point by the way, he said people go to religion because of their fear of death and religion tells a variety of tales as to what happens when we die which often make people, as you say «happy to know they will go to Heaven» and yet has no proof of an afterlife.
i don't know what i hate more, religion or gays guess i'm on the fence here but i guess i'd day religion because too many damn idiots believe in it and there are just a handful of gays.
All efforts to allow «free exercise» of religion because it is religion conflict with the requirement of «no establishment» or special treatment.
He claimed that hundreds of Kurdish youth in Iran have abandoned Islam and embraced Christianity and said «I changed my religion because I did not see anything in Islam».
People fight over religion because they don't understand their religion.
I am a former Catholic; I left the ancestral religion because It simply failed to keep up with the reality I live in!
They opposed organized religion because the churches and temples held sway over people's loyalties, not because they simply disagreed on the belief in gods being real.
We are criticizing your religion because we do understand it.
Stoicism and confuscianism are a religion because they have tenents they follow.
Atheists may dislike religion because of all the hate and violence it has caused, but they don't believe in God because there is no evidence of God.
That means that I confess a religion because it happens to be the prevailing one in the culture or society to which I happen to belong.
I didn't give up on religion because of any active disbelief, although I consider myself rather agnostic.
A foe of Christianity in the second century ridiculed this religion because it attracted «the very dregs of the population, peasants, mechanics, beggars, and slaves.»
You do not believe in religion because you honestly think it is true, you believe in it because you are afraid of death.
«You do not believe in religion because you honestly think it is true, you believe in it because you are afraid of the unknown» And you know this how?
I have concentrated thus far on the confrontation of science and religion because the greatest intellectual task for religion today is a new dialogue with science that could transform both.
God is not in favor of religion because it is of man.
They invented their own rules & religion because they didn't like the old rules.
I think that the only person you love is yourself, kermit, and that you embrace religion because it gives you the only authority and importance that you will ever have in your life.
I am an Army veteran of 18 years and never have had any issues with Soldiers of any religion because the prayers at any ceremony are not religious specific.
It is a religion because it dictates how a person shall find security, self - esteem, standards of value, and reasons for living.
You follow your religion because you are afraid, because you believe that your religion will give you what you want and need.
This constituency includes persons now repelled by organized religion because they can not accept certain positions (such as opposition to evolutionary theory or to birth - control practice) which they have been exposed to in some churches and which they assume characterize all churches.
And that includes the people that peddle religion because they are for sure a special interest group just like banks, wall street, big oil etc..
People like religion because of the proposed infinite return for a finite investment.
Confused about Obama's religion because: 1.
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