Sentences with phrase «religion makes»

My religion makes me a virgin.
Our huge and growing database of people of the Catholic religion makes finding that perfect date a cinch and the best part is that you can search for free!
But I've only ever done it for Lent, and the whole sacrificing for the sake of your religion makes the task much easier.
The above coupled with all kinds of abuses that people perpetrate in the name of religion makes me wonder whether the Church is really playing its biblical role as Jesus would require of us.
In most cases however, the utter distaste that many had for organized religion makes us (looking back on their writings) incorrectly perceive them as deist when in actuality they acknowledged the divinity of Jesus Christ.
Bostontola The problem is religion makes good people do bad things, and bad people take advantage of good ones.
The problem is religion makes good people do bad things, and bad people take advantage of good ones.
The use and promotion of prayer to perpetuate the insanity of religion makes the net effect of prayer on society vastly negative.
People have no pride, here they are eating and supporting a company that is funding anti-human rights groups... Only religion makes this possible...
@ muneef after reading your post I can see how no religion makes any sense and people manipulate reality to fit their religion.
Furthermore, religion makes people content with terrible lives, which is why it is such a powerful tool to control people.
Freedom to «profess practice and propagate religion makes sense as a fundamental right of persons only on the basis of the recognition of this difference.
Your religion makes zero sense!
Actually your religion makes far more money and they need to keep making money to support their cult.
However the way people practice religion makes us into groups called religious, spritual and... / This is clear this universe is not random if we say we created the number system no, its exists in nature we have five fingers?
Yeah religion makes much sense as driving a Bugatti Veyron.253 miles per hour.forward and backwards at the same time you want get any where with twice dead works man in the rut religion religious falsehood
If religion makes you happy keep it.
What about others practicing a religion makes you so upset?
The process by which a thoroughly modernized form of religion makes headway is, in Bellah's view, not accomplished strictly at the expense of more traditional variants of religious expression.
Go look up the stats for yourself, and then come back and try to convince us that devotion to the Christian religion makes a country better off.
No one on this board has stated that religion makes anyone nasty.
Go ahead and practice whatever religion makes you happy, just don't use it as a hammer to beat people over the head, and especially don't commit acts of hatred in the name of religion and don't be a hypocrite, the lowest form of life in the universe, like Hannity, Palin, Beck and the schmucks at FOX News.
In fact, the universality of religion makes it peculiarly useful for the sanctification of imperious and parochial group interests.
I hope religion makes your life good also.
I am very happy and religion makes up no part in my life.
There is no reason to save anyone from anything and in fact if religion makes some people feel they have a purpose — the best to them.
We can live the kind of life that protects the lives of sinners from the threats of death that religion makes (John 8:1 - 11).
Metaphysics reveals what God is like for all creatures, as Hartshorne tells us, but religion makes manifest what God is like for us.
It is always apparent that religion makes one so amazingly arrogant that they believe they can tell other people what they believe.
religion makes people stay stupid.
You people are FUNDAMENTALISTS through and through — that you lack a religion makes no difference!
I think that religion makes it far easier to condone any manner of harmful actions.
People refusing medical treatment because they think they can pray disease away, The demoralizing way religion makes you feel about yourself (I am a wretch, a sinner, a bad person by nature), the religious wars that have been fought for millenia, the self righteous passing laws based on THEIR beliefs (change to the pledge of allegience which now excludes anyone who does not believe in a fairy godfather, the change to the national motto that turned it into the lie «in god we trust», the bigotry that «my religion is the right one and you are wrong so I'll pray for you» kind of crap... don't you realize that it is insulting to me when someone says they will pray for me... its the same as saying I'm going to do something for you but there won't be any effect, so it is just a waste of time.
You are confusing the fact that man is capable of doing bad things with the idea that religion makes man do bad things.
Every religion makes up foolish things to get people to behave and contribute money.
Another said, «Your defensiveness for God, church, and religion makes me wonder what's wrong with them that they need your protection.
If religion makes her happy, then I'm glad she converted.
The point is, considering their religions SHOULD be as pointless as that, but it isn't because some Americans actually believe their religion makes a difference because they think THEIR God is real, but that other guy's isn't.
You think our religion makes us stupid?
If you claim religion makes it ok for you to be bigoted, then you aught to be bigoted of those who eat shellfish too, and don't forget those who are wearing clothing of mixed fabric (the TRUE sinners!)!
So I think it's more accurate to say that religion makes otherwise intelligent people believe stupid things.
I have a better solution: Let's put people like Rainer, people whom religion makes stupid, in camps where they can only inflict each other with their poison.
Thus, by cowardly, hypocritically and ignorantly demonizing Christianity, Iran's religion makes only itself look hideous.
One could argue that the regrettable intersection of politics and religion makes it even more important to discuss it in the context of belief.
However, regardless of the claim you make it is impossible to ignore the fact that religion makes an enormous contribution to this political topic.
At this point we do tend to draw on the psychologist to make sense of what novelist Mary McCarthy observed: that religion makes good people good and bad people bad.
IOW, your point is really, like our atheist friends, that much of the above is about not being able to prove the assertions religion makes.
Yes, they have some goofy beliefs but their religion makes them better people.
The question is therefore: Is the moment in time at which this absolute historical religion makes existentially real demands on men the same for all, or has the beginning of this moment itself a history and thus is not the same in time for all men, all civilizations and periods of history.
My religion makes me at peace with myself.
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