Sentences with phrase «religious fervor»

"Religious fervor" refers to a strong and intense passion or enthusiasm towards one's religion or beliefs. It describes the deep devotion and dedication someone has towards their religious practices and beliefs. Full definition
So until someone recognizes the need for a true strategic communication, we will have to muddle along with fighting against the IED's and snipers that are picking away at the argument with religious fervor until such time as it is obvious (to late) or someone out there with money wakes up and says we need a strategic «effective» approach.
Assessments of religious fervor in Iran mark a dividing line in the United States.
The green movement displays religious fervor for almost every part of life.
And it isn't just him, but the German people who followed him into committing those acts with such religious fervor.
And in recent centuries we've come to embrace our selfishness — our hyperindividuality — with an almost religious fervor.
Where we fall short is in our dedication to our particular brand of training, a commitment than can border on religious fervor (if you think nutrition discussions can get heated, just check the comments section on any controversial fitness blog).
From religious fervor to reasonable analysis is never the way you want the talk about your «gee - whiz» product to progress.
He may work his employees to the bone, but he also gives them inspirational speeches that breed a sort of religious fervor among them that falls just short of dancing and speaking in tongues.
His art connects with a centuries - old Gothic lineage of horror, agony, and the grotesque originating in classical art inspired by religious fervor and the narratives of Christianity, and continuing through to contemporary art.
I agree with you that the peripheral elements of religious fervor often imbue and embellish religious claims, including within Buddhism.
Outside of the course, I attempted this new practice with the same religious fervor I applied to every stab at weight loss.
Then somehow, it sadly unraveled to business greed and religious fervor through the «80s and «90s.
Justin Wolfers, an associate professor of business and public policy at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School, argued those working in the field of happiness economics mistakenly imagine that the world is run by legions of politicians and economists whose love of GDP approaches religious fervor.
Here «crossfire» is used to refer to: a battle of words, the flaming symbol of white supremacists, burning religious fervor, Christ's crucifix, and the actual path of bullets.
This country, to say nothing of the world, needs cool, rational heads to guide it, especially since religious fervor often guides other nations» thoughts and deeds, and perilously so.
It's been a while since I've been to a game, and I confess that the vast sea of people, the music and singing and food, the giant elephant statue making it's way down the boulevard in the back of a pickup truck, and general religious fervor of the whole enterprise reminded me a bit of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival in India, which honors the Elephant deity.
He sees traditional American religious fervor now displaced onto such secular causes as the antismoking crusade.
The moral reading, rather, suggests what other axioms and attitudes might be possible to us, or to creatures only a little different from us: Is our enjoyment of the young, our respect for age or for authority, our sexual confusion or religious fervor rooted more in biology or old tradition?
Impelled by this new religious fervor, I glutted myself like a fanatic.
Separation of church and state are always a concern when religious fervor is in the equation.
And because there are those who would exploit religious fervor for their own selfish ends.
In Spiritual Sobriety, Elizabeth explores how religious fervor can become religious addiction and lights the path forward for those longing for sobriety.
First of all, the discrepancy between male and female religious fervor is not a new thing, but has shown up for as long as Pew and Gallup and other research institutions have been collecting data.
The extreme religious fervor of ancient Malta shows one of the possible results when societies are placed under severe pressures.
Lop off the top of the pyramid and you have the vegan diet, still promoted with religious fervor even though its original dogmatic basis has been forgotten.
Using all era derived dialogue, natural light, and few special effects, the film instead builds a thick atmosphere upon an era of toxic religious fervor.
Using the iconography of vampire films to illustrate religious fervor, co - writer / director Claire Denis also shows reverence to the medium of film, particularly to the purity of silent movies.
Viewer satisfaction with the final scenes will entirely depend upon the individual's preference for the horror of sheltered religious fervor versus literal witches, but everything that leads up to those moments is well - crafted and beautifully acted.
The jolting, mechanical destruction of a building in one closing scene is matched with a brilliant closing montage of religious fervor involving disreputable characters that puts an overwhelming cynical punctuation mark on everything leading up to it.
These three elements - a ship found sailing without a crew, a famous writer on the verge of enormous success, and the rise of an unorthodox and heretical religious fervor - converge in unexpected ways, in diaries, in letters, in safe harbors and rough seas.
Having a vivid interest in color, structure and volumetric line drawing, the artist's iconography is drawn from modernist architecture, Christian religious fervor, and the adolescent imagination that glamorizes one's own beliefs.
I remember some debates of nearly religious fervor over Motorola vs. Intel.
This will allow the detailed study of religious fervor in Apple and Android users.
It's that rare sort of automotive following that borders on religious fervor.
At its best, «There Will Be Blood» is nothing less than a metaphor for the birth of modern America: marred by conflict, colored by religious fervor, and written by self - made tycoons.
It is punctuated by earthquakes, fires, and plagues, and shot through with religious fervor and political intrigue.
Driven by pain, anger, and ideology, this is a character who believes in his cause with an almost religious fervor.
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