Sentences with phrase «religious freedom issues»

But contraception is not the only religious freedom issue faith - based groups are eyeing.
As Tom Farr, Professor of Religion and World Affairs at Georgetown University and the former head of the State Department's International Religious Freedom Office, stated at a recent congressional hearing forecasting international religious freedom issues to watch in 2010, «Those of us in the business of sniffing out rats know that this is a rhetorical shift to watch.»
His cuts extended to the introduction to this year's IRF report; Tillerson used just 440 words instead of the typical 5,000 to explain overall global religious freedom issues.
President Barack Obama has renominated his stalled pick for international religious freedom ambassador, likely extending a controversy over the pick and over the White House's approach toward religious freedom issues.
Thirty - some years ago, I spent a fair amount of time on religious freedom issues; which meant, in those simpler days, trying to pry Lithuanian priests and nuns out of Perm Camp 36 and other GULAG islands.
Accommodation analysis proves a shaky framework for adjudicating religious freedom issues that involve deep normative disputes in which a variety of social interests are at play.
But he didn't have the authority to drive home the religious freedom issue.
Religious freedom is extremely important to me, but I'm not exactly sure that I understand how this is a religious freedom issue.
I usually begin by confessing that marking and honoring the date of my baptism hadn't really occurred to me until a quarter - century or so ago, when I began working with evangelical Protestants on pro-life and religious freedom issues and noted that some of them had an interesting way of introducing themselves at a meeting.
The issue isn't even a Catholic issue; it's a religious freedom issue, and even more basic an attack on the freedoms on which this country is based, when the original settlers from Europe left because they were being told what to do relative to their religion.
This hardly seems like a religious freedom issue — it is an issue of the neighbors not wanting the noise and having 50 people parking in their front yards twice a week.
What he does and says while he is here will not move the needle even one degree on the struggles over the death penalty, abortion and Planned Parenthood funding, the marriage and religious freedom issues, immigration policy, the international arms trade, or economic policy and social welfare programs.
This is a religious freedom issue and will be overturn easily.
In my last post on Double Aspect, I wrote about the religious freedom issues addressed in the Supreme Court's recent decision in Ktunaxa Nation v British Columbia (Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations), 2017 SCC 54, which concerned the constitutionality of a ministerial decision to allow development on land considered sacred by an Aboriginal nation.
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