Sentences with phrase «religious restrictions»

If you're not kosher just be realistic and say you've chosen not to follow certain religious restrictions that have no bearing on reality.
Remember: Religious restrictions put a woman's health at risk — often offering her less health care, less information, and fewer options when she may need them most.
At a time when humans have become emancipated from the many social and religious restrictions of the past, including what our forebears thought to be the dictates of the Heavenly Father, we find ourselves becoming increasingly dependent on another set of forces.
Russia continues to tighten religious restrictions; this month, the Supreme Court decided to label Jehovah's Witnesses an extremist group and ban its activities (putting Russian evangelicals in a tight spot.)
Stalin - era religious restrictions — including outlawing religious activity outside of Sunday services in registered churches and banning parents from teaching faith to their kids — remained on the books until the collapse of the Soviet Union, though the government enforced them only selectively.
And recently, those revelations were brought into even broader perspective through a study conducted by the Pew Research Center's Forum on Religion and Public Life, which rated most of the Arab Spring countries as «high or very high» concerning government - imposed religious restrictions.
The Pew Research Center rated Indonesia high in both government restrictions and social hostilities in its 2017 report on global religious restrictions.
«Moreover, perceived social and environmental concerns associated with high consumption of meat, such as religious restrictions and carbon footprint of the meat industry, have further led consumers to reduce meat consumption and opt for substitutes.»
«Consequently, clinical application of these materials has been limited due to cultural and religious restrictions associated with these mammalian tissue - derived materials.
If your diet isn't limited by religious restrictions, medical prescriptions, food allergies, or ethical concerns, your menu choices might seem...
Baring religious restriction, your children are going to eventually have to figure out how the world of credit works.
The family may point to honor or community reputation, and the bacha posh may point to freedom but the practice of intentionally disguising a girl as a boy to avoid certain religious restrictions or legal requirements is clearly subversive behavior.
Actually, another school DID have a religious restriction.
«The major test will be whether the government will extend the court's ruling to the groups that suffer most from Indonesia's religious restrictions,» he wrote.
I was not a vegetarian nor under any religious restriction but there was a reason.
When former Senator Joseph Lieberman (D - CT), an observant Jew, was running for Vice President in the 2000 presidential election, Slate Magazine wondered what would happen if he one day assumed the Presidency, listing some of the religious restrictions:
The wonder of fantasy is that it allows us to bypass reality; we can let go of the constraints of age, physical limits, material realities, health conditions, and religious restrictions.
In 1890 all religious restrictions on Jews (or indeed on anyone of any given faith) were lifted for all offices in Britain except the monarch, The Lord Chancellor and the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (abolished 1922), which, as ecclesiastical positions within the Anglican church still require the office holder to be of that faith.
Recently one of our new students requested that he not be partnered with female students due to religious restrictions.
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