Sentences with phrase «religious expressions»

If you lean toward the second narrative, I predict you read the Wall Street Journal, listen to conservative talk radio, watch Fox News, are pro-life and anti — gun control, believe America is a Christian nation that should not ban religious expressions in the public sphere, are against universal health care, and vote against measures to redistribute wealth and tax the rich.
We shouldn't be too dismayed by the wide array of religious expressions in our society, according to this view, for the basic experience behind them transcends their particular expressions.
I do not believe that anyone can penetrate the deep mystery of the religious expressions of a people from the outside.
My own family and the people from my barrio have been my basic formation team and it is from them that I have acquired my most cherished values, beliefs and religious expressions.
I am anxiously awaiting and looking forward for the other Hispanic groups in the United States to begin speaking and writing about their own religious expressions of their culture.
Never before, though, has this minority movement been able to dominate a medium to the virtual exclusion of other religious expressions as it has on television in recent years.
In other words, it is not in my mind that I find the ultimate basis of religious expressions.
Many current and popular religious expressions place great emphasis on theological immanence — God in me, God in you.
Especially when those, supposed, religious expressions aren't evenly distributed to medications other than BC.
The need of the hour is to get out of the colonial and national models which sanction the rejection of a plurality of religious expressions.
Liberal Protestants may still be advocates if their religious expressions are largely confined to an ethic of political progressivism.
Shalit herself is quite taken with religious expressions of modesty, especially the Jewish modesty laws.
Rorty has taken that position, though he now says that it's religious institutions and religious leaders that worry him, not the religious expressions of ordinary citizens.
Drawing on novelists, poets, as well as Scripture, Trotter leads us through a perilous issue with a result that opens up new options for religious expressions, as well as warnings about traditional religious language.
By its avoidance of the issue, however, it has in fact preferred particular religious expressions over others.
The process of privatising the media offers a particular model of communication that, undoubtedly, will affect all religious expressions, In public service the supreme criterion is the presence of society and its institutions and respect for religious and cultural traditions.
Since different religions by and large promote the same morals expressed in different wording, I think it's natural for someone to pick and choose religious expressions to help define their beliefs.
Precisely because the evangelical counsels in all their lay, clerical, or religious expressions evoke a supernatural transcendence, they are often cited as justification for the unnatural.
I don't see any good coming from banning religious expressions, however I do believe we need to include ALL religions when we are talking about religious representation for this site.
The wall of separation actually exists to PROTECT religious freedom by keeping politics and political influences OUT of religion and religious expressions, but the caveat is that religion has to then stay out of politics as well and not ask for political influence (such as public funds).
It may also arise from the insecurity of faith when its religious expressions are faced with the necessity to change.
As opposed to this backward movement of the religious expressions of mysticism, a Christian repetition must move forward beyond the death of a primordial or original sacred to an eschatological coincidentia oppositorum that reconciles and unites the sacred and the profane.
Badly written, pretentious and irresponsible in its claims and arguments, wholly lacking in historical sophistication and mastery of its sources, it nevertheless remains our only theological correlation of the original religious ground of Christianity with the higher religious expressions of Oriental mysticism.
As long as the dominant religious presence on a campus does not undermine other religious expressions, this situation beats the alternative.
We Americans, religious and secular both, have powerful fundamental views about religion that put radical Islam in a certain context, one that prevents us from understanding how unlike other American religious expressions it is — and how much of a threat it is to the civil order.
Other religious expressions and traditions were almost forced off the air totally by these (now) wealthy conservative Protestant organizations.
A revealing light can now be cast upon the problem of the distinctive meaning of an apocalyptic faith by comparing that faith — particularly as it is present in the radical Christian — with the higher religious expressions of mysticism.
It's sad but true, though, that the confluence of religious expression, social interaction and alcohol consumption can also result in a wonderful January for plaintiffs» lawyers.
OTTAWA — There's a fine line between legitimate religious expression and inciting terrorism, says Conservative cabinet minister Jason Kenney.
You do not have a right to publicly funded freedom of religious expression.
So much for freedom of religious expression.
You do have a right to freedom of religious expression.
Are you saying that I need to learn about every religious sect within each religion and I need to memorize every tiny nuance and «tradition» of these thousands of different forms of religious expression?
Mrs Williams also said: «If the tribunal is suggesting that there are places in which an individual does not enjoy the fundamental right to freedom of religious expression, this is a cause for concern and could have a chilling effect on freedom of belief and expression.»
Bad atheism is worth cartooning as much as any other bad religious expression.
Then his disciples and the Jewish Christians faced the inevitable universalization of its essential spirit so that religious expression became vastly diverse.
Certainly it would be filled with people who hold various views, but isn't secularism itself just another form of religious expression?
He said federal law, under the Establishment Clause, is clear that public schools can not «approve in advance a student's prayer» or «carve out time specifically for religious expression
If God is our exemplar of a superior violence, violence itself becomes the object of faith, and religious people then engage in a perpetual holy war that is deemed a valid form of religious expression.
It would establsih some religious expression and ban those deemed blasphemous by it.
«Governments became more fearful of Islamic extremism and responded by either (a) boosting nationalism as a counter-force or (b) tightening regulations and increasing surveillance over all religious expression,» the report said.
Some don't want to go beyond the first three stages of faith (Hadberg / Geulich) and so leave to find a more religious expression that they are comfortable with and that's fine providing they admit it, rather than rubbishing off what they once loved.
In 1993, a broad - based coalition of national leaders helped the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)-- which limited government regulation of religious expression — become law.
We were Catholic, a religious expression that seemed to arise more out of tradition and perhaps superstition than conviction.
The task of the missionary today, it was maintained, is to see the best in other religions, to help the adherents of those religions to discover, or to rediscover, all that is best in their own traditions, to cooperate with the most active and vigorous elements in the other traditions in social reform and in the purification of religious expression.
Such groups have claimed that federal hate crimes laws will silence preachers, ignoring those laws» robust protections for free speech and religious expression, as well as the experience in the many states with such protections already in place.
but surely we are a mature enough society that we can permit differences of religious expression — even at work?
But it is a problem, Lyman writes, when such collective longings serve to categorize and limit a people's authentic religious expression.
During the first period religious expression was naive and censorious, resources were limited, and intellectual disciplines undeveloped.
It is part of a new land still struggling to find national, political and religious expression.
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