Sentences with phrase «religious act»

They are, to put it differently, essentially religious acts, not optional additions to the religious life.
Also surprising: just how much of an effect religious acts had on others.
But to demonstrate that signaling theory is part of the answer, it's not enough to prove that people who engage in religious acts also engage in prosocial behavior — you also have to show that others in the community get the message.
Every religion is filled with people who have deep emotional experiences when they pray, commune with God, perform religious acts, etc, that are entirely convincing to them that they are right.
This process of segmentation mutes the primary religious act which liturgy celebrates: to stand before the Real with gratitude and accept it as grace.
Mathews recognized that characteristic religious acts such as prayer and worship may not survive such adjustment, but he saw no alternative to complete openness, and he personally found the implications of science supportive of the religious response.
Do religious acts get the message across?
Being frozen with fear is one thing — understandable and certainly forgivable, but to turn it into some kind of noble religious act is outrageous.
For Orthodox Jews, he said, religion doesn't just govern the obviously religious acts.
Thus a formally religious act might be an act of disobedience to God.
Similarly, we do not come to God through putting away our «idols» — our finite goods such as our nation, art, power, knowledge, or money — and allowing the diverted religious act to return to the fitting object.
A quorum is frequently considered indispensable to a valid religious act.
Prayer is then not an especially virtuous religious act, of which a man can be proud, contrasting himself with others; it is talking with God, and concerns God alone.
But Las Casas, citing the binding of Isaac and the killing of the firstborn, did not flinch from defending human sacrifice as a justified religious act.
Without saying that it is particular religious acts or practices, such as prayer or the use of Scripture for guidance, that make one's function pastoral, I believe that a case can be made for an identifiable pastoral function as well as a pastoral way of thinking about that function.
This was no mere historic reminiscence, but a vital religious act pregnant for the well - being of the incoming year.
Santa Fe Institute Omidyar Postdoctoral Fellow Eleanor Power has an answer: whether it's walking across hot coals or simply going to church on Sunday, people who participate in religious acts send a potent signal to others that they're ready and willing to contribute to their communities.
John Yau, in his catalogue essay for the show, asserts that DiDonna's genius is his ability to render the «deeply private religious act into an abstract painting that can be appreciated at a secular level.»
According to the directive, the concept of religion should in particular include the holding of theistic, non-theistic and atheistic beliefs, the participation in, or abstention from, formal worship in private or in public, either alone or in community with others, other religious acts or expressions of view, or forms of personal or communal conduct based on or mandated by any religious belief (art. 10).
Signaling theory's key prediction is that people will pay a price in time, money, or even physical pain to demonstrate something to others — in this case, people would engage in religious acts to demonstrate their generosity, devotion, and so on to others.
Indeed, the suggestion that an inauguration filled with prayers and religious oaths is nonreligious would evidence an extreme cynicism toward those who stand in front of a hundred million people and deliberately give every appearance of solemnly engaging in these religious acts.
The truth is that the concept of a Sabbath isn't just a religious act.
Lent is a religious act that people count as a religious act.
Put some food in people's stomach that act of charity is more in line with a religious act than erecting that statue
I would like to take this time to point out that even the religious act like athiests on a daily basis.
In his decree Paenitemini (1966) Paul VI points out that penance is «a religious act which has as its aim, love, and surrender to God.»
Police detained 10 women for «performing a religious act contrary to the local customs.»
Not to preempt, I take the Cain and Abel story as a struggle to please God through sacrifice (a religious act) where the differences led to conflict, though later it is written that obedience is better than sacrifice, as it ever was.
In other words, the adequacy of a religious act of belief is measured by the degree to which reason is radically transformed, since we established in the first chapter that the fulfillment of reason is in its radical transformation and rebirth through the act of religious belief.
Sean Ross... Somehow I doubt that turning the tables of money changers is a «religious act».
I wonder how many of you caught this delicious piece of irony: The Israeli Court forbids «performing a religious act contrary to the local customs» at the Wall.
For Updike, writing was a religious act.
It is not the religious act that makes the Christian, but participation in the sufferings of God in the secular life.
«The «religious act» is always something partial, «faith» is something whole, involving the whole of one's life.»
«There are lots of forbidden acts at the Western Wall: Do not spit on the wall, do not pee on the wall, no slaughtering of animals at the wall - and among those, one can not perform a religious act contrary to local customs at the wall, which pretty much only applies to women, because there are no local customs men are forbidden from taking part in.»
In and through the religious act the religious group is constituted.
Israeli police say they are simply following orders passed down from an Israeli court and detaining the women for «performing a religious act contrary to the local customs.»
Social drinking is also ritualistic in character, but without the other - worldly overtones of the religious act.
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