Sentences with phrase «religious views you present»

CNN, do you really think people don't notice that the only religious views you present are liberal ones??? This is not an open - minded religious blog, this is liberal indoctrination.

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This article presents an in - depth defense of the conjugal view of marriage, and I included it on the reading list as part of my efforts to expose students to a range of viewpoints — religious and secular, progressive and conservative.
But we can say, for example, that a religious, theological point of view can illuminate scientific research and can help to extract some coherent meaning... In the Catholic Church, we have a theology of creation whose point of view... gives to evolution an additional meaning which is not directly present in thescientific research, but that scientific research is coherent with this point of view.
Similarly, people born into any given religious faith — Christian, Muslim, Hindu, etc, etc, etc — and who are immersed in that faith, and surrounded by people of that faith, all of their lives — and especially their childhood — can't be expected to suddenly cast off such total indoctrination when an atheist such as myself presents them with certain facts which conflict with their world view.
An honest apologetic that presents rational arguments for a particular religious world view is less likely to indoctrinate then a superficially neutral presentation that contains hidden assumptions and bias.
But such a view of life, which at once accepts man's present limitations and believes in his ultimate potentialities, is only possible to the one who has true religious faith.
If you look at the different types of government ideologies throughout the world, past and present, There is,» Communist, Fascist, Theocratic, Democratic, Republican, ect...» Notice how atheism doesn't fit because atheism is not, like you stated is it, a world view, but rather a rejection of religious world views.
The Gospels, whatever else they may be, are also first - century religious propaganda, and like all propaganda they present a polemical view of the opposition.
The objective of this approach is not to present the religious view on a particular subject, but to generate public discussion and debate about significant issues of the day from many different religious perspectives and viewpoints.
I make these general remarks about the two sorts of judgment, because there are many religious persons — some of you now present, possibly, are among them — who do not yet make a working use of the distinction, and who may therefore feel at first a little startled at the purely existential point of view from which in the following lectures the phenomena of religious experience must be considered.
These trends are antithetical to the traditionalist view, whether secular or religious, which sees present generations as stewards of the future.
Another book which seeks to present Buddhism from the point of view of the Buddhists is The Path of the Buddha, edited by Kenneth W. Morgan and written by eleven Buddhist scholars, three Theravada and eight Mahayana, who were recommended by Buddhists as the religious leaders best able to speak for them.
We were aware that studies of American religion based on national sample could tell us mainly about what was believed in the present and perhaps also in the past, since religious views change relatively slowly.
In view of the current educational debate, we should consider the role of religious education in society and the arguments being put forward by the present - day followers of Sir Robert Peel.
The persuasiveness of religious programs toward change appear to be greatest when they are viewed by a person who is in a state of attitude imbalance or transition and seeking new forms of gratification for his or her needs; when they are viewed by a person for whom religious faith has always been a viable, if not vital, option; when the options being presented are seen as realistic and leading to a desirable end; when opportunity for demonstration exists in proximate distance to the viewing situation; and when the attitude or behavior is not central to the individual's self - concept and ego - functioning.
However, for people who are dissatisfied with their local church, who have little established connection with a local church, or whose religious consciousness may be awakened by a viewed religious program, the research indicates that paid - time religious programs, by presenting themselves as competent alternatives to the local church, offering a range of services similar to the local church, and not referring respondents or enquirers to a local church, may be acting as a barrier to people's developing their faith most fully within this interpersonal context.
And the religious life ought not to be held up as intrinsically «better» than any other calling — a view which became acceptable to the Catholic Church only in the present century.
Also I am only presenting the development of Whitehead's concept of God as a way of showing how unique and how significant as a source of religious insight is his final view.
I presented a very inadequate and elementary paper on Aquinas» view of faith and reason, and Blanshard revealed both his ignorance of Aquinas and his honesty when he reacted to it with great interest and even admitted that if what I said was correct he had «perhaps been mistaken all his life» about the impossibility of any synthesis between religious faith and philosophical reason.
The extremely complex equilibrium at display in this film is pleasantly surprising as it balances the critique of certain aspects of Holy Week with presenting a respectful view at its religious and cultural essence.
And while these elements are certainly present, it diminishes the social dimension of the film to only consider it from a religious and / or ethnic point of view.
In her latest exhibition, currently on view at The New Gallery uptown, Galembo presents portraits taken during cultural and religious events throughout Mexico between 2008 and 2017.
Jim Shaw, «The Hidden World», 1969 — present, collection of religious and pedagogical materials, installation view, «LOST (in L.A.)», 2012, Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery.
For the present, CPA 2004 shields religious hierarchies from the embarrassing discovery that not all congregations share their negative view of same - sex relations.
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