Sentences with phrase «religious organisations»

"Religious organisations" refers to groups or institutions that are dedicated to a particular religion or belief system. These organizations provide a space for people to practice their faith, gather for religious ceremonies, and receive guidance or teachings from religious leaders. Full definition
Another interesting example is that a number of religious organisations will not apply for lottery funding since it represents the proceeds of gambling.
These include building better relationships with social investors, working harder to measure the outcome of projects, and ways to help individuals collaborate with religious organisations and institutions.
While religious organisations have specific protections, public sector workers do not.
The bill ensures religious organisations which are unwilling to conduct same - sex marriages are able to refuse gay couples without risking legal challenge in the courts.
It also made sure that governing bodies of religious organisations would have to «opt in'to marry same - sex couples.
For instance, there are qualified exemptions for religious organisations written into the law that prohibits homophobic discrimination in the workplace under the Equality Act, all of which remain in place.
A «quadruple lock» will safeguard religious organisations from legal challenges after the legalisation of gay marriage, the culture secretary has pledged.
It points out the Equalities Act allows religious organisations to discriminate in various ways: against potential applicants for jobs on grounds of religion or belief, for example.
must be singled out for particular study because their presence in residential schools was the result of a policy of assimilation sustained for several decades by the federal government, with the cooperation of many religious organisations.
The Church of England claims that European law may force religious organisations to recognise same - sex marriage if the state does so.
The report concludes that if the government is able to clarify its definition and additional inspection measures are introduced, they should only apply where concerns have been raised and should not be aimed specifically at religious organisations.
Disagreement exists in Australia over whether exemptions afforded religious organisations under Western Australia's anti-discrimination laws should be removed.
In November 2003, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch published a fourpart special report referencing her «$ 10 million corporate jet, her husband's $ 107,000 Mercedes sedan, her $ 2 million home...» Meyer and her family were subsequently investigated by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and Joyce Meyer Ministries was later one of six investigated by the United States Senate inquiry into the tax - exempt status of religious organisations by Senator Chuck Grassley.
It's the first mainstream religious organisation in the UK to threaten to withdraw money from fossil fuel companies, after various «divestment» campaigns.
The Office of Religious Life at the University of Southern California extends official recognition to some eighty - six campus religious organisations.
Mr. Mohan Joshi, central secretary of the Vishwa Hindu Parishad, demanding a ban on conversion and the withdrawal of special rights granted to religious minorities through a constitutional amendment, accused «fundamentalist religious organisations» of promoting disharmony and spreading separatism.
«Halal certification profits DO NOT go towards supporting any terrorist activities or violent politically motivated religious organisations.
Stakeholders in Osun, including religious organisations have been urged to support the Rauf Aregbesola administration in its bid to fully overhaul the education sector in the state.
Madam Elizabeth Sackey, the Deputy Greater Accra Regional Minister, advised the youth to avoid unauthorised seizure of items from religious organisations during the ban.
«So, as we are working assiduously to solidify the unity and peaceful coexistence between and among the various religious organisations in the country, we are equally determined to portray to the world that the religion of islam connotes peace and unity.
Lord Birt, former Director - General of the BBC, spoke from his personal experiences with Thought for the Day at the BBC, saying, «The BBC must one day soon loosen the stranglehold of the established religious organisations and more fully embrace the humanist movement.»
On this issue, as on many others, those who rise to the top of religious organisations appear to be very much less morally progressive than their flocks.
Naomi Phillips, BHA Head of Public Affairs, commented, «Through wide exceptions that exempt religious organisations from significant parts of the law, the Equality Act gives excessive privileges specifically to religious groups, permitting them to discriminate against not only gay and lesbian people but against the non-religious and those of other religions.
When asked which groups should not run state - funded schools, 35 % said religious organisations (the highest figure obtained by any of the answers listed).
His non-profit religious organisation, the Way of the Future, reportedly seeks to «develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence...
Task on religious organisations campaigning for peace and reasons why they campaign - use of religious stories.
Ahead of Far Cry 5's release, Ubisoft's promo machine has put out a short video looking at secretive religious organisations in... East Grinstead.
Civil partnership was also achieved despite the opposition of the Catholic Church and lay religious organisations.
Most religious organisations encourage premarital counselling.
A pastoral care worker that is employed by a non-religious (secular) service provider must have a letter of assurance from a recognised religious organisation that they meet the criteria of a pastoral care worker.
The decision to allow religious organisations to host civil ceremonies is the first stage in a reappraisal of Britain's gay rights laws which could end up with the authorisation of gay marriage - an official Liberal Democrat policy since their party conference last year.
«I have always been crystal clear that I would not put forward any legislation that did not provide protection for religious organisations.
Many religious organisations have beliefs and practices which are perfectly lawful but which confer no recognizable benefit to anyone and could even be regarded as harmful to current society.
«These Regulations are bound to lead to long and costly litigation for faith groups and individual resident or officiating ministers in circumstances where the number of religious organisations which have evinced an intention to avail themselves of this statutory amendment is miniscule.»
«The primary objective of the Council is to ensure peace, unity and stability not only among muslims but also within other religious organisations.
For a more in - depth look at the convergence of religious organisations in East Grinstead, watch this 1994 documentary from Channel 4.
Europe has had a enough of religious organisations having too much control of the running of the state and control over young people (especially the hurt the church has inflicted on the young).
As with most, if not all religious organisations they feel they have a special position with in society that allows them to gloss over these indiscretions, they have found out they no longer do.
The charity said 200 people have been arrested across Yunnan Province for supposed involvement in a religious organisation called Three Grades of Servant's.
And now, in the latestequality legislation, religious organisations were to be forced to be open to employing people who are publicly living lives that contradict our vision of love e.g. actively gay «partners».
Agree totally, Europe's past was dominated by religion, and they were sooo screwed, Ireland in the last 50 years being a prime example of what happens when a religious organisation attempts to take over the running of schools (read the Ryan report).
Baroness Northover, the UK government's Women and Equalities spokesperson replied: «My noble friend will know that the [gay] Marriage Bill sought to protect the position of religious organisations and that this is a matter for the Church of England.
Every religious organisation, including the church, possesses ritual power as well as institutional power.
I thank most immensely the women and their groups, market women and men, traders, artisans, workers, students, transporters, commercial motorcyclists, employers of labour, organised private sector, the business community, non-governmental organisations, community based organisations, youth organisations, security agencies, the media, political parties, traditional rulers, community leaders and religious organisations and their leaders.»
None of these rulings would prevent any religious organisation from advocating a particular belief or maintaining any particular practice or observance.
I thank most immensely the women and their groups, market women and men, traders, artisans, workers, active and retired civil servants, students, transporters, commercial motorcyclists, employers of labour, organised private sector, the business community, non-governmental organisations, community based organisations, youth organisations, security agencies, the media, political parties, traditional rulers, community leaders and religious organisations and their leaders.
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