Sentences with phrase «religious precept»

However, there are exceptions for such things as a diet based on a religious precept or a tradition.
A repeated activity or practice stemming from a religious precept, in particular with regard to dietary matters, must not be authorized if its aim, through words or actions, is to teach children that precept
If reality contradicts a religious precept, then religion demands that reality be ignored.
If Israel views itself as caretaker of the land — its divine mission, in Buber's view — whose owner always makes space for those who need it (for those who choose to live with the same inclusive spirit), the religious precept of imitatio dei would require us as Jews to share that space, even the holy city of Jerusalem, to make it a «divine place» — the place «God intended to have made of it.»
In short, dwelling in the land should be — must be — an act of imitatio dei, and, as the Hebrew prophets taught, to fail to embody that religious precept is to forfeit the right to dwell in that sacred place.
But to simply forego or nullify the religious precept because the other side has not yet reciprocated is short - sighted and self - serving.
For decades before the founding of the state of Israel in 1948 and for a few decades afterward (until the Six - Day War silenced much of the religious / spiritual left up to the late 1970s), Jewish theologians argued that dividing or sharing the Holy Land was a religious precept.
These ideas are further elaborated in the Talmud and the Midrash, the major sources of traditional Judaism, which teach, for example, that the authentic observance of religious precepts is possible only in the Land of Israel and that only there is it possible for a Jew to have direct communion with God.
Laws prohibiting physician - assisted suicide, he concludes, do «injury» to some citizens for no other reason than «to satisfy the moral or religious precepts of a portion of the population.»
This doesn't make it any easier for people to reckon with the degree to which the movement cuts against traditional religious precepts, as well as secular scientific inquiry.
What other religious precepts will fall by the wayside despite the Charter?
That responsibility goes hand in hand with the neutrality of the state toward religious precepts and, in the case at bar, favours dismissing the appellant's action.

Not exact matches

In place of traditional American liberty based on the principles of limited government, Obamacarians are erecting a bureaucratic state, complete with centralized control, cronyism, ideological impositions, benefits to favored constituencies, ever increasing dependencies, spiced with an anti religion agenda that would force religious non profits and charities to choose between their service missions and following the precepts of their faith (through the Free Birth Control / Sterilization / Abortifacient Rule for now, more later).
Already in Nigeria, the Sudan, Indonesia and the Philippines as well as Brazil and Guatemala, rapidly growing religious factions are fiercely competing for converts, struggling for political power, inciting persecution and trying to legislate and enforce laws taken from various sacred precepts.
Do you mean precept as say, a particular person's natural tendency not to murder anyone because of their religious beliefs?
«It must be emphasized that religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same - sex marriage should not be condoned,» writes Kennedy in a paragraph that will likely become the focus of scrutiny by church - state experts.
The first part deals with specifically religious themes — deals with them, in the main, in the reflective manner which constitutes theology and the second part consists mainly of ethical precepts and admonitions.
I find civil religion motifs in Reston's focus on «the American Dream,» in his belief that the precepts of the Republic's founding documents were political affirmations of certain religious concepts, in his belief in America's unique moral role in world affairs — and in his concern for injecting morality into public - policy discussions.
In the precepts of the Law and the prophets alike the second person singular «thou shalt» alternates with the second person plural «ye shall» in a way which often makes it difficult to say whether «thou» means the people as a «corporate personality», or the individual member of the community considered with regard to his station in the religious society.
It sometimes (many times) happens that a person in one religious group (church), through following the precepts of the group, has a PRE that causes him to leave that group and join another, more in line with his new found understanding.
The comparison of TWU with other (originally) religiously founded universities: There is a significant difference between a religious group having paid to found an institution — after which those who teach and learn there have academic freedom — and a religious group founding an institution and demanding that all who attend follow the precepts of that religion.
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