Sentences with phrase «religious traditions make»

Nevertheless, most religious traditions make some claims that are realistically examinable.
First, all the great religious traditions make some claim to the universal value of their particular insights and affirmations.
Models lead to religious beliefs (see Chapter 6 below); religious traditions make assertions, as well as recommending attitudes.

Not exact matches

In extracting «insights from sources as varied as Greek mythology, Catholic mysticism and fairy tales like Cinderella», Mr Rohr has followed in the steps of the religious leaders of Jesus day, who «made the word of God invalid because of your tradition».
The distinction the Oliners made between the appropriation of religious traditions by non-rescuers and rescuers comes to mind here: The rescuers tended to understand the inclusiveness and extensiveness of injunctions to love to extend to all persons and groups.
Touchstone provides a forum where Christians of various backgrounds — Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox — can speak candidly with one another on the basis of a shared commitment to the Great Tradition of Christian faith as revealed in the Holy Scriptures and set forth in the classic creeds of the early church.The term «mere Christianity,» of course, was made famous by C. S. Lewis, whose book of that title is among the most influential religious volumes of the past one hundred years.
This makes a big difference in how we interpret the sacred writings in any religious Tradition.
Except for Christianity, which made the momentous change, most major religious traditions have adopted the lunar calendar, even though it conflicts with the agricultural cycle and its solar system.
Yet there, too, the ancient religious traditions are undergoing a crisis and secular thinking has made inroads and begun to dominate public life.
Writing in the Journal of Religious Ethics, they make clear enough, as it used to be said, where they are coming from: «Just war theory is properly understood as an expression of a tradition in Christian political thought that can broadly be described as Augustinian.
In 2012, when the Obama administration first proposed the so - called HHS mandate, requiring employers to provide insurance coverage that included free access to contraceptive and abortive drugs, it provided an exceedingly narrow religious exemption from the rule that echoed some of the distinctions first made in these earliest incarnations of the English tradition of toleration.
The common «creation story» emerging from the fields of astrophysics, biology, and scientific cosmology makes small any myth of creation from the various religious traditions: some ten billion or so years ago the universe began from a big bang exploding the «matter,» which was infinitesimally small and infinitely dense, outward to create the untold number of galaxies of which our tiny planet is but one blip on the screen.
This intuition of Taoism (and I think of Christianity and other religious traditions also) makes somewhat pretentious the philosophical demand that all reality show itself phenomenally.
In Christianity as well as other religious traditions besides Taoism there is a fundamental conviction that «power is made manifest in weakness.»
What made St. Francis so influential was his extraordinary originality: the son of a rich businessman who renounced his wealth and slept in pigstys while retaining the courtliness and gentility that were noble attributes of his era; the anti-establishment figure who founded a great religious institution; the man of radical poverty whose followers were not permitted (even if they had wanted) to imitate his utter rejection of worldly goods; the man of the Bible who never owned a complete one; the author of the first great literary work in Italian dialect, the «Canticle of the Sun,» who was steeped in the jongleur tradition of French poetry and song; the naïf who moved the heart and enriched the religious imagination of that great realist and exponent of papal power, Innocent III; the child of the age of Crusades who sought not the conquest of the Muslims but their conversion.
Thus the Commission called for a Christian concern for Higher Education which helps critical rational and humanist evaluation of both the western and Indian cultures to build a new cultural concept which subordinated religious traditions, technology and politics to personal values according to the principle «Sabbath is made for man and not man for the Sabbath», enunciated by Jesus and illustrated in the idea of Incarnation of God in Christ.
But we must make our case in publicly accessible terms that appeal to people of good will from a variety of religious traditions and those of no religious tradition.
Its emphasis on social and communal relationships as the defining element in its religious worldview made it the most attractive option for the growing number of suburban Jews looking for a sense identity and tradition in suburban yenemsvelt.
How could American Lutherans make an idol of a nation whose philosophical assumptions (enlightenment liberalism) and dominant religious tradition (revivalist Calvinism) were so fundamentally at odds with their most basic understandings?
Its narratives Contain many echoes of the stories in Mark and some of those which occur in Luke, and the evangelist has modified and added to the earlier traditions (his Gospel is generally agreed to be the latest of the four) in such a way as to make them the vehicle for a great body of deep religious truth.
In the final analysis, the churches» ability to teach the ethic of eco-justice to the public depends on the assessment we make of the religious and ethical significance of our public traditions — in particular, the civic tradition of participatory democracy.
Furthermore, despite the emphasis by such theologians as Augustine, Calvin, Jonathan Edwards, and Reinhold Niebuhr (with whom Schlesinger enjoyed a personal association) on the need to distinguish between divine and human authority, it is a gross distortion of all of their views for Schlesinger to impute to them the kind of relativism which makes the existence of God and the reality of revelation (the basis of all western religious traditions) so utterly irrelevant for public life.
In Eliade, an Indian Christian finds a Guru who opens the eyes to see the wealth of Indian traditions and who has made Indian / oriental religious philosophy dialogue with Western / occidental philosophical thought.
The skills of effective communication and relating should be at the center of the entire process of theological education, since these skills make it possible to bring the riches of a religious tradition to life in the experience of persons.
and the attempts to make intertextuality between different religious traditions and scriptures.
If not, perhaps better to begin with a religious tradition whose particularities our situation of religious pluralism will make it impossible to ignore than to start with an unexamined set of values somehow supposedly prior to any set of religious symbols.
One contribution that the religious community can make is to remind researchers that the long tradition of religious dream interpretation can not be reduced to biology.
And while our religious tradition is often not as easy to comprehend as our individual histories, we must make the attempt in order to identify what we have in common.
One astronomer responded to our survey by saying that, though he does not believe in a personal God, «I try frequently to open my mind to an influence of what is good, and the subjective and psychological effects of this can be quite profound, such that I am happy to make contact with the religious tradition by saying that I am praying to God.»
My own view is that it makes a great deal of difference which religious tradition a biblical theologian belongs to, so much so that I have argued in print that a common Jewish and Christian Old Testament theology is impossible.
They make for differentiation within the practice, tradition, and organization of a religious community in certain periods, locally and otherwise, particularly if combined with the second factor.
It is, in particular, the second of evangelicalism's two tenets, i. e., Biblical authority, that sets evangelicals off from their fellow Christians.8 Over against those wanting to make tradition co-normative with Scripture; over against those wanting to update Christianity by conforming it to the current philosophical trends; over against those who view Biblical authority selectively and dissent from what they find unreasonable; over against those who would understand Biblical authority primarily in terms of its writers» religious sensitivity or their proximity to the primal originating events of the faith; over against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affirms.
We live today in a culture of war, which has made it increasingly important that our religious traditions contribute to generating social change towards peace.
Yet, to repeat another point made earlier, if these constraints themselves become too rigid, as they often do in the unfolding of a religious tradition, then the communication flow becomes so burdened with redundancy that it loses any truly informational (in this case, revelatory) character and decays into the transmission of mere banality.
An impartial reading of the Gospels, apart from the conditioning of an excessively juridical and rationalistic theological tradition, makes it unmistakeably clear that it was not God who demanded the death of Jesus; but the Jewish religious leaders and the imperial Roman government whose hierarchial power was threatened by the Gospel Message Jesus was preaching.
Yes, this was evidence that God also was upset about what this man named Jesus was teaching, and had seen fit to make Him a public spectacle in the sight of all so that nobody would ever again seek to challenge the teachings of the religious leaders or the traditions of the Jewish people.
Similar moves can be made in the teaching of the thought of religious traditions.
Secondly, they hold that death, far from being complicit with evil as religious traditions have often taken it to be, is the very circumstance that makes it possible to act ethically at all.
What makes any religious tradition a tradition is that it has an essential meaning or motif which can be criticized as inessential only by abandoning rather than appropriating the tradition itself.
It makes use of the resources of the philosophical community and of other religious traditions.
For those who have had little exposure to anything but a specific religious tradition or a denominational faith, or a religionsaturated local or national culture, an introduction to world religions and to cosmopolitan cultures makes certainties less stable.
Since Jesus» teaching was closely related to the Jewish religious tradition and made use of its concepts, since he took for granted the fundamental conception of all Jewish religion, the eventual triumph of the will of God, and since his teaching is vitally concerned with the object of all prophetic hopes and predictions — in a word, since Jesus was Jewish — his religion was essentially «social.»
Both groups were crucial elements of Clinton's coalition in 1992; and although there are religious conservatives in both traditions, the GOP has made only marginal inroads among them so far.
It was solely because of his religious conversion that he joined the political wars and made available the great Christian theological tradition to the American political debate.
In order to make concrete that preaching situation let us assume further that I am a preacher in a church which owns and honors the liturgical tradition, and as a major obedience to that tradition does not deliver over to me — for exploitation according to my ambulatory penchants or enthusiasms — a merely religious occasion, but has from of old designated this Sunday as the second Sunday in Advent.
He was only angry towards the religious Pharisees who in Mark7: 13 making the word of God of no effect through their tradition which they have handed down.
In the lives of women there exists a unique opportunity to develop a sense of God, and there exists something of the essence of God which, though made known to us in Christ, we missed because women were excluded from the ranks of church hierarchy and demeaned in religious tradition.
All three major religious traditions — Protestant, Catholic and Jewish — relied on their communal origins as they made their way into this country.
Most of these guys don't get our traditions some judge them other just make fun of them lets not start any religious wars over it though.
This appeal reflects the conscious effort made during its drafting to seek recommendations and comment from diverse cultural and religious traditions.
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