Sentences with phrase «religious life needs»

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I won't get into any religious issues or get preachy here, and I'm not even encouraging meditation, but every person on the planet who has to work for a living needs to follow this basic routine.
the religious folks need to step outside that small box they live in and open their small minds!!
If these people are crying over the fact their religious views aren't made into laws, maybe they need to re-consider living in a free country such as the US.
Anyway, that father is the ambassador of the United Arab Emirates to Russia and one of his points of advice is: [we need to] «educate ourselves and work hard and engage with life's difficult questions rather than retreat into religious obscurantism.»
And yet when it comes down to the final moments, when it gets real, when we have no more need for the societal benefits of religious posturing, we learn what is really most important, and the answer (given the real purpose of life, see above) is what we should reasonably expect: family.
Well it is true that some people seek sorcerers to implement Jinn that are satanic demons into mankind or his house or his business to finish him or make his life miserable or to stop flow of his business income... In such case it is either you are religious enough and say your prayers often then it becomes hard for this to harm you or otherwise you need to find some one who practice exorcism to remove this evil... But many are just pretending to be good at it and help you not but squeeze money out of you with tales and stories... There is another type of possessions and that is not through a sorcerer but directly by coincidence what man is at his weakest moments and those weakest moments for a possessions are when you come through a great fear or when cry or laugh loudly in hysteria, or during a certain moment of mating... or even when sneezing loudly... That's why there are prayers to be said on daily basis to guard you from such things and specially if passing haunted places such as deserted houses but most evil ones are residents of public toilets and market places... Some of them even would claim that you have made a wrong action by which you have killed a dear one to them and for that they have possessed you and that is mostly night time such as throwing a cigaret butt to a dark place or stepping killing an insect or even an animal at night which could have been one of them or possessed by one of them... So this is true thing happening to many who suffer unexplainable illnesses or sufferings which could look like mental illness that comes and goes as pleased...
Life has no need for religious belief.
It will «need religious people who live with moral integrity and show the power of their ideas in practice.»
There would be apostolic visitations of seminaries and houses of religious formation, led by seminary rectors and religious men and women from living and growing communities, who would recommend needed changes; the trustee agency would then mandate their implementation.
If Israel views itself as caretaker of the land — its divine mission, in Buber's view — whose owner always makes space for those who need it (for those who choose to live with the same inclusive spirit), the religious precept of imitatio dei would require us as Jews to share that space, even the holy city of Jerusalem, to make it a «divine place» — the place «God intended to have made of it.»
Third, even when traditionally religious forms of human life seem to fade in some contexts, new and alternative forms of life often appear in their place that engage the sacred, spiritual, transcendent, and liturgical needs of human beings.
The human existential condition does not require that people be religious or feel the need to address and answer such questions — many people appear happy to focus on the present, live as well as they can, and not be bothered by the Big Questions.
His only judgments came against the religious leaders who were judged not for their sins but, because they lived in continual judgment of any who did not act just like they did and because they failed to extend grace and love to those who needed it the most.
@kaywheel... You vastly underestimate, and lack understanding of Stephen's character... A disease that would've taken 99 % of everyone else, could not take this mans life because of his dedication to his work and want to live... He doesn't need fanciful religious tales to keep him living... Religion is a crutch..
Even though this conjunction makes academic life more complicated, there is no reason to have to choose between «rigorous scholarship» that is needed to educate future scholars and «religious engagement» that is needed to educate future ministers.
They had inculcated a deep sense of sin and a conscious need of personal salvation; they had overpassed national and racial lines and had made religious faith a matter of individual conviction; they had emphasized faith in immortality and the need of assurance concerning it; they had bound their devotees together in mystical societies of brethren fired with propagandist zeal; and they had accentuated the interior nature of religious experience in terms of an, indwelling Presence, through whom human life could be «deicized.»
To the Christian, such an atheistic approach to human nature is essentially inhuman, since men do not exist without a fundamental religious vocation any more than they exist in this life without physical needs, individuality or communities, all aspects of the human condition eagerly studied by social scientists.
I think the USA needs a second Mayflower and this time all those religious fundamentalists which cry out loud about Sharia law but are discriminative on their own should leave this country so the rest of us can have a normal life.
Furthermore, despite the emphasis by such theologians as Augustine, Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and Reinhold Niebuhr (with whom Schlesinger enjoyed a personal association) on the need to distinguish between divine and human authority, it is a gross distortion of all of their views for Schlesinger to impute to them the kind of relativism which makes the existence of God and the reality of revelation (the basis of all western religious traditions) so utterly irrelevant for public life.
Dr. King comments on the thoughts of Lorenzo Dow McCabe who attempted to challenge the metaphysical foundations of traditional Christian theology: If theological reconstruction is to meet the needs of philosophy, scriptural exegesis, and religious experience, thought McCabe, then theology must reassess its traditional theistic assumptions in such a way that it can speak of a God who is capable of relating fully to the contingencies of personal life and historical change.
Rice, in his book, citing Pope Benedict XVI, countered that the need to protect all human life from conception to natural death is innate to human nature and confirmed by faith: «The Church's action in promoting them is therefore not confessional in character, but is addressed to all people, prescinding from any religious affiliation they may have.»
Religious charlatans (priests, rabbis, any / all cult leaders) need the occasional disaster to extend the life of their bullsh!t and to feel relevant.
We have a representative democracy which tends to validate religious belief instead of recognizing that they should have NO ROLE where religion is concerned other than to protect it's citizens, religious or not, and allowing all to live within the basic laws of the country which should have wide support and sound evidence supporting the need for them.
Religious groups also provide an opportunity and resources for meeting the crucial need for a viable philosophy of life.
However, I have found that I need to make sure that I make sure that I continue my religious studies to keep my life balanced.
The bible is BS and I don't need some religious jackal telling me every Sunday how to live my life.
Solution Altee11: They (the mullahs, the imams and the Muslims) need to acknowledge (stop living in denial) that their religious book fulls of hatred, vengeance and systemic discrimination against non-Muslims and even their own women.
If «the reality of the religion of a people can be studied only through the empirical enquiry into the meaning appropriated by them as persons and community of persons in their life situations, «32 then Dalit theology needs to look carefully into popular level of Hindu - Christian religious encounter.
Yet it can not be denied that there are, even today, many who are sincere in their acknowledgment of feeling a deep need for mystery in their lives — and such people are generally members of some kind of religious group.
Whatever legal and public policy solutions are reached in the coming years, Christians need to find a social, political and religious way to secure the well - being of women and children, involve fathers in the lives of their children, and support gays and lesbians who want to establish committed relationships and receive the benefits and blessings that go with this commitment.
The insufficiency of work to provide self - sufficiency is behind the movement — backed by many religious groups — to ensure that all employers pay a living wage, which is generally understood to be the wage needed to support a family at or slightly above the poverty level.
The higher Presence, namely, need not be the absolute whole of things, it is quite sufficient for the life of religious experience to regard it as a part, if only it be the most ideal part.)
It satifies the needs of the religious human flesh but provides absolutely no contribution to practical righteousness and love of neighbour in everyday life.
The fact is that the religious life involves far more than killing time, far more, for example, than sticking out one's hand in a gesture of otherworldly defiance and running down the clock, though heaven knows we need gestures of religious defiance in today's world.
Partly under the impact of constant conditioning in consumerism, people in western democratic societies increasingly are putting together their own religious belief and life - style packages in order to meet individual needs.
This discomfort you seem to be paroling, has it overtaken your Life conjuring will to explain to others your religious misfortunes and discomforting issues that you find an ensuing and unquenched need to tell others what your found upon the net; information others may find enlightening as you have found it to be?
The underlying assumptions of consumerism have significant religious overtones: that satisfying one's needs and wants is the desired goal of life; that each individual has a right to have their needs met regardless of the cost to others; and that most needs can be met by acquiring a product or service.
Yes child molest - ers need to «CHANGE» castrate themselves or if they can not control themselves should end their lives... some sickness are terminal... religious folks make me just as ill as child molest - ers
ok i've decided — after soul searching and observing my and other's reactions to these religious blog news on CNN learning more about religion from this alone and about the mideast than from anywhere else in my USA educated life i need to be more tolerant of others having religious based governments THAT is what is confusing me — that religion are governments are not seperated that is hard for much of USA population to understand perhaps it is for me i think you would have to actually live in a society like the mideast to truly understand it i mean — actually be part of the society the religious part is truly offputting — since most in USA seperate church and state like — church is for faith and imagination and celebration and family and community involvement and state is for protection and education and health and infrastructure, etc., for all it is hard to be serious about religion — when the serious side of society is state it is hard to see religion being the serious side of enforcement — and the state enforcing the faith based side of society egad — doesn't god get lost in all that?
But such political judgment need not be translated into the view that there is no such thing as «the good life,» or that we are not ourselves to seek it and seek through a variety of institutional (though non-governmental) mechanisms to encourage and inculcate that moral and religious vision.
For basically what we need is an illumination of the concrete data of lived religious faith.
In this book he argued that religion created a conscience which is quick to understand social need, that religious philanthropy gives charitably but without raising ultimate questions about the causes of social maladjustment, that religion «unifies individuals, stabilizes societies, creates social imagination and sanctifies social life; but it also perpetuates ancient evils, increases social inertia, creates illusions and preserves superstitions.
If anything ever destroys it, it'll be religious nuts who think they're fighting some holy war for the invisible man who lives in the sky... geez, haven't we outgrown the needs for these ancient fairy tales yet?
If religious faith is to provide reassurance, we need to be able to say that «God is» or «God exists» and that «Jesus lived, said and did certain things, and died» and that «the disciples experienced new life which they identified as the risen Lord.»
or, jusr ignore ALL religious beliefs, live your life within the laws of the land, help those who need it.
On the contrary, I feel that there must be a void in the lives of religious people to feel that they need to force themselves to keep believing in these silly myths in order to have a reason to do good things and be good people... that it's not enough for them to be «good» for the sake of goodness, for the sake of our society and our world... that they must believe that there is to be some great reward for themselves or some great punishment after death in order to motivate them to be good.
People need to stop being religious and need to start engaging in a life transforming relationship with Christ.
William Diehl identifies four domains in which religious faith needs to be connected with praxis in everyday life: Family; Local Community; Employment (those paid or unpaid ways we spend our days); National and global concerns.
Most of the Vedic religious aspiration moves at the level of the satisfaction of physical needs — long life, food, shelter, protection, large families — but in these hymns one finds a consciousness of sin and guilt and the need for forgiveness, as well also as guidance and direction in living.
People do not need the God of Abraham to live a moral life, no more than the millions of religious zealots who use their interpretation of religious dogma to dominate, subjugate and kill other human beings.
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