Sentences with phrase «religious view point»

I have no religious view point as religion is not something that I subscribe to.

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Religious points of view are irrelevant.
I often tell religious folks not to limit themselves to The Bible, because like our planet being only one of many in the universe, The Bible is a limited point of view.
I belong to a wonderful church where we welcome (encourage) diverse points of view and seek to learn all we can about different religious traditions.
It adds: «With respect to the existence and the political choices of the State of Israel, they must be seen from a point of view that is not in itself religious but based on general considerations of international law.»
This theological vision is now so pervasive that judges barely recognize the Blaine Amendments as having established a distinctive religious point of view.
while i agree that personal religious views shouldn't be an issue in public media coverage of a presidential candidacy, its unfortunately impossible, and at least this article points out the good.
I do find it really interesting that from the view point of some religious followers even a single point they can pick as inconsistent with their stories invalidates the entire scientific method.
The greatness and inviolability of a subject have never yet exempted those who endeavor to find expression for it from the effort of giving their very best from the artistic point of view; and to fail to fulfill this demand when a religious subject of such a sublime nature as the story of Our Lord is involved, is not merely an aesthetic sin.
One could argue that this had religious advantages from a Christian point of view, since it emphasized what God is doing here and now in and with us rather than locating God's action in the distant past.
This vertical connection provided the individual with autonomy, allowing him to evaluate events and relationships from the point of view of religious ethics.
But we can say, for example, that a religious, theological point of view can illuminate scientific research and can help to extract some coherent meaning... In the Catholic Church, we have a theology of creation whose point of view... gives to evolution an additional meaning which is not directly present in thescientific research, but that scientific research is coherent with this point of view.
Now, think from the point of view of a person of other religious faith.
The conflict must continue until the secular and religious groups arrive at a compromise which accepts the best in both points of view, but this will require a sustained effort to liberalize the popular concept of Islam.
Steve, you may be right that they are not necessarily incompatible, but I can't help but point out that your religious views are causing you to refuse to accept well - established science.
Wright notes that «Israel was thus constituted, from one point of view, as the people who heard God's word — in call, promise, liberation, guidance, judgment, forgiveness, further judgment, renewed liberation, and renewed promise... This is what I mean by denying that scripture can be reduced to the notion of the «record of a revelation,» in the sense of a mere writing down of earlier, and assumedly prior, «religious experience.»
He represents a professional group which is very close to the problems of people, and he also represents a community of people who are interested in the implications of their religious point of view for their daily lives.
The things I find most appalling about religion reach a new zenith in Islam --(i) a dulling down of individual thought and a dogmatic requirement to conform to the views of the masses; (ii) a stultifying ignorant education system in which anything inconsistent with the Qur» an is not just discouraged, but censored; (iii) the subjugation of women to the point of educating them to be nothing but mindless f * king, breeding machines for their insecure husbands; (iv) a political class that feeds off the religious - based ignorance it imposes on its populations; and (v) a general back - sliding against the rest of the planet because heads are buried in Dark Ages mythology.
The designers of the Const * itution were brilliant and knew how important it was for future generations to not view their country as one based on Christianity, but as one based simply on freedom, and so they were very careful to put their own religious views aside and make a strong point with separation of church and state.
The court expressed «no view on the merits of the cases» and pointed out that it did not decide whether «religious exercises has been substantially burdened, whether the government has a compelling interest, or whether the current regulations are the least restrictive means of serving that interest.»
Therefore, it is essential that there be no sexual, racial, economic or religious barriers limiting people, because in the new creation we no longer regard each other from «a human point of view
Its point of view is unique among blawgs for taking seriously varied religious traditions rather than mocking them or treating them in a lowest - common - denominator fashion.»
And perhaps it is in these vital areas that it will be most difficult to find new writers to communicate the issues from a religious point of view.
The result gave some indication of the numerical strength of various religious bodies, but the amazing statistic from a long - term point of view is that an astounding 96 per cent of the respondents expressed a religious preference of some kind!
Thirdly, if it did support the biblical view of creation, it would equally support ANY religious view of creation that has the Universe popping into existence at a discrete point in time, including the richly diverse and inconsistent Hindu, Norse and Aboriginal Australian and Native American creation myths.
100 religious men will give you 100 different points of view and by no means should you let a preacher's opinion change your point of view.
In the final chapter it will be shown how the whole range of topics exemplify a religious point of view, provided religion is understood as ultimate devotion and is not restricted to the conventional sectarian sense.
I consider myself a christian, with religious knowledge and general knowlege, however I do not hold to a set of views dictated by an organized religion, I believe the organized religions are where we have gone wrong, as someone pointed out earlier to most «religious people» to question ones faith or organization is wrong but that is exactly what the bible tells us to do... test ALL things to see what is true.
But from the point of view of the tribes, whose religious tradition, as the justices admitted, would be «devastated» by the government's action, there was nothing neutral about the destruction of the forest.
In the first place, and I believe that from the point of view of a religious interpretation of narrative this is exceedingly important, process thinking opens the way for a new grasp of infinity or totality as a religious concept.
How come some people on here claim to possess a logical and fact based mindset, yet can't explain their point of view without acting hostile and demeaning toward «religious people».
I agree that religion ought to be taught in schools from an historical and factual standpoint and not favor any religious point of view.
The third trend is characterized by (1) a clearer methodological consciousness concerning the field, purpose, and method of the sociology of religion; (2) a profounder understanding of the nature of religious communion; (3) a rapprochement between students of religion from theological and philosophical points of view, and of students of society.6 Outstanding are the works of Raoul de la Grasserie and H. Pinard de la Boullaye, S. J., of Roger Bastide and Robert Will.
Most religious texts can be twisted and interpreted to serve any point of view, support any bigotry or tolerant view.
Harrison S. Elliott, a pioneer in the modern approach to religious education, once commented that «mental hygiene contributes to religious education both a point of view and a methodology.»
Thus the philologist would ascertain the meaning of a passage of the Indian Atharva - Veda; the historian would assign it to a period in the cultural, political, and religious development of the Hindu; the psychologist would concentrate on its origin and significance as an expression of feeling and thought; and the anthropologist would deal with it from a folkloristic point of view.
This chapter deals with religion as a particular facet of education in a democracy, but more significant is the fact that all of the preceding chapters set forth a religious point of view by demonstrating what the life of ultimate devotion means in a wide range of human concerns.
But I suppose it has to be dealt with in this consultation from the point of view of its relevance and relation to the problems raised by the threat of Religious Communalism to the Secular Democratic character of Indian polity and the democratic struggle of the people for an egalitarian community.
Last November I pointed out that a significant faction of the Tea Party is a subset of the religious right and that, despite the perception of the movement being comprised of economically - oriented libertarians, the majority held social conservative views.
Most history these days is written from a quite secular point of view in which the religious foundation of culture is little Understood or appreciated.
Why could they not focus on the graduation of students without feeling the need to be intrusive and over-bearing with their religious views to the point that a legal case could be made against them?
I need hardly say that, from the point of view of any of the great religious traditions, the single - minded pursuit of wealth controlling the University of Phoenix is profoundly wrong - headed.
Printing ushered in the Reformation and with it religious plurality and the differentiation of consciousness reflecting competing and conflicting classes and other interests (all struggling for the right to tell stories from their own points of view) in the same society.
One historian summarized the point this way: «Religious freedom was clearly envisaged as the deliberate creation of a situation where every religious opinion and practice, having the right to free expression, would continually contend with all the others in order that error might be exposed to view and the truth be recognizeReligious freedom was clearly envisaged as the deliberate creation of a situation where every religious opinion and practice, having the right to free expression, would continually contend with all the others in order that error might be exposed to view and the truth be recognizereligious opinion and practice, having the right to free expression, would continually contend with all the others in order that error might be exposed to view and the truth be recognized.»
(This finiteness of point of view is after all a traditional religious idea, not just a modern one.)
From a deeply religious point of view, and in the long run, this manner of handling the inequalities of life results in an increasing impoverishment for both the strong and the weak.
Those issues surfaced in the various briefs filed in the Supreme Court, some of which are written as if the court must inevitably choose one religious point of view as the winner and the other as the loser.
To set the stage for considering religion from a cosmological point of view, Whitehead writes, «The most general formulation of the religious problem is the question whether the process of the temporal world passes into the formation of other actualities, bound together in an order in which novelty does not mean loss.»
In the religious consciousness, that is just the position in which the fiend, the negative or tragic principle, is found; and for that very reason the religious consciousness is so rich from the emotional point of view.
For the use of those better placed than I, whose direct or indirect task it is to lead the Church, I wish to show candidly where, in my view, the root of the trouble lies, and how, by means of a simple readjustment at this particular, clearly localized point, we may hope to procure a rapid and complete rebound in the religious and Christian evolution of Mankind.
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