Sentences with phrase «religious people number»

To the contrary, religious people number among the strongest.

Not exact matches

First, people often kill other human beings because they believe that the creator of the universe wants them to do it... Second, far greater numbers of people fall into conflict with one another because they define their moral com.munity on the basis of their religious affiliation...»
I know people who are not affiliated with any religion (agnostic, not atheist) that are far more humane in action than any number of «religious» people.
Since atheists and agnostics are just as prone to human frailties as the religious, I don't doubt that there * are * evil people who are athiests... but facts and numbers show that these «evil atheists» are a bunch of pikers compared to the violence and viciousness of those who promote hatred and violence in the name of their God.
The other day the news said the largest number of religious people in the US, after Catholics, was FORMER Catholics.
Bill Nye is addressing the small number of evangelicals that believe that the world is 6000 years old, not all religious people.
It echoed Blaine's amendment, but broadened its rejection of state funding to exclude all religious bodies: «Neither Congress nor any State shall make any law... taxing the people of any State, either directly or indirectly, for the support of any sect or religious body or of any number of sects or religious bodies.»
According to the work produced by David B. Barrett's religious statistics organisation (FYI, the man was a Christian no less) atheists number more than Jews, Sikh's, Shintos, Baha'is, Jains, combined, and if you want to consider all «non - religious / secular / agnostic / atheist» together, since the whole «non-religion» movement is kinda riddled with people who find conontations of words like «atheist» to be bad enough to not want to declare themselves atheist, you'll find the number of that non-religious group also amounts more than those religions plus buddhism, and taoism or even Confucianism.
I know a huge number of them and as individuals they are usually good people, people are people after all, but they are as a religious organization to be watched and carefully kept at arms distance.
Holy wars produce large numbers, but countless people have been killed throughout history by people who believe they were justified by their religious beliefs.
The majority of LGBT people and supporters accept a large number of people, because they see how often religious groups do not.
There is no way to estimate the number of people killed for religious reasons over the course of history, but the total is signficant.
«I was taken aback and disturbed by the number of people in the world with severe restrictions on their religious practice.
I think religious people aren't necessarily less intelligent or less educated than atheists — although a disproportionate number of highly educated people tend to reject religion.
A second challenge arises from the fact that increasing numbers of people are transient and infrequent participants in religious communities.
Even the left has questioned whether or not he's a «real christian» and people in the voting both by numbers «are» typically mildly to quite religious.
The number one predictor for a person's religious beliefs is the religious beliefs of that person's parents.
The recent Diana cult is also a pastiche of stories and longings and public relations efforts that serves the religious needs of an astounding number of people.
You and I both agree that a very large number of religious people accept the big bang theory as a reasonable description of the early formation of our observable universe.
Usually memorials for large numbers of people avoid overt displays of religious icons if the people were of different beliefs.
I'll give you the last 60 or seventy years or so, but please site any other examples of «centuries» of any organized atheist group killing large numbers of religious people.
Pew has released the findings of their 2014 U.S. Religious Landscape Study, which shows that among the overall population, the number of people who do not believe in God has increased 3 percentage points.
Spiritual, but not religious can also describe a large number of people who have very solid, very defined beliefs but do not feel the need to dress them in doctrine and dogma and ritual.
The number of people killed for religious reasons would have been tiny — the deaths were political.
The number of people that now call themselves non-religious has increased so rapidly that the majority of non-believers were at some point religious.
Though more than 30 percent of people in the region report «never» attending religious services, Stezter notes this number is down nearly 10 percent since 2007.
I propose as that definition, realizing that it would probably exclude some of those already discussed, the following: The sacred book contains writings that purport to have been produced under divine or extra human inspiration or impulse, and which have come to be recognized by a substantial number of people as the basis of their religious faith, since it is regarded by them as the authentic revelation of God to them and to the world.
how many more mistakes are you American people going to make 7/11 shook your country to the core allowing a mosque near or on this site will make you a laughing stock in the eyes of the world and the small number of muslims who think terror is right will think thay have one yet another chapter on ther fight against the west so on that ground only i think the best thing for the site would be a peoples park where people from all walks of life and religious back ground can be as one A.R WATTS, E ngland
@prayer changes nothing: i know the church is praying that people don't wake up and stop giving them money... lol prayer doesn't work; number of people going to religious service is declining, so less money for their coffers.
Taking into account viewing duplication and correcting for the fact that the diaries may underreport by as much as 15 per cent, the study says that the number of people who have watched at least one - quarter hour of religious television per week is about 13.3 million, or 6.2 per cent of the national television audience.
But, strangely, even though culture is becoming less «religious» by most measurable standards, the number of people who believe in an afterlife is at record numbers.
«That said, if the churches do not take the opportunity now to «advocate» and «teach» why same - sex marriage is wrong for everyone (i.e., harmful to children, to the couple, and undermining of a culture of marriage), religious people should not expect to find a lot of sympathy for their right to exercise their religious freedom to dissent from same - sex marriage,» Esbeck told CT. «In other words, church leaders no longer enjoy the luxury of not teaching biblical marriage, as much as large numbers of the laity don't want to hear it.
I wonder what the «survivor» numbers would be if they included all the people around the world who die from religious conflicts or supposed «honor» killings...
When I was going through the strange experience of viral fame, I can not count the number of times people on social media, in interviews or articles referred to me as a «religious» person.
As Wade Clark Roof points out in a recent study, this neglect will lead to «a crisis of plausibility» resulting in alienation of growing numbers of persons and finally in the church's representing a very small minority (Community and Commitment: Religious Plausibility in a Liberal Protestant Church [Elsevier, 1978], pp. 6 - 9).
Significant numbers of millennials (young people born in the 1980s and 1990s) will continue to walk away from socially conservative religious traditions.
They don't mind using some religious person's ignorance and delusions against them, nor do they mind using «token» blacks and other minorities despite a large number of clear indications that they are racist, sociopaths.
I could equally turn that comparison right back on you and compare all religious people to any number of religious extremest out there, but I know that all people of a group should not be likened to the lowest common denominator of that group.
Not only do scientists — and especially social scientists — demonstrate radically low levels of religious commitment, but scientific and social scientific meaning systems appear to operate as functional alternatives to traditional theistic ideas for a number of people, and technical rationality plays an increasingly important legitimating function in the wider society.
I've heard all kinds of numbers when it comes to the number of people that are religious.
However the way people practice religion makes us into groups called religious, spritual and... / This is clear this universe is not random if we say we created the number system no, its exists in nature we have five fingers?
At present, the best available data indicate that the worldwide impact of religious switching alone, absent any other factors, would be a relatively small increase in the number of Muslims, a substantial increase in the number of unaffiliated people, and a substantial decrease in the number of Christians in coming decades.
At the same time, a growing number of people have shed their particular religious affiliations, saying they are just «religious, spiritual» or have no religion at all.
She also supervised the sending of large numbers of parcels to poor families, initiating a massive work of charity - today Foyer members send parcels to, among others, people in prison, with gifts of chocolate, soap, Bibles, rosaries, and religious literature.
Most of the religious broadcasters make available in - house statistics on the number of people who have been converted through their programs.
The amount of subsequent research conducted on religious television in America has been relatively small in comparison to the large number of people and agencies which have been producing religious programs over the past 35 years.
Recognizing the need of many people for religious experience, con - artists have learned that if they carry a Bible in one hand and have a toll - free number, they can make a LOT of money.
It is difficult to calculate accurately the total number of people who regularly or occasionally watch religious programs on American television, because of the confusion in some of the available data.
In 1984, an Annenberg - Gallup study revealed that the total number of viewers who watch one hour or more of religious programs per week is about 4.84 million persons, or 2.17 percent of the total population.
The average audience figures given by Nielsen therefore may be lower than the total number of people who see a particular syndicated religious program during the time of its broadcast.
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