Sentences with phrase «religious speech»

That remains a lower form of the uses of religious speech.
The point where religious speech becomes hate speech is difficult to define, though, scholars and activists say.
On the desk were 40 books on religion and 30 tapes of religious speeches.
People who want to restrict religious speech in the public arena to a single belief system will also have a hard go of it given the patchwork quilt that make up this nation's religious, political, and cultural backdrop.
«Public religious speech has to be looked at in a regulated context from the perspective of a public readership,» said Judge Collins Rice.
While the resolution is relatively toothless, it provides cover for domestic blasphemy laws used to restrict proselytism and religious speech around the world.
And in reducing freedom of religion to «freedom of worship» in its political and diplomatic pronouncements, the United States can no longer invoke the First Amendment and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, thus weakening its ability to combat the international movement to criminalize religious speech.
The Alliance Defending Freedom recently filed a pre-enforcement challenge to an Iowa law that could possibly be used to restrict freedom of religious speech even within a worship service, if such speech were to be deemed discriminatory.
They ask congregations to develop teens» capacities for «serious, articulate, confident, personal and congregational faith» in contrast to the neutral discourse about religion of the pluralistic public sphere or the strident religious speech of those who cause offense.
However, the school district changed its policy in June after a parent complained about the church's religious speech on the flyers.
«The government can not exclude religious speech from public discourse,» said Roman Storzer, a lawyer with the Becket Fund.
Marr does take the challenge of pluralism seriously, but he is wrong because he thinks that the transcending of religious speech and reasoning (which is what he means by «philosophy») is the sine qua non for meeting such a challenge.
To the extent that religious speech in our time is a speech of the enclave, the evangelistic (telling the story) mission is going to be difficult.
Violence under the guise of religious speech has lead to millions of killings throughout world history.
The gospel story recorded in Mark 12 includes the elements of the uses and misuses of religious speech.
Religious speech ought to keep us in reality, not otherworldliness.
Religious speech must have extraordinary political power.
It isn't that we never experience religious fear, but isn't our dread characteristically a dread born of unbelief, the secret terror that the analogical and symbolic character of our religious speech is but a cover - up of our embarrassment over the fact that we have only symbols and no proofs?
Our seminar planning committee has designed a program that will appeal to all attorneys who regularly represent public school boards, with topics on issues you regularly address — student rights and discipline, labor and employment, special education, school business issues and governance — plus current hot topics like use of personal devices in schools, handling disruptive visitors, religious speech, and attorney ethics in schools.
The court determined that the forbidden expression was not commercial speech, but rather, was religious speech, which is protected by the First Amendment.
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