Sentences with phrase «religious event»

Comments are generally humorous but many seem to suggest that a parent's access time for religious events are not on the same level as sports events.
Its NOT a religious site, its was NOT religious event.
Enjoy a good set of skills that help out in producing precise projects with simple yet efficient techniques have had experience in weddings, birthdays, and several other religious events.
Religious events such as this DO NOT belong on - base.
Occasionally, Jewish religious events are celebrated there, though not in the former main sanctuary.
Some parents decide to allow children to attend multiple religious events while others decide to limit exposure until the children are older.
It is mostly worn on religious events like Holi, Divali, Rangoli, Rakhi, etc..
He was in Spain for a four - day visit for the event, a week - long series of religious events that the Roman Catholic Church organizes every three years.
The concentration relies heavily on religious events, with those not in the flock questioning what they see at every turn, only to come to a sort of acceptance that something sinister is going on, and trying to effect some sort of positive outcome, especially in keeping great evil from spilling over into the rest of the world.
For Jews, a prayer over wine is part of the sabbath service, sabbath meals, all religious holidays and special religious events such as weddings and circumcisions.
In my 11 years of service, I have NEVER EVER been forced to attend / assist / voluntold to go to ANY blatantly religious event.
As far as I understand, public holidays were originally a way of letting workers rest during the year, as well as celebrating major religious events.
, «the death of God» has proved a liberating and stimulating religious event; it is still the decisive theological event of our time.
The concept of holy family in Greece flowered into the Eleusinian Mysteries, religious events celebrated on the Aegean Coast near Athens long before people speaking Greek (the Kurgan invaders) had entered that land.
March lines up with Lent, the 40 - day - long religious event during which participating Christians don't eat meat on Fridays.
God intended it to be a day of rest and man had turned it into a legalistic religious event that caused burdens for the people and spiritual blindness for the leaders.
The most one can say without exceptions is that only in peyotism is drug - induced altered consciousness part of the central religious event.
To millions, it is perhaps the only real contemporary religious event; for hundreds of thousands of Jews, it has served to define their Jewish identity, taking the place of everything else.
Mentally disturbed want to do away with guns, Lets make Religion illegal as considering more religious events have killed people than firearms over the last 900 years.
In one national survey of teenagers, only 35 percent could name all four Gospels, 44 percent did not know how many disciples Jesus had, and 29 percent did not even know what religious event is celebrated at Easter.
The Second Vatican Council was to prove itself the most significant religious event of the twentieth century and perhaps one of the most important in Christian history since the Reformation itself.
Several faith groups are planning religious events in the Washington area Oct. 9 - 11, including an interfaith service before the march.
During the 1980's, as more and more people from all over the world discovered the quiet beauty of the woods surrounding the peak, several momentous religious events happened on the Mountain.
Many religious events and temple ceremonies are held all over Bali the biggest of them is the Panca Wali Krama ceremony in Taman Ayun Temple Mengwi.
Laura Calhoun «s video The Rope documents the biggest religious event in Brazil, a festival in Belem at the mouth of the Amazon, which fuses elements of Christianity and local religions.
In her latest exhibition, currently on view at The New Gallery uptown, Galembo presents portraits taken during cultural and religious events throughout Mexico between 2008 and 2017.
You can also select out any dress for other religious events like Rangoli, Devali, Rakhi, etc..
Benedict's Spain visit coincides with a weeklong series of religious events that the Roman Catholic Church organizes every three years.
Its important to realize that although Ramadan is a very special religious event, as far as calories and nutrition its the same thing — if you want to lose or maintain your bodyfat then you have to be very careful about what you eat!
If you were forced to attend a blatantly religious event, and didn't report that through the appropriate channels (Equal Opportunity, CoC, etc.), then you let it happen to yourself.
«The death of God» movement has proved a liberating and stimulating religious event.
However, for the celebrations, Ponta Delgada still transforms into a huge open air fair, featuring a mix of food stands and religious events in and around the church.
Now, in addition to raising money for things like vet bills, personal emergencies and whatnot, people can also raise money for travel (community trips or for medical needs), family - related causes (adoption, etc), religious events and volunteer supplies.
With state police and a smattering of protesters standing watch outside the church, brides clad in white and grooms in dark suits brought dozens of unloaded AR - 15s into World Peace and Unification Sanctuary for a religious event that doubled as an advertisement for the Second Amendment.»
I could understand being «anti-event» if this was taxpayer - funded, but in that case, I would be against it purely because of that, not because it's a religious event.
This religious event being placed on - base is wrong and a horrible violation of the separation of church and state.
I'm amazed that just because this is a religious event, people close their eyes.
I spent 13 years in the military and never once was forced to go to a religious event, ever.
It's a religious event and as such does not belong on military owned land.
However, I can speak from my personal experience that I was NEVER forced to participate in any religious event.
no but it is a religious event so lets get out the pitchforks.
Religious events are held on post ALL THE TIME, and NO ONE is obligated or required to attend.
I do not think of Christmas as a religious event, but rather a time to get together with friends and family and celebrate the time we are able to spend together.
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