Sentences with phrase «religious traditions today»

But I have implied that interest in dialogue is characteristic of important segments of all the great religious traditions today.

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Immigration shifts from the 1960s changed the ethnic and religious faces of the country so no tradition dominates today.
To complicate the picture, we have to acknowledge that the Catholic Church today represents the largest single religious community in the United States, while American Catholics have absorbed the free - church traditions on the relation between the Church and politics, believing that a Church that is separate from the state better guarantees the moral foundation as a whole.
Almost forgotten in the last two decades of his life and completely forgotten today except by students of American religious history, Ward was a nationally prominent radical in the early twentieth - century tradition of Walter Rauschenbusch's Social Gospel movement.
Influential though the dissenting Protestant — tradition is, it is clearly only one of many religious traditions in today's America.
Driven by her conviction that «the practices of living religious traditions have great wisdom to impart,» Dorothy Bass examines Christian practices in «both their ancient grounding and the fresh and vibrant forms they take today
The task of the missionary today, it was maintained, is to see the best in other religions, to help the adherents of those religions to discover, or to rediscover, all that is best in their own traditions, to cooperate with the most active and vigorous elements in the other traditions in social reform and in the purification of religious expression.
Today we live in a different world, where people of different religious traditions live together side by side.
We live today in a culture of war, which has made it increasingly important that our religious traditions contribute to generating social change towards peace.
People of different religious traditions are today experiencing a changed world, where they discover the interconnectedness between religions.
Today, most people (including most Christians) just think it is some slightly odd religious ritual that we do for the sake of tradition.
One implication of this complex and dynamic relationship is that the message of the gospel can not today be a direct proclamation of religious truths as they are given in the Bible and in Christian tradition.
Although the exact composition of these partisan alliances varied by era, geography, and the salience of issues, the basic division between coalitions of competing religious traditions is still visible today.
Just as there are parties today, writers of New Testament books had to think how to describe Christian faith to people from two different religious traditions.
We are challenged today at this point by the cultural and doctrinal exuberance of indigenous third - world expressions of Christianity, not to mention unprecedented contact with other world religious traditions on their own terms.
Indeed, the revival of pre-Christian traditions is one of not the largest but the fastest - growing religious movements in America today.
Even so, today it is not uncommon for the religious freedom concept to be swallowed up in the separation concept because freedom here as elsewhere is interpreted in purely negative terms, as the liberal philosophical tradition tends to treat it.
It is acutely painful to biblical religion today, because many people, seeking a way to express their conscience in society, are led to reject any «religious» expression of it, because they identify these corruptions of the biblical tradition with all religious expression.
It is a great gain that today we have friendly and appreciative relations with representatives of other religious traditions.
Indeed, it is my view that the dynamic sub-traditions in the religious world today are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain a stance of indifference toward the presence of other religious traditions or even one of mere opposition.
Its chief appeal today is that it solves the problem of pluralism; its chief weakness, and a sign of its Enlightenment pedigree, is its disregard for the divergent claims of the historic religious traditions.
In my course World Religions Today, students read a book on the place of women in various religious traditions.
Important sociological studies today are showing that the technological cultures of the West, shaped by the secularistic world views derivative of Protestant religious traditions, are dramatically shifting the balance of «intended death» away from homicide to suicide.
To those outside of the Christian tradition the story of Jesus of Nazareth may have little if any significance (just as to most Christians today, though this is certainly not praiseworthy, the story of Muhammed's life holds relatively little religious interest).
It may be true that our religious traditions are part of the problem, but the problem may lie less in an overweening zeal for transcendence than in the localistic immanentalism of American religion, the fissiparous sectarian impulses in much of Protestantism, and the anti-institutional instincts of today's residual romanticism.
«Physics experiments can not demonstrate the existence of God, but this test shows that today's physics is compatible with all major religious traditions.
There are cultural and religious traditions that place special value and significance... and Stacey Plaskett, D - Virgin Islands wrote... With a history of reliable reporting dating back to 1907, today's UPI is a credible source for Asian Dating Sites Scams Are There Dating Sites For Virgins Virginity — Wikipedia — Virginity is the state of a person who has never engaged in sexual intercourse.
There are cultural and religious traditions that place special value and significance... and Stacey Plaskett, D - Virgin Islands wrote... With a history of reliable reporting dating back to 1907, today's UPI is a credible source for
Today, young Arab women outnumber men in universities, and a few are beginning to face down religious and social tradition in order to live independently, to delay marriage, and to pursue professional goals.
The estimates are surrounded by images and data that put Christmas celebrations in the historical context of Charles Dickens» Victorian England, the dawn of the industrial revolution when religious, social and consumer traditions became the foundations of the holiday most Americans know today.
The tradition of celebrating this victory is still carried on today, and each year a week long calendars of events ranging from religious services to carnivals are held.
But just like many of today's geopolitical conflicts, its concept is partly rooted in ancient religious traditions.
He delves deep into old Christian, Kabbalistic, and Far Eastern traditions, explores the world's great mythical, religious, and poetic texts, and forges links between them and the world as it is experienced today.
In reconstructing the chariot with modern industrial materials, the artist questions the link between (religious) traditions and the situation of the city today.
Artists today continue to reflect seriously upon religious traditions, themes, and institutions, suggesting a new approach to spirituality that is more considered than confrontational.
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