Sentences with phrase «religion professor»

A religion professor is a teacher who specializes in the study and teaching of religion. They help students better understand different religions, their beliefs, practices, and history. Full definition
On the other hand, there's CNN Belief Blog contributor and Boston University religion professor Stephen Prothero.
Each of them is capped at 165 people, and all are sold - out affairs with long waiting lists, said Victor Ludlow, a BYU religion professor who has been organizing campus Seders for almost four decades.
The feminist exegetes give equally short shrift to pious Judaism; in a commentary on the Book of Genesis, Amherst College religion professor Susan Niditch dismisses the culture of the ancient Hebrews as one «in which powerful women are regarded with suspicion as unnatural and evil» (actually, the women in Genesis seem quite the opposite, inspiring quite a bit of respect from their menfolk).
Trying to align the triune God of Christianity and the gods of other religions isn't new or restricted to Islam, wrote Harold Netland, a philosophy of religion professor at TEDS.
Dr. Ludlow was the best religion professor I have ever had.
Stephen Prothero, a prominent religion professor and CNN Belief Blog contributor, said the ADL's opposition to the Lower Manhattan Islamic center showed that the group and its leader, Abraham L. Foxman, «no longer occupy a moral high ground.»
But Roanoke College religion professor Gerald McDermott says it does, especially since the Islamic understanding of God's character doesn't include his command to love, which is central to the Christian view.
in addition, Emory's graduate program in religion is conducted in a strong and hard - won interfaith environment, and any attempt to tilt the program toward an overemphasis on Christian practical theology would be greeted with a healthy suspicion and resistance from many religion professors.
In part 2 of this special Darwin Day podcast, Hofstra University religion professor John Teehan discusses the study of religion from an evolutionary psychology perspective
In Iran, about 10 percent of Christians suffer serious indignities ranging from imprisonments to lashings, reported Christian van Gorder, a Baylor University religion professor.
Yes, there are many philosophers, world religion professors, and experts in ancient history who will attest to Christianity's parallels, predates, and contrasts with other faiths.
At the same time, Latino Catholics are also drifting away from liberation theology, says Carl Raschke, a religion professor at the University of Denver.
The prospect of the church aligning itself with political movements alarmed Benedict because of his own upbringing, says Ramon Luzarraga, a religion professor at the University of Dayton in Ohio.
Pentecostal - flavored religion, not liberation theology, is now sweeping Latin America, says Daniel Ramirez, a religion professor at the University of Michigan.
C.H. Talbert, a religion professor at Baylor University and author of Reading the Sermon on the Mount: Character Formation and Decision Making, says that Matthew 7:1 is best understood as part of the overall teaching of Matthew 7:1 - 12.
Our curse is that we believe in personal revelation,» Robert Millet, a religion professor and former dean of religious education at Brigham Young University, told the LDS Church - owned newspaper Deseret News in 2003, soon after Mitchell's arrest.
«The notion that religious people should be about feeding the poor and helping the homeless is a carryover of the Social Gospel,» says Charles Kammer, a religion professor at Wooster College in Ohio.
Jesus saw a preoccupation with the external when he looked at the scribes — the expert Bible teachers, the religion professors with their Ph.D. s in theology and hermeneutics — and the Pharisees — the devout guardians of the faith, the religion experts, the senior pastors and serious churchgoers.
«This kind of thinking is actually typical rather than atypical in world history,» says Stephen Prothero, a Boston University religion professor and CNN Belief Blog contributor.
And in India and Sri Lanka, Christians have increasingly cooperated with those of other faiths, in part to show that their primary aim is not conversion, wrote Butler University religion professor Chad Bauman and University of Madras religion professor James Ponniah.
A religion professor predicted that megachurches would one day resemble abandoned retail stories «on the edge of town» because they were so expensive to maintain, and a younger generation wanted a more intimate worship experiences.
Does one have any empathy for a religion professor who promulgates the love of all gods even though he knows they do not exist????
- Stephen Prothero, Boston University religion professor and regular CNN Belief Blog contributor
Imagine someone burning Jesus,» says Emad El - Din Shahin, a religion professor at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana.
Dr. Partain, a religion professor at Gardner - Webb College in Boiling Springs, North Carolina, taught at the Baptist Seminary of East Africa, Arusha, Tanzania, for 13 years.
Equating the way Christianity and Islam view God opens up other questions, wrote Sarita Gallagher, a religion professor at George Fox University.
Beal, a religion professor at Case Western University in Ohio, says it should be difficult for any Christian to unequivocally declare that the Bible opposes homosexuality because the Bible doesn't take a single position on the topic.
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