Sentences with phrase «religious consciousness»

The word nowadays means sometimes the mere natural animal man without a sense of sin; sometimes it means a Greek or Roman with his own peculiar religious consciousness.
As I shall take it in this book, the central core of religious consciousness is a fundamental trust, primordially expressed in symbols and stories, that reality is ultimately caring.
The manner in which religious consciousness expresses its intimation of such an ultimate context of meaning is primarily through symbolic and mythic modes of thought and language which differ from culture to culture.
Such mystical persuasion plays an enormous part in the history of the religious consciousness, and we must look at it later with some care.
If he proves himself useful, the religious consciousness asks for no more than that.
Their stimulant and anaesthetic effect is so great that Professor Leuba, in a recent article, (The Contents of Religious Consciousness, in The Monist, xi.
In the religious consciousness of the people at worship and meditation, how is the cross perceived in the midst of Buddhist images and symbols?
Through it, the mystery of the future enters concretely into the religious consciousness of the people.
However defined, Updike's religious consciousness informs all of his work; a close reading of his fiction supports the claim that he is seriously involved in enfleshing that marginal belief which underlies life for an increasing number of Americans.
Christian theology has succeeded in displacing most of these archaic ideas but has not been able to remove from our heritage those earlier stages of religious consciousness.
Decisive for this stage of the religious consciousness is the encounter with the self - realization of the transcendent in its individual form and expression of power.
However, for people who are dissatisfied with their local church, who have little established connection with a local church, or whose religious consciousness may be awakened by a viewed religious program, the research indicates that paid - time religious programs, by presenting themselves as competent alternatives to the local church, offering a range of services similar to the local church, and not referring respondents or enquirers to a local church, may be acting as a barrier to people's developing their faith most fully within this interpersonal context.
This is just another of those surprising examples of how in Hinduism and Buddhism all levels of religious consciousness and all varieties of religion continue to exist side by side and to intermingle with each other.
It appears in an overwhelming diversity and at the most varied levels of religious consciousness.
And if this is so, then the history of religions and the history of the development of the religious consciousness must be seen as coterminous with the history of salvation.
For even in the various Buddhist centers of meditation and teaching, Buddhism is amalgamated with various levels of religious consciousness expressed in local mythologies.
(Religion in the Making, Cleveland: Meridian Books, 1960, 86) So the great rational religions are expressions of religious consciousness characterized by universality.
Studies in which I've been engaged began with the thought that the new religious consciousness that seemed to be developing among young people in the San Francisco Bay area might be some harbinger, some straw in the wind, that would tell us of.
As Peter Berger argues in The Sacred Canopy, religious consciousness itself is the imposition of nomos, of order, on experience.
And this means that our present religious consciousness must assume the distinctive attitude of radical openness to the future if it is to be properly receptive of revelation.
Much of this suspicion of symbols is very helpful, for it brings to our attention the childishness, escapism, resentfulness, and oppressiveness that have at times become attached to religious consciousness.
Yet in both places students and faculty participate in the perplexed American religious consciousness of the «70s: In a global community whose faiths are many, by what faith shall we live?
Thus, world consciousness is clearly related to Whitehead's idea of religion, which is essentially an ethical notion: «The movement of the religious consciousness starts from self valuation, but it broadens into the concept of world as a realm of adjusted values, mutually intensifying or mutually destructive» (RM 58f.).
The «way of silence,» which is likewise an ingredient, at least to some degree, in all religion, is so alert to the inadequacy of any sacramental images of mystery that it sometimes puts them completely aside, intending thereby a radical purification of religious consciousness.
Roof describes a radical shift in the religious consciousness of all of us, especially boomers and subsequent generations.
The plain truth is that to interpret religion one must in the end look at the immediate content of the religious consciousness.
In our future examples, even of the simplest and healthiest - minded type of religious consciousness, we shall find this complex sacrificial constitution, in which a higher happiness holds a lower unhappiness in check.
In the religious consciousness, that is just the position in which the fiend, the negative or tragic principle, is found; and for that very reason the religious consciousness is so rich from the emotional point of view.
No, the naturalistic perspective is as much a part of our religious consciousness today as is the Bible itself.
So whilst revelation is not the projection of our own religious consciousness, it is a natural expectation of man in history.
State and society in their specific, imperfect, unjust, inhuman form produce in human beings a reversed or perverted consciousness, corresponding to human being's perversion, i.e., religious consciousness.
The task therefore is not to fight religion but, more clearly stated here than before, to set up a society in which religious consciousness will die out.
«The letting be of Being is for the religious consciousness grace.
See also Mircea Eliade, Images and Symbols, Sheed and Ward, 1969; and my forthcoming The Roots of Religious Consciousness,
But there is a wider aspect; and at the moment I am concerned with that wider aspect, with what Whitehead styled the «secular functions» of deity, recognized as operative in the world but not necessarily the occasion for explicit religious consciousness.
Paradise appears in the religious consciousness as a dialectical inversion of the here and now of profane experience, whether symbolized in a spatial form as celestial transcendence or in a temporal form as the Beginning or the End.
The church understood as the repository of religious consciousness, or as the apex of «Christian» civilization, or as the private club of moral rectitude, could no longer be the place where the thunder and lightning of God's grace breaks through to human beings.
If, according to the turn to the subject, God is but the infinitely malleable imaging of our religious consciousness, why not God — She, or God — It, or, for that matter, God — Me?
Stark also dissents from the views of two giants of sociology: Max Weber, who regarded religious consciousness as nonrational, and Èmile Durkheim, who contended that ritual, not belief, is the core of religion and that society itself, not God or the gods, is the real object of worship.
(For further analysis of the difference between the via negativa of much of classical mysticism and the second type, called by Rufus M. Jones «affirmation mysticism,» see Evelyn Underhill, Mysticism; J. B. Pratt, The Religious Consciousness, chs.
Nonetheless, the Hispanic church does not surface in North American religious consciousness.
The insights of geniuses or of moments of high illumination may of course be valuable clues to the significance of the more generally enjoyed experiences which define the religious consciousness.
In Whitehead's «theory of religion,» the development of religion leads (at least in its last level that we know of) to a rationalization of religious experience (LM 20 - 36) 5 Although, at first, religious concerns were preoccupied with rituals, partial myths, and emotional stabilization, later religious consciousness evolved increasingly towards the recognition of universal connectivity, leaving behind provincial rituals and social bindings (RM 28).
Much of this section is based on research on religious consciousness among young people in the San Francisco Bay area conducted by a research group under the direction of Charles Glock and myself between 1971 and 1974.
(The Religious Consciousness, p. 336.)
Altizer states in The New Apocalypse that the unfolding of Spirit corresponds to a similar evolution within the individual religious consciousness.21 In the Enzyklopädie Hegel states, «The same development of thought which is treated in the history of philosophy is being portrayed in every philosophy, yet emancipated from that historic externality, purely in the element of thinking.»
This experience, Long argues, is the cornerstone of religious consciousness for African Americans.
The opacity of the African American's religious symbol is buried deep in this religious consciousness.
The black community in America has confronted the reality of the historical situation as immutable, impenetrable, but this experience has not produced passivity; it has, rather, found expression as forms of the involuntary and transformative nature of the religious consciousness.

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What is present is something older and deeper than nazism — a Bavarian if not a German racial consciousness supported by a conservative religious culture.
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