Sentences with phrase «religious conservatives think»

I don't think I should though apparently the religious conservatives think otherwise.

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Why am I not surprise that these backward thinking people are also religious conservatives.
Now in Africa, most people are rural, religious, and fairly conservative when it comes to sexual behavior, despite lurid stereotypes of oversexed African men forcing themselves on women and girls without a thought.
If understanding our case as above all a matter of protecting religious liberty rights means that social conservatives don't think or talk that way anymore, then we are in great trouble.
I have never thought of the progressive church as a response to the religious right or to the conservative or the creedal or orthodox church.
If you want to know what a conservative thinks of religious zealots, go read Barry Goldwater's prescient words:
And social conservatives should think twice before linking the concern for religious liberty to a vindication of Robertson.
The dangers of conservative religious thought have frequently been noted by liberal theologians to include a kind of individualistic withdrawal from the social realities of the world.
I think that most right wings religious conservatives would hate Romney and consider him the antichrist if they only had someone other than Obama to vote for.
Way too often it's the conservative Christians who seem to think that men are the only ones «qualified» to be religious leaders.
I think the religious conservatives need to grow up and realize that the rest of us don't want their religion to make choices for us.
A survey that William McKinney and I recently conducted invited 1,500 conservative and mainline Protestant denominational leaders to choose from a list of 63 contemporary religious leaders and authors the ten who have had «the greatest impact on your thinking about the church's life and mission today.»
Religious conservatives are a bunch of self righteous clowns who think they have a hot line to heaven!
I read the headline, where will religious conservatives go, and a few thoughts went through my mind.
Religious conservatives never thought they would need accommodations.
I think many were hesitant to do it because it leads to religious argument, but I find it hard to fathom how some conservatives can claim they just love Jesus and then turn their back on those people that they judge are unworthy of help.
Please think seriously about splitting into 2 parties; one party for the its - all - about - the - social - issues, religious conservatives & one for the fiscallyconservative / small government crowd.
Like many social conservatives, especially Christian ones, I spend a lot of my time reading and writing about religious freedom, especially how it might be affected by the legalization of same - sex marriage and the campaign for «gay rights» more generally.Yet at the same time, I harbor doubts about the position we are staking out.You see, I sometimes think that Justice Scalia's majority opinion in Employment Division v. Smith may have been correct.
I'll never understand why Rethuglican, conservative, right - wing, religious fanatics think they can force other normal people to accept their deviant views and lifestyle.
Here, then, are nine thoughts I want to share with my fellow religious conservatives: 1) As a matter of political liberty I believe there are justifiable reasons to support such issues as prayer in schools and public displays of religious symbols.
Those who are involved in small groups often claim that these groups have influenced how they think on political and economic issues — for example, raising their interest in questions of peace and social justice or, in the case of conservative religious groups, generating ire about abortion and gay rights.
This would suggest that (lay) theological thinking is an important part of the numerically strong conservative and fundamentalist churches that occupy the religious center.
Some ugly and foolish thoughts expressed in slovenly language were put forth by President Ronald Reagan when, during a 1982 conference with some eastern Carribean leaders, he called Marxism a «virus»; when, in 1983, he labeled the Soviet Union an «evil empire,» telling the assembled National Association of Evangelicals in Orlando, Florida, that communism «is the focus of evil in the modern world» and that «we are enjoined by Scripture and the Lord Jesus to oppose it with all our might»; and when, while conferring in 1984 with 19 conservative and religious leaders, he vowed to fight the «communist cancer.»
Non-white religious conservatives will need to confront their constituencies on issues thought to be «Republican,» such as abortion and religious freedom.
While I disagree with my religious conservative friends who think this way, that is a respectable and defensible view.
I thought about the variety of faith backgrounds represented on this blog — Catholics, Lutherans, Baptists, Presbyterians, conservative evangelicals, agnostics, Mennonites, Methodists, Pentecostals, doubters, skeptics, fundamentalists, disenfranchised fundamentalists, religious scholars, and religious misfits — and all I could think to say was, «My blog attracts people who are in transition... or who have recently transitioned... from one way of approaching their faith to another.»
And its scary when you think about the court majority being right winged religious conservatives.
As for the article, when it comes to religious conservatives, the ones who need to read this and think critically about these things, she might as well be preaching to a brick wall.
I understand that many conservatives believe LGBTQs are asking for special treatment, but as one of our gay friends said «Most of us don't really care what religious people think of us....
Lord Ashcroft's new study shows what ethnic and religious minorities think of the Conservative Party.
It appears that religious liberty, for the conservative fools running the legislature, only matters when it's the «liberty» to be as oppressive and cruel as you can think of, but doesn't matter one bit when all you want is the religious right to marry the people your church loves and supports, regardless of gender.
Frankly the APPG is in danger of turning into a religious sect overwhelmingly directed by the fundamentalist Christian wing of the Conservative parliamentary party, which I think is utterly deplorable.
The end result of this controlling regime of finance capital and religious and conservative fundamentalism is an all - out cleansing of critical thinking from most educational books now being used in the schools, especially the public schools.
She thinks she already knows the answers — and those answers, just coincidentally, coincide with her own religious and conservative political views.
Their worst fear is that Francis might successfully disabuse religious conservatives of a longstanding and pernicious myth: that climate change should be thought of as a splinter issue, and that belief in climate science and support for environmental action signify membership in the «enemy camp.»
Pew believed individual freedom was closely linked to political, religious, and «industrial freedom,» and until shortly after his death the Pew Trusts supported a variety of conservative think tanks.
I think the religious right in this country, the conservatives, need to purge themselves of their affiliation with war and violence and a lot of oppression.
Orin Kerr writes, «According to the story, Nathan Hecht and another judge told James Dobson and «other religious conservatives» on the day the Miers nomination was announced that they thought Miers «absolutely» would vote to overrule Roe v. Wade
Mr. Mercer has never spoken publicly about his policy views in depth, but his giving is eclectic: He has financed anti-Clinton documentaries, right - wing media watchdogs, libertarian think tanks and both Senator Ted Cruz, a religious conservative, and Mr. Trump, a thrice - married nationalist.
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