Sentences with phrase «religious types using»

every religious type use this threat to sinners as well as unbelievers.

Not exact matches

But Mr. Hayward you use her article as a jumping off point for your own projections on how «religious» people see you SBNR types — liberal, educated, open minded, etc. which doesn't even come from her but from the Shambala Sun!
I think you're reading things in her article that aren't there, and using her article to expose your own feelings about «religious» types.
Behaviour considered idolatrous or potentially idolatrous may include the creation of any type of image of the deity, or of other figures of religious significance such as prophets, saints, and clergy, the creation of images of any person or animal at all, and the use of religious symbols, or secular ones.
When you tell people you are questioning the creation accounts of Genesis 1 - 2, a lot of Christians get very angry, and some religious types will actually fire you from your job... What they don't realize is that you are simply using historical - cultural research to understand Genesis 1 - 2 the way Moses and the Israelites would have understood it.
majority of people who claim to be, «religious,» are hypocrites and bend and twist the words of there religion to fit there own needs, and use it as a means to an end for all types of things.
Some as Stalin enjoy killing or using weak religious types for their own personal gain while others like Hitler rally Christians to a false cause.
The term could be used of any type of gathering, whether social, political, or religious, and even of groups of people that never actually «gather.»
WORLD: We have to be careful not to dehumanize groups of people in monolithic stereo types like we seem to do when we use the words Christains or gays or atheists or religious people.
By those types of earthquakes, it will possible for scientists to re-discover those arcane mysteries which will be used to discredit all fundamental religious doctrines.
Just type down the word «religion, jesus, god» in the CNN search box and you will find a large number of articles with pages of commentaries made by atheists using name calling toward a small amount of religious people compare to atheists who are posting.
«Church», I use that word with a measure of pause every time I type it as their religious standing in America is also questioned and for, what seems, very good reason.
With the holidays approaching, it's the perfect time to celebrate multiculturalism and explore the different types of religious and cultural celebrations from around the world, using our new assembly resource.
Here I use five types of schools: assigned public, magnet public, Catholic, secular private, and other religious.
-RRB-, the main red flag waved to convince voters to reject school vouchers is that, since parents can use the credit at any type of educational institution, a percentage of funds will inevitably be employed towards paying tuition at private religious schools.
As they used to say to religious types — don't pray for rain — pray for warm water anomalies in the right place.
OTOH when it comes to pseudo-Science, i.e. the use of «sciency sounding» terms and phrases to pursue a religious / social / ideological agenda, political ideology seems (to me) to make a big difference: religious types spout creationism (including «intelligent» design) or «divine providence», socialists spout environmentalism (including «global warming»), «conservatives» seem to usually resort to mis - understood, or at least mis - applied engineering formulas, and libertarians are all over the map.
I use the term to mean a type of counseling which is conducted by a therapist who has been trained in both in psychotherapy and religious studies.
The Revised Dyadic Adjustment Scale (RDAS)[12] is a widely used 32 - item measure of relationship quality based on Likert - type ratings of criteria such as agreement on activities and issues such as sex relations, philosophy of life, and religious matters.
Other factors, such as partner type, condom use, religious involvement, and school enrollment, were not predictive of infection.
Other characteristics, such as partner type, condom use at last sex, history of condom use, concurrent sex partners, clinic site, religious involvement, living in a 2 - parent household, and school enrollment, were not predictive of infection (results not shown).
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