Sentences with phrase «religious traditions who»

We can certainly point to great figures in varied religious traditions who exhibit some common moral and spiritual qualities.
My interest in the hypothesis is grounded in part in the way that it validates particularistic Christian confession, but as such the hypothesis also supports those in other religious traditions who are committed to the distinctive truth of their confession.
Or is it improper to suggest that members of other religious traditions who are facing crises try Jesus?
In raising our voice in defence of persecuted Christians, we wish to express our compassion for the suffering experienced by the faithful of other religious traditions who have also become victims of civil war, chaos and terrorist violence.
The question of whether Christians and Muslims worship the same God is not only a question about Muslims but one about all peoples of whatever religious tradition who raise their hearts and hands in prayer to the Divine Other.

Not exact matches

Isn't this what so many of us don't like about people who use religious tradition as a means for explaining their behavior... they're not CONSISTENT?
In extracting «insights from sources as varied as Greek mythology, Catholic mysticism and fairy tales like Cinderella», Mr Rohr has followed in the steps of the religious leaders of Jesus day, who «made the word of God invalid because of your tradition».
They fail to distinguish two types of religious persons who may be part of this group: the first, who depend completely upon the literal interpretation of Scripture and tradition by an authoritarian pastor, and second, those who undertake rescue activity as the command of God, based upon a thoughtful and self - ratified interpretation of the ethical imperatives of the gospel.
those Jews and Christians who still believe that their respective religious traditions can speak to them and to the world beyond them have an important opportunity to speak to each other in a new way.
Hart distinguishes between God as defined by the classical religious traditions and the gods who decorate the pantheons of most of the world's religions.
This global compilation of traditional wisdom shows that none of the great, classical religious traditions conceived of God as a mere intelligent Designer, or as a First Cause within nature, or as a highly moral Personality who happens to be divine as well, or any kind of all - powerful agent that has a primus inter pares relationship with other, less powerful Superbeings and Incredibles.
Structurally, then, the ELCA is designed to give the religious left maximum power in the name of justice, repentance, and inclusiveness and to exclude troublesome voices who know the tradition.
The 16 per cent who say they are religiously «unaffiliated» includes a large majority who say they believe in God, pray, and are more or less like their mainly Christian neighbours, except they don't identify themselves with a specific religious tradition or community.
What made St. Francis so influential was his extraordinary originality: the son of a rich businessman who renounced his wealth and slept in pigstys while retaining the courtliness and gentility that were noble attributes of his era; the anti-establishment figure who founded a great religious institution; the man of radical poverty whose followers were not permitted (even if they had wanted) to imitate his utter rejection of worldly goods; the man of the Bible who never owned a complete one; the author of the first great literary work in Italian dialect, the «Canticle of the Sun,» who was steeped in the jongleur tradition of French poetry and song; the naïf who moved the heart and enriched the religious imagination of that great realist and exponent of papal power, Innocent III; the child of the age of Crusades who sought not the conquest of the Muslims but their conversion.
As we attempted to outline in our last editorial, when we search the pages of human history we do find such a line of spiritual and religious tradition that not only claims the direct authority of the Absolute Transcendent One whose name is «I Am Who I Am», but is also coherently developmental in doctrine and in providence across millennia.
Your spiritual experience is valid to me, and most Pagans don't think of other religious traditions as being «wrong»; we just disagree with anyone who thinks they have a stranglehold on the truth.
Two researchers at University of Tennessee at Chattanooga found that atheists and agnostics run the range from vocally anti-religious activists to nonbelievers who still observe some religious traditions.
The good news here is that these two brave women stand in a long tradition of women who have challenged male religious and political authority in the name of freedom.
Traditions held by religious people, especially Christians, are particularly ridiculed by people who do so as a way to appear enlightened.
In other chapters, Wuthnow examines further significant questions, such as who goes to church or not, why different religious traditions are gaining and losing members, faith and the Internet, recent trends in religious beliefs and spirituality, the role of families in faith formation, and generational differences when it comes to religion and public life.
The message of Our Lord and St. Paul in the Scriptures, and that of the Church's tradition throughout history, is simply this: «Let those who can take religious life take it.»
I see heretics not as people who resist God but as people who do not bow to religious tradition and dogma.
Though the scholars who belong to that tradition will always have diverse motives — religious, nonreligious, even antireligious — these motives are harmful only if they substantively affect the scholarship.
In Eliade, an Indian Christian finds a Guru who opens the eyes to see the wealth of Indian traditions and who has made Indian / oriental religious philosophy dialogue with Western / occidental philosophical thought.
But by and large those who study religion tend to acknowledge the ambiguity of human action, the complexity of ideals in practice, and the inescapable difficulties in interpreting scripture, history and religious traditions.
Religious traditions understand themselves as presenting a truth revealed by a holy and almighty God who calls human beings from a self - centered focus to a life of serving God and neighbor.
Perhaps the revitalization of our religious traditions will come from new efforts to live them as experienced realities, rather than objects of thought, by those who find them meaningful, whatever their own origins may be.
With the group there is a distinction between those members who will engage in religious activity from personal choice or in deference to tradition such as converts and parishioners of a local congregation, and those who are actively religious — temporarily or consistently — such as lay - deacons or the participants in a procession.
For those that have prayer as part of your religious tradition that think it should be no big deal for atheists (or anyone else who don't want to pray in public) to play - act and pray anyway for the discount, what if the restaurant owner offered a discount for anyone that openly worshipped Satan?
See Between Man and Man (London: Regan Paul 1947), p. 89) Such communication by a teacher who has a deep feeling for a religious tradition often leads students to an encounter with the meanings which speak to human needs from that tradition.
As a Protestant who believes that this process of self - criticism, both personal and corporate, is an expression of faith and that every attempt to absolutize any given form of the tradition is idolatrous, one question I ask of other religious communities is whether they encourage this questioning and critical spirit.
It is, in particular, the second of evangelicalism's two tenets, i. e., Biblical authority, that sets evangelicals off from their fellow Christians.8 Over against those wanting to make tradition co-normative with Scripture; over against those wanting to update Christianity by conforming it to the current philosophical trends; over against those who view Biblical authority selectively and dissent from what they find unreasonable; over against those who would understand Biblical authority primarily in terms of its writers» religious sensitivity or their proximity to the primal originating events of the faith; over against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affirms.
Underlying this approach is my conviction that there is One God who has spoken in various ways through the great religious traditions.
Coakley's approach has the advantage of locating feminist interpretation within a specific religious tradition, observes Amy Plantinga Pauw, who teaches theology at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary.
An impartial reading of the Gospels, apart from the conditioning of an excessively juridical and rationalistic theological tradition, makes it unmistakeably clear that it was not God who demanded the death of Jesus; but the Jewish religious leaders and the imperial Roman government whose hierarchial power was threatened by the Gospel Message Jesus was preaching.
I've talked with some who have given up on faith altogether, others who have shifted allegiance to another religious tradition, and a lot who (like me) are still a little uncertain about which road to take next.
Whatever the specifics of their religious tradition, terrorists have often depended for their foot soldiers upon ecstatics who stand outside the ordinary, practical world of means and ends.
Indeed, those who suggest that the elements of various religious traditions can not fit together with integrity are sometimes characterized as the theological equivalent of supporters of the antimiscegenation laws of yore.
Our religious tradition understands that our sexual conduct is at the heart of who we are.
We relegate ourselves to pithy «anonymous» statements instead of actually taking the time to carry on serious and informed dialogue between those who do and do not ascribe to a religious tradition.
Those who are familiar with Western religious traditions have been instructed repeatedly that the content of these faiths has been «revealed» to us.
Praise God for Chrisitans who receive the true gospel, not religious traditions and doctrines, but the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Showing off the American flag is most common among those who belong to a religious tradition; 78 percent of religious Americans show off the flag.
In many cases they are the only representatives of a school's religious tradition, and in some cases they are the only individuals a young person will encounter who will say proudly (albeit subtly) that they believe in God.
For those who have had little exposure to anything but a specific religious tradition or a denominational faith, or a religionsaturated local or national culture, an introduction to world religions and to cosmopolitan cultures makes certainties less stable.
All Shi`as accept these four sources of religious law, but those who derive religious laws from testaments and Traditions define reasoning as the use of analogy, or parallels from Tradition, rather than deductive and inductive reasoning; those who follow the principles of jurisprudence do not accept reasoning by analogy as valid.
Amanda Gregg, who instructs the class, says that she is respectful of Hinduism but argues that yoga didn't «come from» Hinduism as much as it developed alongside the religious tradition.
He was only angry towards the religious Pharisees who in Mark7: 13 making the word of God of no effect through their tradition which they have handed down.
Reviewing the exegetical search of the early writers involves, then, for those of us who have come into the inheritance of these traditions, the responsibility not only to interact with these inherited traditions, but also to interpret these in the context of the «extratextual hermeneutics that is slowly emerging as a distinctive Asian contribution to theological methodology [which] seeks to transcend the textual, historical, and religious boundaries of Christian tradition and cultivate a deeper contact with the mysterious ways in which people of all religious persuasions have defined and appropriated humanity and divinity.»
The belief that God rewarded people for faithfulness to their religious tradition was periodically challenged by prophets like Jeremiah who reminded the people of the law of God written on the heart.
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