Sentences with phrase «religious side»

I would just like to point out that at least as many comments coming from the supposed religious side of the argument are just as if not more «hostile and demeaning» towards those of different or no faith.
It is completely crazy to think an elite scientific organization should have to employ someone who doesn't believe in science... the even scarier part is I wouldn't be very surprised if the religious side wins this case.
The wall must stay up and we must dig out these violations and toss them back over to the religious side like the dog turds they are.
However, the same type of people exist on the religious side, those who think you are a hell - bound moron for not accepting Jesus into your life.
It would also have an intellectual and a religious side.
It's their way or the highway and to compromise is to show a lack of faith which means you have one side willing to make exceptions for all peoples religions as long as they don't force it on others, and the religious side that says making exceptions or compromising is against their religion so if they are not a majority in the democracy they instead decide to play obstructionist.
At some point you will realize that Christianity would not support your Libertarian side and the Libertarian side would laugh its azz off at your religious side.
«Hatred» isn't ok from the secular side just because it was displayed by the religious side.
Grant, the purden of proof is on the religious side..
My parents do not push the religious side of it, and I don't bring up anything about atheism or religion.
and encourage them instead to seek for the reasonable grounds --- that we on the religious side are confident exist --- for cooperating with their religious colleagues.
There are no facts on the religious side.
I agree with you, it really does need to stop, we need to respect each other's beliefs and non-beliefs, but I feel what the Atheists are doing these days (though I see them just as fanatical as the religious side) has a great deal of positive effects.
I see it as my duty to entertain and mock the absurdi.ties posted by both sides of the argument, though more often than not absurdi.ties fall on the religious side of the line.
That would be ridiculous, of course, but perhaps no more so than the demands issued by some on the religious side of the table.»
On the religious side he sees the need for the belief that the values achieved in the world are not simply lost as they fade from human memory.
Other than that, the religious side of the bible is completely false.
«Here are 10 well - known companies that don't make religious products — we're not talking kosher foods manufacturer Manischewitz here — but that nonetheless take their religious sides seriously.»
Do they avoid using their influence and power as a means to push their religious side?
Yet when athiests like myself promote athiesm through symbols, and speech we are met with hatred from the religious side.
Wow you just proved how idiotic some people on the religious side can be.
Here are 10 well - known companies that don't make religious products - we're not talking kosher foods manufacturer Manischewitz here - but that nonetheless take their religious sides seriously (listed in no particular order).
On the religious side, Ramsey holds that models are «occasions of divine self - disclosure».
Thanksgiving is only more secular today because of the shameless commercialism which has overshadowed the religious side of it in the last 75 years or so.
Radical creationists can be found on the religious side of this divide, although not all who are called «creationists» go as far as to dismiss all science as opposed to faith.
It was well - written and on a religious side; does show to the riders of bull that prayer before going into the arena may well give them a mental sense of empathy between the natures of natural relativity and a godly presence unknown to most people.
Polkinghorne aims to approach Christianity with «a scientist's articulation of his understanding of the religious side of that frontier region» (p. xi).
Always a man of deep and clear belief, Smith felt a «nagging desire to get involved in the religious side of things.»
From our review of Catholic Match, we see that they're probably the one site in this niche that cares the most about the religious side of things.
Many of you seem to lean towards the religious side of things.
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