Sentences with phrase «religion separates people»

See how religion separates people of the world in a negative way?
Anyone can be spiritual, but religions separate people.

Not exact matches

«Purify [the Hadith];... Find a new practice of the concept of interaction between the sexes;... Separate religion from the state;... Give guidelines on Western customs, and eliminate incorrect behaviours;... Invite the people to go to God through gratitude and wisdom, and not with threats;... Recognise the right of Christians to occupy important positions [including] the presidency of the republic;... Separate religious discourse from power, and re-establish its connection with the needs of society.»
Why are people unable to separate the extreme actions of a few who follow the world's second largest religion
Feuerbach further offended the people of his day by suggesting that the ancient nature religions remained superior to Christianity since they were sensuously in touch with the earth and with nature, whereas Christianity had become separated from nature, and had made of God a separate, sexless, spiritual being.
Whether we want to face it or not the world is always going to be political mingled with religion you can not separate the two that's why we have so many radical religious people in this world.
A school that leaves religion behind and puts all people in the same classroom, or campus would do more to promote understanding between groups than persisting in keeping them separate.
To separate government from the reality of religion — from that which speaks to the deepest and highest and most commanding ways of understanding what is really real — is to separate government from the people who are the source of its legitimacy.
Frequently people appeal to pluralism when making the argument that religion should be separated from public life.
To finish, religion and government should be completely separated, religion should be private and should not be discussed / debated to get more votes and they should stick to what really matters which is getting the economy back on track, getting people jobs, and getting corruption out of businesses / government.
Learn to separate people from religion.
Put more crudely, when people demand that religion should be kept separate from politics, and especially that the Church should not preach politics, they usually say that the preacher must not meddle in «dirty politics».
Those still belonging to organised religions or politics separating themselves from others will also some day awaken to the fact, that our earth needs organisations only such as hospitals, firemen, Red Cross etc. bringing help to suffering people, animals, nature catastrofs etc..
One should also appreciate the fact that though an institution founded by Christian Missions, considering the inter-religious character of the academic community of the college, the founders emphasized the Christian «values» of self - giving service to the poor and concern for the whole person rather than Christian salvation, thereby somewhat separating the common «culture» and values of humanism of academic community of the college, from the Christian «religion» and thus relatively secularizing it to keep the academic community free from discrimination on the basis of religion.
I honestly believe that separating people from their money is what most modern religions do best.
Similarly, they did not merely say there should be separation of church and state; rather, they actually separated them by (1) establishing a secular government on the power of «We the people» (not a deity), (2) saying nothing to connect that government to god (s) or religion, (3) saying nothing to give that government power over matters of god (s) or religion, and (4), indeed, saying nothing substantive about god (s) or religion at all except in a provision precluding any religious test for public office.
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